







汉语拼音:jí liang







  1. 脊背。其骨为全身骨骼的主干所在,如屋之有梁,故称。

    元 关汉卿 《拜月亭》第一折:“你心里把褐衲袄脊梁上披,强似着紫朝衣。”《水浒传》第一回:“﹝ 洪太尉 ﹞取过丹詔,用黄罗包袱背在脊梁上,手里提着银手炉,降降地烧着御香。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第一○三章:“有人怕光膀子麦芒扎肉,他不在乎,那古铜色的脊梁上好似刷了一层桐油闪着亮。”

  2. 用作比喻。常指人的意志、胆量和节操。

    《朱子语类》卷五二:“况当世衰道微之时,尤用硬着脊梁,无所屈挠方得。” 曹禺 等《胆剑篇》第五幕:“一个人只要有条脊梁,有点血性,今天就再也不会想到向 夫差 作这样没骨头的事。”

  3. 比喻中坚骨干力量。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·中国人失掉自信力了吗》:“我们从古以来,就有埋头苦干的人,有拚命硬干的人,有为民请命的人,有舍身求法的人……这就是 中国 的脊梁。”



  1. My feet shot out in front of me and I fell backward. My spine landed flat on a rock and my head snapped back against a rough crest of stone.


  2. The HK government needs to grow a backbone and face up to its own pollution problems and stop caving in to money.


  3. Since the music industry is the 'backbone' of karaoke, 'there's been a negative impact on the karaoke industry too. '


  4. We were used to Guy, to the jocular way he planted and twisted stilettos between his wife's ribs.


  5. had brought the sweat out on his forehead, the worst of all was the fear that his backbone was about to snap.


  6. The muscles in her back tightened, pulling down from her spine and causing her back to arc slightly.


  7. It serves as the backbone of our modern society and is essential for a sustainable future and an improved standard of living for all.


  8. His hands ran gently and emotionally round your ears, cheeks, neck, then shoulders, eventually reached your buttocks down your backbone.


  9. Okay. Those climbers were up near the summit, along that summit ridge that you see up there, and I was down here in camp three.


  1. 房屋的脊梁

    ridge piece.

  2. 红松的脊梁

    The backbone of red pine.

  3. 脊梁式挂车

    pole trailer.

  4. 他没有脊梁骨。

    He has no backbone, ie lacks stamina, perseverance, strength of character, etc.

  5. 脊梁式车架

    backbone tray frame.

  6. 这让我脊梁冒汗。

    This sent shivers up my spine.

  7. 西部乳业强壮民族脊梁

    Western Dairy products enhance national health

  8. 百年暴雨我们挺起脊梁

    In the Heaviest Rainstorm in a Century, We Straighten up Our Backs

  9. 自信加自强, 强者之脊梁。

    Self confidence and self reliance is the mainstay of a strong character.

  10. 你特别害怕这是你的脊梁骨。

    Your especial fear is that it will be your backbone.

  11. 我的脊梁弯成了螺旋。

    My spine curves spiral.

  12. 廉洁坚定的法官是社会的脊梁。

    Incorruptible judges are the backbone of the society.

  13. 这里的空寂让我脊梁骨发凉。

    The emptiness here sent shivers down my spine.

  14. 以我们额上的汗水,脊梁上的力量

    By the sweat of our brows, and the strength of our backs

  15. 他从马上摔下来,伤了脊梁骨。

    He sustained an injury to his spine when he fell off his horse.

  16. 压垮骆驼脊梁的最后一根稻草。

    It was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

  17. 他从马上跌下摔断了脊梁骨。

    He broke his spine in a fall from a horse.

  18. 没有脊梁, 能期待他们直立行走吗?

    No backbone, can we expect them to walk upright it?

  19. 好的外交也需要展现一点脊梁骨。

    Good diplomacy also requires showing a bit of backbone.

  20. 温斯顿的脊梁上开始渗出冷汗。

    The sweat started out on Winston's backbone.

  21. 而登山者们就在那个峰顶脊梁上。

    And there were climbers on that summit ridge.

  22. 祖父的鬼故事吓得我脊梁骨发冷。

    Grandfather's ghost sent chills up my spine.

  23. 他们为美国的精神脊梁浇铸了钢筋。

    They give steel to the backbone of america.

  24. 压断骆驼脊梁的稻草最后致命的一击

    Straw that broke the camel's back

  25. 没有权力选择沉沦, 你要做民族的脊梁。

    You have no choice but to go ahead for good forever.

  26. 没有权力选择沉沦,你要做民族得脊梁。

    You have no choice but to go ahead for good forever.

  27. 她在一次攀登事故中折断了脊梁骨。

    She broke her back in a climbing accident.

  28. 阳曲, 地处忻家与晋中盆地之脊梁地带。

    Yangqu, located in the Xin home and backbone of Jinzhong basin area.

  29. 可能是昨夜受风了,她后脊梁疼得厉害。

    Perhaps having been striken by cold last night, her back aches badly.

  30. 在你老年的脊梁尖, 背起遥远的呻吟?

    The backbone of the elderly in your tip on her own distant groan?


  1. 问:脊梁拼音怎么拼?脊梁的读音是什么?脊梁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脊梁的读音是jǐliáng,脊梁翻译成英文是 backbone; a figurative word meaning willpower o...

  2. 问:脊梁骨拼音怎么拼?脊梁骨的读音是什么?脊梁骨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脊梁骨的读音是jǐlianggǔ,脊梁骨翻译成英文是 backbone

  3. 问:脊梁式钢板弹簧片拼音怎么拼?脊梁式钢板弹簧片的读音是什么?脊梁式钢板弹簧片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脊梁式钢板弹簧片的读音是jǐ liáng shì gāng bǎn tán huáng piàn,脊梁式钢板弹簧片翻译成英文是 ribbed spring leaf



意义 原指脊背。后来比喻作支撑的人或物体。 解析 脊,jǐ(本义:背中间的骨头) 同本义 脊,背吕也。——《说文》 举肺脊。——《仪礼·特性礼》 坎为美脊。——《易·说卦传》 或碎脑以折脊。——李白《大猎赋》 又如:脊杖(在罪犯脊背上施加的杖刑);脊令(脊令原。即“鹡鸰”,水鸟名。常比喻兄弟,或兄弟友爱,急难相顾) 物体上像脊梁骨似的隆起部分。如:山脊;屋脊;脊封(书脊上的封皮) 理,条理 有伦有脊。——《诗·小雅·正月》 梁liang(会意。从木,从水,刅(chuāng)声。从“木”从“水”,表示用木料在水上造桥。本义:水桥) 特注:在此处,“梁”字应该读轻声的liang。 同本义 梁,水桥也。——《说文》 梁丽可以冲城。——《庄子·秋水》。司马注:“小船也。” 除道梁溠。——《左传·庄公四年》 谨关梁。——《礼记·月令》 十一月舆梁成。——《孟子》 十月成梁。——《国语·周语》 津梁之上。——《国语·晋语》 造桥为梁,不显其光。——《诗·大雅·大明》 兹郑子引辇上高梁而不能支。——《韩非子·外储说右下》 泽无舟梁。——《庄子》

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