







汉语拼音:bā dùn



  1. It looked like you had the pace all qualifying and for a while there you were on pole and then right at the end it was Jenson that got it.


  2. Cal stared at her with narrow, cool eyes, a contrast to the churning emotions that looking at her resurrected.


  3. Lieutenant Colonel Patton's aide had been experienced wars and many setbacks, in an accident in his eyes was blown blind.


  4. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (CCBB) is one of the most amazing leaps in a medium vying for realistic head replacement.


  5. Nora wasn't certain whether to be happy or sad that she wasn't able to dance even once with Cal Barton.


  6. They called their good-bees back, but Cal Barton stood off to one side, his head bare in the sun, watching her leave him.


  7. So Rubens can maybe afford to be a bit more aggressive, and Jenson is going to be thinking more about scoring points.


  8. The war had been raging in Europe for four terrible years by the time Patton's tank crews were ready to fight.


  9. It was Button's demand for an early tyre change that swung the race his way.


  1. 我的偶像的巴顿。巴顿是真正的男人!

    My idol is Patton. Patton is a real man.

  2. 巴顿和1932年的抚恤金进军事件

    Patton and the Bonus March of 1932

  3. 法庭称巴顿需要有条件保释。

    No conditions of bail were released by court.

  4. 巴顿的人生目标是成为英雄。

    Patton's goal in his life was to become a hero.

  5. 巴顿铅粉生极板固化工艺

    Plate Curing Process of Barton Leady Oxide

  6. 陆军现在由巴顿将军直接指挥。

    The army is now under the direct command of General Barton.

  7. 巴顿将军从不动摇他的决心。

    General Patton never falters in his determination.

  8. 巴顿急急火火地要抓住这个机遇。

    Patton lusted to seize that opportunity.

  9. 德怀特长发!是桃莉巴顿的电影。

    Dwight Big huge hair, a Dolly Parton movie.

  10. 没人雇用桃莉巴顿在婚礼上唱歌。

    Nobody hires Dolly Parton to sing at weddings.

  11. 巴顿先生住在城郊的一个镇上。

    Mr. Barton lived in a suburban town.

  12. 我就是。我能为您做点什么呢, 巴顿先生?

    Speaking. What can I do for you, Mr. Barton ?

  13. 岩体节理抗剪强度的巴顿方程评价


  14. 于是我去见了巴顿先生, 你还记得吗?

    So I went to see that guy Barton at the DOJ Do you remember him

  15. 弘兼剑士认为他可以回答巴顿的问题。

    Hirokane believes he has the answer to Barton's question.

  16. 巴顿比尔!你是我们这个时代最好的作家!

    Barton BILL! Youre the finest novelist of our time.

  17. 战争末期,巴顿率领盟军横扫法国,直捣德意志。

    At the end of the war, Patton led the Allied sweep across France and into Germany.

  18. 但德州共和党众议员乔。巴顿向托尼。海沃德致歉。

    But Republican Representative Joe Barton of Texas apologized to Tony Hayward.

  19. 喂,我是汤姆。巴顿。我可以和吉姆。史密斯通话吗

    Hello. This is Tom Barton. May I speak with Jim Smith

  20. 啊,弗雷迪,你知道巴顿这个疯子在说些什么吗?

    Ah, Freddie. Do you realize what this madman Patton is saying?

  21. 此时, 我们就是从放人条款中受益而得到巴顿得。

    At the moment, we are benefiting from a release clause to get Joey Barton.

  22. 此时,我们就是从放人条款中受益而得到巴顿的。

    At the moment, we are benefiting from a release clause to get Joey Barton.

  23. 这可能是巴顿的管理人员研读他的合同细则的好时机。

    This might be a good time for Button's management to study the fine print of his contract.

  24. 只剩下桃莉巴顿独自对我们唱歌这个完美的抽象意念。

    Provide a leakproof abstraction that Dolly Parton is singing, privately, to us.

  25. 由巴顿将军率领美军驱车深入到德国的心脏地带。

    American forces led by General Patton drove deep into the German heartland.

  26. 令人意外的是,巴顿说她的活动没有多少这样的事发生。

    Surprisingly, Patton says theres not too much of it at her events.

  27. 蒙蒂赞同巴顿,也想放弃占领计划中占领布列塔尼部分。

    Monty agreed with Patton. He, too, wanted to abandon the plan to overrun Brittany.

  28. 很久以前,他和约翰?巴顿都喜欢到打枪场里去比赛。

    Long ago he and John Barton had a fancy for shooting at the gallery.

  29. 巴顿牧师, 我想要你发表一份祈求好天气的祷告文。

    patton chaplain , i want you to publish a prayer for good weather.

  30. 今天在巴顿饭馆里,那家伙把嚼过的软骨吐了出去。

    eating off his cold plate. chap in the burton today spitting back gumchewed gristle.


  1. 问:巴顿拼音怎么拼?巴顿的读音是什么?巴顿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巴顿的读音是bādùn,巴顿翻译成英文是 Barton

  2. 问:巴顿反应拼音怎么拼?巴顿反应的读音是什么?巴顿反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巴顿反应的读音是bā dùn fǎn yìng,巴顿反应翻译成英文是 Barton reaction

  3. 问:巴顿威洛拼音怎么拼?巴顿威洛的读音是什么?巴顿威洛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巴顿威洛的读音是bādùnwēiluò,巴顿威洛翻译成英文是 Buttonwillow

  4. 问:巴顿芬克拼音怎么拼?巴顿芬克的读音是什么?巴顿芬克翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巴顿芬克的读音是,巴顿芬克翻译成英文是 Barton Fink

  5. 问:巴顿规则拼音怎么拼?巴顿规则的读音是什么?巴顿规则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巴顿规则的读音是bā dùn guī zé,巴顿规则翻译成英文是 Barton rule

  6. 问:巴顿早熟禾拼音怎么拼?巴顿早熟禾的读音是什么?巴顿早熟禾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巴顿早熟禾的读音是Bādùn zǎoshúhé,巴顿早熟禾翻译成英文是 Poa badensis

  7. 问:巴顿氏蛇蜥拼音怎么拼?巴顿氏蛇蜥的读音是什么?巴顿氏蛇蜥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巴顿氏蛇蜥的读音是bādùnshìshéxī,巴顿氏蛇蜥翻译成英文是 Burton's Snake-Lizard



“巴顿”是个多义词,它可以指巴顿(诺贝尔化学奖得主、中科院外籍院士), 巴顿(AMD处理器核心代号Barton)。

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