


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……





汉语拼音:běn dǎo






  1. You cannot imagine how the name of Robben Island made us afraid. It was a prison from which no one escaped.


  2. These planes were held back to protect the enemy's home islands instead of being used where they were badly needed.


  3. The free time also allowed me to pursue what became two of my favorite hobbies on Robben Island: gardening and tennis.


  4. You cannot imagine how the sound of the name of Robben Island made us afraid.


  5. By the end of the year, Chiang and his Nationalist forces had to flee to the island of Taiwan.


  6. He recalled, in almost parable form, what he learned from one of the clergymen who conducted services on Robben Island every Sunday.


  7. Almost from the beginning of my sentence on Robben Island, I asked the authorities for permission to start a garden in the courtyard.


  8. The vegetation type is essentially halophytic in the center with widespread grasses along the sandy shore of the Island.


  9. It did not come from this island or from the larger, neighboring continent of Uylandia, for no such rock existed there.


  1. 这是本岛经济的一大支柱。

    A linchpin of the country's economy.

  2. 这艘游轮正驶往澳门本岛。

    This yacht is heading to the main island of Macao.

  3. 这艘游轮正驶往澳门本岛。

    This yacht is heading to the main island of Macao.

  4. 台湾海峡将台湾本岛与亚洲大陆分隔开。

    The Taiwan StraIt'separates the island of Taiwan from the continent of Asia.

  5. 外国航班从本岛运载旅客的人数有限制。

    There is a restriction on the number of passengers foreign airlines can lift from the island.

  6. 圣淘沙由缆车连接到本岛的花芭山。

    Sentosa is linked to Mount Faber on the main island by cable car.

  7. 本岛特别关心产后抑郁症的早期检查和治疗。

    There is a special interest in the early detection and treatment of postnatal depression.

  8. 圣淘沙是一个位于本岛南方的休闲岛屿。

    Sentosa is a resort island to the south of the main island.

  9. 我国的国立医院传染病科在本岛提供了统一的服务。

    Our State hospital's infectious diseases unit offers centralized service on the island.

  10. 本岛原住民是查莫罗人,约在3500年前在此定居。

    The island is indigenous Chamorro people, about3500 in the former settlement.

  11. 獐所分布的岛屿随着离大陆和本岛距离的增加而减少。

    The number of islands that the deer distributed declines with increase of the distance from the mainland and main island.

  12. 岑港大桥跨越岑港水道, 连接本岛的岑港和里钓岛, 全长793米。

    Cengang Bridge, 793 meters long, sits astride Cengang waterway, connecting Cengang and Lidiao Isle.

  13. 英国农家一般是内行的牧民,尤其是在本岛的北部和西部。

    British farmers generally are good stockmen and this is especially true the further one goes north or west in these islands.

  14. 你无法想象罗本岛这个名字听起来多么令我们恐惧。

    You can't imagine how the name Robben Island made us afraid.

  15. 在英国本岛南部座落著一个似乎被时光遗忘的岛屿。

    To the south of the British mainland, there lies an island that time seems to have forgotten.

  16. 而现在还设有一名副总督,必须是本岛土著居民,由总督任命。

    But there is now a Deputy Governor, who must be a Belonger, appointed by the Governor.


  1. 问:本岛拼音怎么拼?本岛的读音是什么?本岛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本岛的读音是běndǎo,本岛翻译成英文是 The major island in a group of islands after whic...

  2. 问:本岛等拼音怎么拼?本岛等的读音是什么?本岛等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本岛等的读音是Běndǎo Děng,本岛等翻译成英文是 Motoshima Hitoshi

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