




1. 禺 [yú]2. 禺 [yù]3. 禺 [ǒu]禺 [yú]〔~谷〕古代传说中日落处。亦作“虞谷”、“隅谷”。〔~强〕古代传说中的神。〔~~〕古代传说中的一种鱼。古代区域:十~(十华里的地方)。禺 [yù]古代传说中的一种猴。禺 [ǒ……



汉语拼音:cáo yú






  1. The next part of the article attempts to discuss Cao Yu's betrayal and transcending of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.


  2. The spirits of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism had different effects on Cao Yu's cultural mentality and drama writing at different times.


  3. Cao Yu's four previous works are the interpretations to "humanity" and they also form a complete "Human maze" in general together.


  4. As a matter of fact, the story has already entered the framework of "Oedipus Complex" .


  5. Zhou Puyuan is always a disputed character in Cao Yu's play.


  6. religious and cultural influence on Cao Yu Drama is extremely profound.


  7. Chapter one, studying the image construction of Cao Yu's early dramatic work.


  8. Cao Yu's plays have presented the forceful primitive kind of prototype images for us at first- "forest" and "thunder" .


  9. Works of Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm" China is a milestone in the history of drama.


  1. 论曹禺早期剧作的复调

    On Polyphony in Cao Yu's Early Dramas

  2. 曹禺早期话剧表现艺术拾零

    Gleanings of Express Art of Dramas Written by Cao Yu in His Early Period

  3. 萨特和曹禺的戏剧程式比较

    Comparison between the theatrical conventionalization of sartre and cao yu

  4. 曹禺早期剧作的命运观念研究

    The Summary of Fate Idea in Caoyu's Early Dramas

  5. 曹禺的话剧是诗与戏剧的结合。

    Caoyu s opera is the combination of poem and drama.

  6. 托尔斯泰, 曹禺艺术风格管窥

    A Comparative View on the Writing styles between Tolstoy and Cao Yu

  7. 基督精神对曹禺早期剧作的影响

    Christian Impact on Cao Yu's Early Works

  8. 曹禺戏剧中疯子群像及其原型流变

    The Lunatics and Their Prototypical Flowing in Dramas of Caoyu

  9. 曹禺原名万家宝, 曹禺只是他得笔名。

    The original name of Caoyu is Wanjiabao. Caoyu is just his pen name.

  10. 曹禺原名万家宝,曹禺只是他的笔名。

    The original name of Caoyu is Wanjiabao. Caoyu is just his pen name.

  11. 曹禺原名万家宝,曹禺只是他的笔名。

    The original name of Caoyu is Wanjiabao. Caoyu is just his pen name.

  12. 曹禺的戏剧作品都具有丰富的戏剧性内涵。

    Caoyus works have much dramatic intension.

  13. 试析曹禺剧作总主题的生成及演化

    An Analysis of Generative and Evolvement of the General Theme in Cao Yus Drama.

  14. 从曹禺的剧作看叹词在话剧中的表意功能

    Expressive Function of Interjection in Caoyu's Dramas.

  15. 下篇探究曹禺受到的中西文化的熏陶和影响。

    Last piece studies the influence coming from Chinese and western countries which Cao Yu receives.

  16. 曹禺和易卜生戏剧精神内涵的现代性表现

    Modernity of Spiritual Connotation in the Dramas of Cao Yu and Ibsen

  17. 今年秋天他们要出版曹禺剧作的一个新译本。

    They are publishing a new version of the playscript by Taso Yu this autumn.

  18. 今年秋天他们要出版曹禺剧作之一个新译本。

    They are publishing a new version of the playscript by Taso Yu this autumn.

  19. 曹禺剧作中存在着女性言说与男性叙述得冲撞。

    There is conflict between female speech and male narration in Cao Yu s dramas.

  20. 曹禺剧作中存在着女性言说与男性叙述的冲撞。

    There is conflict between female speech and male narration in Cao Yu s dramas.

  21. 人们修建了一座新剧场作为对曹禺诞生的纪念。

    The people built a new theatre to commemorate the birth of Cao Yu.

  22. 以诗性的神秘主义情怀提高戏剧美感曹禺剧作的诗性研究

    Improving Aesthetic Perception of Drama by Poetic Mysticism FeelingsPoetic Study of Cao Yus Drama

  23. 在我去耶鲁的前一年,他们上演了曹禺的话剧雷雨。

    The year before I went to Yale, they staged Cao Yu's play Leiyu.

  24. 四川本是曹禺最后的改定本,却又不及再版本那样完备。

    The Sichuan edition, revised by Cao Yu, is the last one.

  25. 雷雨研究近70年来,鲜有符合曹禺创作初衷得中得之论。

    Of studies on Thunder Storm for nearly68 years, few results have just come into agreement with Cao Yus original motive of writing.

  26. 雷雨研究近70年来,鲜有符合曹禺创作初衷的中的之论。

    Of studies on Thunder Storm for nearly70 years, few results have just come into agreement with Cao Yus original motive of writing.

  27. 阴郁的色彩深邃的悲情试论曹禺三大悲剧力作的内在意蕴

    Gloomy colour and profound pathos Discussion on inherent significance in the three major tragedy of Cao Yu

  28. 托尔斯泰、曹禺是中外文学史上匠心独具的天才作家。

    Tolstoy and Cao Yu are master writers with specific talents in the history of Chinese and foreign literature.


  1. 问:曹禺拼音怎么拼?曹禺的读音是什么?曹禺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:曹禺的读音是,曹禺翻译成英文是 Cao Yu

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