







汉语拼音:qǐ gài







  1. 亦作“ 乞匄 ”。求乞。

    《汉书·西域传上·罽宾国》:“拥彊 汉 之节,馁山谷之间,乞匄无所得。” 颜师古 注:“匄亦乞也。” 宋 司马光 《言赈赡流民札子》:“臣闻民之本性,怀土重迁,岂乐去其乡里,捨其亲戚,弃其邱垄,流离道路,乞丐於人哉。” 清 李渔 《巧团圆·惊燹》:“远远望见有箇乞丐之人,沿途叫化来了。”

  2. 乞求;请求。

    汉 陈琳 《袁绍檄豫州文》:“父 嵩 乞匄携养,因赃假位。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·仙药》:“ 瞿 谢受更生活之恩,乞丐其方。仙人告之曰:‘此是松脂耳。’” 唐 元结 《与李相公书》:“即日辞命担囊,乞丐復归海滨。”

  3. 讨取;索取。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“ 东莞 臧逢世 ,年二十餘,欲读 班固 《汉书》,苦假借不久,乃就姊夫 刘缓 ,乞匄客刺、书翰纸末,手写一本。”《资治通鉴·宋文帝元嘉二十五年》:“ 炳之 见人有烛盘、佳驴,无不乞匄。” 宋 王安石 《上仁宗皇帝言事书》:“官小者,贩鬻、乞丐,无所不为。”

  4. 赦免;宽恕。

    《三国志·吴志·周瑜传》:“窃惟陛下钦明稽古,隆於兴继,为 胤 归诉,乞匄餘罪,还兵復爵,使失旦之鸡,復得一鸣,抱罪之臣,展其后效。”

  5. 专靠要饭要钱过活的人。

    《太平广记》卷一二六引《王氏见闻》:“至於深坊僻巷,马医酒保,乞丐佣作及贩卖儿童辈,并是其狗。”《朱子语类》卷一三○:“钞法之行,有朝为富商,暮为乞丐者矣。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·人部一》:“京师多乞丐……大抵游手赌博之辈,不事生产。” 陈毅 《过太行山书怀》诗:“盗匪告肃清,乞丐无处觅。”

  6. 詈词。


  7. 亦作“ 乞匄 ”。见“ 乞匄 ”。



  1. One day, an old beggar went to a village. He knocked at the door of a rich man to beg for food.


  2. I looked at him carefully, yes, he was a bagger, and he looked old and tired.


  3. I decided that the best way of collecting facts for my articles was that I would become a beggar myself for just one day.


  4. But this time he was no longer a beggar-man black with leprosy and with feet and hands that had rotted away.


  5. One day, when he was travelling the country disguised as a beggar, he stopped at the cottage of a poor ploughman to ask for food.


  6. I am not a beggar. With you always giving so much to me, I am starting to feel that I owe you too much.


  7. "Do not take care of him not, the old mendicant isn't me . . . . . . my companion. " The Du Du glimpses an answer way.


  8. Now many years have passed but the image of myself with a beggar's pole trying to fend off a bunch of barking dogs still haunts me.


  9. I gave him money, full of pride that I was richer than at least one English person, even if he was a beggar.


  1. 懒汉出乞丐

    Idleness is the key of beggary.

  2. 乞丐的施舍

    The Beggars Were the Ones Who Gava.

  3. 乞丐不知足。

    Beggars rs bags are bottomless.

  4. 懒惰出乞丐。

    Idleness is the key of beggary.

  5. 新乞丐王子

    The Adventures of the Prince and the Pauper.

  6. 乞丐和吝啬鬼

    The Beggar and the Miser.

  7. 他们只是乞丐。

    They are just scroungers.

  8. 乞丐大声咒骂。

    The beggar cursed loudly.

  9. 乞丐向他乞讨。

    He was accosted by a beggar.

  10. 拒绝乞丐的乞讨

    to deny a beggar

  11. 我不同情乞丐。

    I have no sympathy for beggars.

  12. 乞丐发财得意忘形。

    Set a beg on horseback and he will ride to the devil.

  13. 流落街头的乞丐

    derelicts living on the streets

  14. 使成为乞丐使穷困

    To make a beggar of impoverish.

  15. 乞丐钱袋无底洞。

    A beggar s purse is bottomless.

  16. 给乞丐一些现金。

    Give some cash to a panhandler.

  17. 马背上的乞丐

    Begger on Horseback

  18. 乞丐们在街头流浪。

    The beggars tramped about the streets.

  19. 这个乞丐衣衫褴褛。

    The beggar dressed in rags.

  20. 圣马丁和乞丐

    Saint Martin and the Beggar.

  21. 乞丐没得挑三拣四。

    The beggar has no right of choice.

  22. 乞丐皇帝电影海报。

    Down and out in beverly hills Movie Poster.

  23. 缠着讨要得乞丐。

    an importunate beggar

  24. 你是乞丐的儿子?

    You the son of these bums?

  25. 那个老乞丐蓬头垢面。

    The old beggar was dirty and unkempt.

  26. 乞丐敲开了盖子。

    The beggar managed to pry open the lid.

  27. 这个乞丐穿着破衣烂衫。

    The beggar was dressed in rags.

  28. 从乞丐一直到王子。

    from a pauper up to a prince

  29. 乞丐的口袋没有底。

    A beggar's purse is bottomless.

  30. 他们沦落成了乞丐。

    They were reduced to mendicancy.


  1. 问:乞丐拼音怎么拼?乞丐的读音是什么?乞丐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乞丐的读音是qǐgài,乞丐翻译成英文是 beggar

  2. 问:乞丐伙伴拼音怎么拼?乞丐伙伴的读音是什么?乞丐伙伴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乞丐伙伴的读音是,乞丐伙伴翻译成英文是 beggardom

  3. 问:乞丐家族拼音怎么拼?乞丐家族的读音是什么?乞丐家族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乞丐家族的读音是qǐ gài jiā zú,乞丐家族翻译成英文是 begging family

  4. 问:乞丐状态拼音怎么拼?乞丐状态的读音是什么?乞丐状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乞丐状态的读音是qǐ gài zhuàng tài,乞丐状态翻译成英文是 pauper status

  5. 问:乞丐王子拼音怎么拼?乞丐王子的读音是什么?乞丐王子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乞丐王子的读音是,乞丐王子翻译成英文是 The Prince and the Pauper

  6. 问:乞丐生活拼音怎么拼?乞丐生活的读音是什么?乞丐生活翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乞丐生活的读音是,乞丐生活翻译成英文是 mendicancy




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