






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:àn nài bù zhù







  1. Heart boring for a long time, finally unable to bear the lonely days, take umbrella out of the door.


  2. My mother said that I was a quick temper, in her belly nine months less than to just sit to bear it out.


  3. Finally, one day the Apollo finally can oneself to the goddess of love, the laurel of her pursuit.


  4. Might it not be, the Qin Dynasty flies off the handle and have color heart to the small Hui, then did what?


  5. These words were full of a passion of rebellious restlessness.


  6. The relations between the neighbors in the communities were not impacted. Most unrestrained people in the cities went back home.


  7. By November, the pressure had taken its toll on two of the others, including the irrepressible Liu Yang.


  8. But on Capitol Hill and in Washington's think-tanks, some are more impatient.


  9. Even in the Las Vegas valley, skittish buyers are starting to view homes again, according to Mrs Klinger.


  1. 我能自己走 快点 我按耐不住了。

    I can do it. Okay, hurry, I'm ready.

  2. 这些言语充斥着按耐不住的反抗激情。

    These words were full of a passion of rebellious restlessness.

  3. 因此当我的朋友们听说苏珊转运的事 她们自然按耐不住。

    So when my friends heard about Susan's good fortune, they just couldn't resist.

  4. 按不住心头怒火

    be unable to restrain one's fury

  5. 这些植物耐不住寒冬。

    These plants cannot suffer a cold winter.

  6. 让他久等?他是耐不住这个性子的。

    Asking him to wait? He had no patience in cooling his heels.

  7. 一旦下雨, 谁也耐不住闷在狭小的家里。

    will be bored with having to confine themselves in their close quarters

  8. 象他这样深沉的性格倒叫人耐不住性子了。

    His quality of reserve was exasperating.

  9. 象他这样深沉得性格倒叫人耐不住性子了。

    His quality of reserve was exasperating.

  10. 马库修听完了这些话, 再也耐不住性子了。

    Mercutio had heard enough and couldn't hold back his temper any longer.

  11. 耐不住寂寞的妻子,在单位也同上司发生了关系。

    Be unable to bear doleful wife, in the unit Alexandrine also department produced an impact.

  12. 耐不住寂寞得妻子,在单位也同上司发生了关系。

    Be unable to bear doleful wife, in the unit Alexandrine also department produced an impact.

  13. 他们谈起度假计划喋喋不休,直说得我耐不住大叫起来。

    They gabbled on about their holiday plans till I could have screamed.

  14. 手术后仅半年,耐不住寂寞的杜托伊特便重返泳池。

    It was only six months later that, restless, she jumped back into the swimming pool.

  15. 可是即将有一场足球大赛 大家都耐不住了,怕错过比赛。

    And there's a big soccer game coming up, and the crowd is getting a little restless and a little nervous.

  16. 我比原先汗出得多了。我简直耐受不住热天。

    My sweating has increased notably. I just can't stand warm weather at all.

  17. 旁白他再也按奈不住内心的喜悦,跑回去对他的随从说。

    Aside said the king, who, unable to contain his joy any longer, ran to get his retinue.

  18. 这个水壶上得开关按下时卡不住了。

    The switch on the kettle won't stay down.

  19. 这个水壶上的开关按下时卡不住了。

    The switch on the kettle won't stay down.

  20. 小栓慢慢的从小屋子里走出,两手按了胸口,不住的咳嗽

    Little Chuan walked slowly out of the inner room, his hands to his chest, coughing repeatedly.

  21. 我们不是没有人才,而是被按住了。

    We do have talented people who have been stifled.

  22. 若安按住任意键不放, 火箭即发射。

    Press any key for set off.

  23. 按住鼠标键不动, 然后拖动窗口到理想位置。

    Hold your mouse button down and drag the window to the desired position.

  24. 不用手指按压的不用手指按住而通过弦或小孔结束的。

    Not stopped by a finger. Used of a string or hole of an instrument.

  25. 几个医助按住那个人的胸脯,不让他动弹。

    Several assistants were holding him, and weighing on his chest.

  26. 昨晚要不是我按住你, 你早就把头往墙上撞死。

    If I hadn't pinned you down, you'd have smashed your head against something.

  27. 不是每一种树都能耐住干渴,但是白杨做到了。

    Not every tree can stand thirst, but alamo can do it.

  28. 然后按住两个绿色安钮直到黄色指示灯不闪烁为止。

    Press down both green buttons until yellow indicator light stops flashing.

  29. 不,我希望你在我用大木勺 打他的时候,帮我按住他。

    No. I would like you holding him while I strike him with a large wooden spoon.

  30. 她娴熟地发着短信,把手机按键按得不住地咔嗒响。

    She is sending text messages with unerring skill, the keys are being tapped.

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