








1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……



汉语拼音:sì tíng bā dāng







  • 【解释】:形容一切事情都安排得十分妥贴。同“四亭八当”。


  1. na.
  2. very well-disposed indeed;have everything in readiness

  1. 街对面停着四辆车。

    There were four parked cars across the street.

  2. 街对面停着四辆车。

    There were four parked cars across the street.

  3. 报馆在三层楼,电梯外面挂的牌子写明到四楼才停。

    The office was on the third floor. A sign on the elevator stated that it stopped only at the fourth floor.

  4. 早上晴朗。一点开始大雨倾盆。四点雨停,天空变得稍微明亮。

    A clear morning gave way to torrential rain between one and four, when it brightened slightly.

  5. 公共汽车停下来,四个人上了车。

    The bus stopped and four people got on.

  6. 萨姆又露面了,不停地咳嗽,唾星四溅。

    Sam resurfaced, coughing and spluttering.

  7. 他在上海停了四天。

    He halted four days in Shanghai.

  8. 例如我們想讓四軸原地懸停

    For example, that's how we can make the quad hover.

  9. 四名助理都不停地擦着脚印。

    Assistants on all fours scrubbed away footmarks.

  10. 四名助理都不停地擦着脚印。

    Assistants on all fours scrubbed away footmarks.

  11. 商务和通信二十四小时不停地着。

    Today, commerce and communications never cease but go around the clock.

  12. 假設我們希望四軸不止是懸停 還要讓桿子平衡

    Suppose that we want this quad to not only hover but to also balance this pole.

  13. 工人们日夜不停地分四班轮流干活。

    The workers always work in four shifts around the clock.

  14. 阿伦再四十英里到纽沃克。我们会在那里停。

    Alan Forty miles from Newark. Well stop there.

  15. 在经过三四秒的悬停之后, 飞机继续缓慢飞行。

    For a space of three or four seconds seemed to hang, almost to stop.

  16. 我们把船停下举目四望正如科学家预测的一样

    And we stopped the ship, and it was just as the scientists had predicted.

  17. 不止一次,我们四个从早上一直到晚上不停开会。

    More than once,we four had meetings which lasted from breakfast to dinner.

  18. 四十天后雨停了, 一场猛烈的风开始吹起来。

    After forty days the rain stopped and a strong wind began to blow.

  19. 今天,商务和通疑二十四大时不停地进止灭。

    Today, commerce and communications never cease but go around the clock.

  20. 一天二十四小时里面有二十小时在不停地说。

    Twenty hours out of twentyfour he would speak without rest or respite.

  21. 这两家公司的股票经停牌两周, 周四复牌后双双飙升。

    Both surged on Thursday, when they resumed trading after a fortnight's suspension.

  22. 第四节, 穆托姆博刺激得图里亚夫娇喘吁吁不停发问。

    At one point in the fourth quarter, Turiaf began peppering Mutombo with questions.

  23. 第四节,穆托姆博刺激的图里亚夫娇喘吁吁不停发问。

    At one point in the fourth quarter, Turiaf began peppering Mutombo with questions.

  24. 四组用户不属于应是可见的,但没有灰色悬停效果了。

    d. Groups that the user does not belong to should be visible, but greyed out with no hover effect.

  25. 四个大汉一听到那个声音,倏地收势急停,呆立在原地。

    As soon as the four burly men heard that voice, they stopped dead in their tracks and stood there stupidly.

  26. 她四下张望,目光停在了商店后部的一个小木盒上。

    As she looked around her, her eyes rested on a small wooden box at the back of the shop.

  27. 电影六台二十四小时不停播放国际怀旧精采好片,是经典电影的宝库。

    Movie 6 Channel is a treasure trove of classic and high quality international movies.

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