






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 浅 [qiǎn]2. 浅 [jiān]浅 [qiǎn]从表面到底或外面到里面距离小的,与“深”相对:深~。~滩。~海。屋子进深~。不久,时间短:年代~。程度不深的:这篇文章很~。~薄。~尝。~见。~近。~陋。颜色淡薄:~红。~淡。浅 ……



汉语拼音:yǎn fú bù qiǎn





  1. You were the joy of a woman's eye.


  1. 而且遭罪不浅

    That's a really bad noise.

  2. 而且中毒不浅!

    And poisoning are not shallow!

  3. 小子,艳福不浅!

    You've got a lot of romance, Kid!

  4. 一知半解, 为害不浅。

    A little learning is a dangerous thing.

  5. 一知半解,为害不浅。

    A little learning is a dangerous thing.

  6. 你的阅历不浅啊!

    That's quite a personal ad you've got going!

  7. 你的阅历不浅啊!

    That's quite a personal ad you've got going!

  8. 他的粗心使他受害不浅

    His carelessness cost him dear.

  9. 谁娶了她, 真是艳福不浅!

    He will be a happy fellow who gets her!

  10. 吸烟迟早会使你受害不浅。

    Smoking will catch up with you sooner or later.

  11. 过量的烟酒将令他受害不浅。

    Excessive drinking and smoking will catch up with him.

  12. 这次得访问让我们获益不浅。

    On the whole, it was an educational and eventful trip.

  13. 这次的访问让我们获益不浅。

    On the whole, it was an educational and eventful trip.

  14. 学校的训谕我们一直铭记在心,受益不浅。

    We have stored in our mind and learned a lot from the school instruction.

  15. 学校的训谕我们一直铭记在心,受益不浅。

    We have stored in our mind and learned a lot from the school instruction.

  16. 你确实干得漂亮。我们感谢你。我们是受益不浅。

    You did a brilliant job and we thank you. We are in your debt.

  17. 过度喝酒和抽烟迟早会使你受害不浅。

    Excessive drinking and smoking will catch up with you.

  18. 和自己意趣相同的人交往,可使人受益不浅。

    One benefits a lot by associating with people who have the same interests.

  19. 但是在这两天一夜里, 我真的获益不浅。

    Personally, I feel it test of our judgement of character.

  20. 不过,他的专业校考成绩达到615分,功力不浅。

    However,his professional school test scores reach 615 points,skill greatly.

  21. 公司最漂亮女孩儿爱上了他,真是艳福不浅呢!

    The prettiest girl in the office has fallen for him: he's certainly not short of luck!

  22. 不过你要是肯赏我一个脸, 那我就感恩不浅了。

    But if you could oblige me, I should take it as a kindness.

  23. 我的福分不浅, 从长辈那里继承了一套精美的瓷质茶杯。

    I was lucky enough to inherit a couple of fine china tea cups.

  24. 普通朋友会专门跑这么远来专门看他,这小子艳福不浅呢。

    Friends will be devoted specifically to see him go so far away, Jerry Yan Fu do not shallow.

  25. 我比较喜欢深颜色而不喜欢浅颜色。

    I prefer dark color to light color.

  26. 这个洞是不是太浅了?

    Was the hole too shallow?

  27. 河太浅,不能行船。

    The stream is too shallow to allow of boating.

  28. 我不爱, 但这并不有很多浅的深度情绪。

    I did not love, but it does not have a lot of shallow depth of sentiment.

  29. 呼吸不足, 呼吸浅漫不正常地慢而浅的呼吸

    Abnormally slow, shallow breathing.

  30. 这个墙基太浅, 不能再加盖楼层了。

    The base of the wall is so shallow that no more storeys can be added.


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