


数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……


1. 攒 [zǎn]2. 攒 [cuán]攒 [zǎn]积聚,积蓄:~钱。积~。攒 [cuán]聚,凑集,拼凑:~凑。~集。~钱。~眉。~射(集中射击)。~三聚五(三三五五,聚在一起)。……



汉语拼音:duō zǎn






  1. 见“ 多咱 ”。



  1. Adjust your expenses and budget to the expected new income level before you make a move and save as much money as you can for a cushion.


  2. Dragon pre-school: hope work more, while it also save money, more strength after can ease back to waste their hometown old.


  3. Jim's trying to save more money because he wants to buy a car.


  4. Save more money to buy a common tactic to fairy, we stay on this level in ten thousand, still no progress.


  5. I had hoped to save some more money to buy a new car.


  1. 我们应该多攒些钱。

    We should save more money.

  2. 你需要再多攒些钱才能开始行动。

    You need more money saved before you can take the first step.

  3. 我本希望多攒点钱买辆新车。

    I had hoped to save some more money to buy a new car.

  4. 所以, 奥巴马的计划能多攒多少钱?

    So how much money would Mr Obama's plan raise, and how much would Mr McCain's lose ?

  5. 所以,奥巴马得计划能多攒多少钱?

    So how much money would Mr Obama 's plan raise, and how much would Mr McCain's lose?

  6. 在你走出第一步前你得攒多点钱。

    You need more money saved before you can take the first step.

  7. 一个人可以攒这么多东西。

    The amount of stuff one person can accumulate.

  8. 你不觉得在东京能攒更多的钱吗

    Dont you think you can save more money in Tokyo

  9. 为了攒钱多使用翌年双筒镜会使你终生难忘。

    Another year of using binoculars while building a savings account will be time you'll never regret.

  10. 他赚钱不多,而且把攒下来的一点钱都赌光了。

    He didn't earn much money, and he gambled away the little he had saved.

  11. 去年因为我们攒了足够多的钱,所以去度假了。

    We went on holiday last year, because we saved enough money.

  12. 我试图攒足力气再多干一些活。

    I'm trying to summon up the to do some more work.

  13. 攒够100分就会多奖一条命。

    If you accumulate 100 points you will get an extra life.

  14. 攒够100分就会多奖一条命。

    If you accumulate 100 points you will get an extra life.

  15. 过去几个星期待洗得衣物攒了很多。

    A good deal of laundry accumulated during the past weeks.

  16. 过去几个星期待洗的衣物攒了很多。

    A good deal of laundry accumulated during the past weeks.

  17. 我们没太多钱, 每个礼拜带着攒下的钱去游戏厅。

    We never had a lot of money, so every week we'd collect what we had and go to a video arcade.

  18. 一个人变得多富有, 关键不是他们挣多少, 而是他们攒多少。

    How rich a person becomes has less to do with how much they earn and more to do with how much they save.

  19. 有关如何为退休和孩子上大学攒钱有很多的建议。

    Advice on how to save for retirement or your kids'college is plentiful.

  20. 他退休后用他多年来攒的一大笔财富去买了个农庄。

    Through the years he amassed a large fortune to buy farm after he retired.

  21. 我希望开创我自己的公司,做自己的老板。我知道我应该做什么,要攒很多钱,要尽早开始行动。

    I wanna start my own business and become my own boss. I know what I want to do and have enough money saved, just need to do it before it’s too late.

  22. 年龄越大你积攒的东西就越多。

    The older you get, the more belongings you will accumulate.

  23. 多年来, 我积攒了大量的珍藏本。

    I've accumulated quite a lot of rare books over the years.

  24. 他因工作努力而攒下了很多财富。

    He accumulated great wealth by hard work.

  25. 其实, 我们只是攒机的经验稍微多一些。

    Actually, the experience that we are assemble machine only a little many somes.

  26. 你要知道,你长期积攒的钱越多,你就越富有。

    You need to know that the more savings you accumulate over long period of time the richer you become.

  27. 亚洲的悲观情绪多是在过去两周里积攒的。

    Much of the pessimism in Asia has developed in the past two weeks.

  28. 她在攒盒里放了很多我爱吃的糖果。

    She put lots of my favorite candies in the collecting box.

  29. 她在攒盒里放了很多我爱吃的糖果。

    She put lots of my favorite candies in the collecting box.

  30. 如果你花了太多你积攒的钱,你就有用完钱的风险。

    If you spend more by dipping further into savings, you risk running out of money.

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