


1. 斗 [dǒu]2. 斗 [dòu]斗 [dǒu]中国市制容量单位(十升为一斗,十斗为一石):~酒只鸡(经常用作招待客人的简单酒食,家常便饭)。量粮食的器具:~筲之人(形容人器量狭小,见识短浅)。形容小东西的大:~胆。形容大东西的小:~……


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……







汉语拼音:dòu ér zhù zhuī







  • 【解释】:临到打仗才去铸造兵器。比喻行动不及时。
  • 【出自】:《素问·四气调神大论》:“夫病已成而后药之,乱已成而后治之,譬犹渴而穿井,斗而铸锥,不亦晚呼?”


  1. 网络
  2. zhu;dò

  3. u

  1. 观众们为那个勇敢得斗牛士而疯狂。

    Spoectators were crazy about the brave matador.

  2. 观众们为那个勇敢的斗牛士而疯狂。

    Spoectators were crazy about the brave matador.

  3. 大野猪到了发情期会为了交配而斗得不可开交。

    During the rutting season the big boars have the most terrible mating battles.

  4. 那个女人抓狂,大叫,诅咒,为那些有争议的衣物而斗。

    The women freak out, cry, swear, and pick fights over the disputed items.

  5. 两人都很好斗,而杰克更胜一筹。

    Bacon every time One day, Mr.

  6. 奥巴马慎重, 有时会立场模糊麦凯恩强硬而好斗。

    Mr Obama is deliberative and sometimes vague Mr McCain, forceful and combative.

  7. 他的手指因碰到热烫斗而起泡。

    Touching the hot iron made his finger blister.

  8. 历史可能显示,肯尼迪家族将为其刚愎自用而栽跟斗。

    History may show that the Kennedy family is brought down by its hubris.

  9. 我为斗赢他的如意算盘而采取的任何行动都是正当的。

    Any action I took to circumvent his scheme was justified.

  10. 宁为善而斗,毋屈服于恶。

    It is better to fight for good than to fail at the ill.

  11. 纷纷纭纭, 斗乱而不可乱

    Amid the turmoil and tumult of battle, there may be seeming disorder and yet no real disorder at all

  12. 他们一跃而下, 连翻筋斗, 一次次冲锋。

    They fall, somersault and get punched again and again.

  13. 人类的思想也随星移斗转而日趋开阔。

    The thoughts of men are windened with the process of the suns.

  14. 这漫长而枯燥得学习曲线箕斗建设赢利网站!

    Skip that long and boring learning curve of building profitable websites!

  15. 每个经过审讯室的俘虏都会感到恐惧而颤斗。

    Captives tremble when must pass the Interrogation Chamber.

  16. 敌虽众,可使无斗。故策之而知得失之计,

    Though the enemy be stronger in numbers, we may prevent him from fighting. Scheme so as to discover his plans and the likelihood of their success.

  17. 有两次他把他的拐杖带进去,而有一次他带进去一个媒斗。

    Twice he brought in his walking stick, and once he brought in the coal scuttle.

  18. 他老为他自己劳动的价值而争强斗胜,令人生厌。

    He was tiresome in contending for the value of his own labors.

  19. 以枪法,斗技和吹牛而出名的美国拓荒者和民间英雄人物

    American frontiersman and folk hero known for his marksmanship,fighting skills,and braggadocio

  20. 朴锡斗是欧巴桑们的偶像明星因为同情而帮助菊熙。

    Kang Sung Yun will play Gyung Gook Hee, a bright and valiant wife.

  21. 陶渊明不为五斗米的体面而折腰,带月荷锄归。

    Tao Five Pecks of Rice is not a decent and bow down, with return on Dutch hoe.

  22. 员工的内部暗斗,及诽谤和类似事情,似乎成了习惯,而非例外。

    Staff infighting, backbiting and the like seem to be the rule rather than the exception.

  23. 传动轴带动料斗内播肥盘将肥料拨入输料管而落入犁沟。

    The transmission shaft drives the fertilizer shifting tray in a hopper to shift the fertilizer into a conveying pipe to fallen into a furrow.



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