


年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……


已婚的女子:~人。少(shào )~。妻,与“夫”相对:夫~。儿媳:~姑(婆媳)。媳~。泛指女性:~女。~孺(妇女儿童)。~幼。……





汉语拼音:lǎo fù rén




  1. Marg was no ordinary 84-year-old woman. She was a grandmother, a wife, and daredevil. There was nothing she wouldnt try once.


  2. We mourned, both for the laundry and for the old woman who had grown close to us through the years she had served us so faithfully.


  3. "Yes, " said the old lady, who was the Norn-Spinner. "And of many other places as well. "


  4. The old woman seemed about to say something more, but suddenly stopped short, covered her face with her handkerchief, and left the room.


  5. The pretty young blonde thinks " I bet the Frenchman tried to fondle me in the dark, got the old lady by mistake, and she hit him. "


  6. He made signs to the old woman, but she took up a stick, and struck his horse and drove them away.


  7. Duty done, ChiChi was back in his chair, asleep, by the time the two women were on dry ground and the Lanes had returned to their blankets.


  8. The old woman looked at him in confusion.


  9. The in-demand midfielder has been a target for the Old Lady for the last few months and has stressed his desire to join the Bianconeri.


  1. 干瘪老妇人

    a shrunken old woman

  2. 愚蠢的老妇人

    An elderly woman regarded as being silly.

  3. 利兹的老妇人

    The old woman of leeds.

  4. 老妇人在纺毛。

    The old woman was spinning wool.

  5. 仪态高贵的老妇人

    a stately old woman

  6. 莉莉守着老妇人哭泣。

    Lily wept over the poor old woman.

  7. 那老妇人需要安慰。

    The old lady needs comforting.

  8. 这个老妇人很有钱。

    The old woman has bags of money.

  9. 这老妇人骨瘦如柴。

    The old woman is nothing But skin and Bones.

  10. 小邮差和老妇人

    The Little Messenger and the Old Lady

  11. 一位威严的老妇人

    a stately old lady

  12. 一位可笑的老妇人

    a preposterous old woman

  13. 有年轻情夫的老妇人

    boy toyer

  14. 老妇人吃力地爬上。

    An old woman labored up.

  15. 老妇人精心松土,除草。

    The old woman hoed and weeded with utmost care.

  16. 老妇人被活活饿死。

    The old woman died of starvation.

  17. 这位老妇人衣着皮裘。

    The old lady was clad in a fur coat.

  18. 戴白色帽子的老妇人

    Head of an Old Woman with White Cap.

  19. 疗养院的两个老妇人,

    Two elderly women in a nursing home

  20. 那个老妇人正在穿针。

    The old woman is threading a needle.

  21. 那老妇人以慷慨闻名。

    The old lady is known for her generosity.

  22. 这位老妇人喃喃自语。

    The old woman muttered to herself.

  23. 一位老妇人有一只猫。

    An old woman had a cat.

  24. 老妇人的身体疲惫衰弱。

    The old woman's body drooped with weariness.

  25. 她是个狡猾的老妇人

    She's a crafty old lady.

  26. 这位老妇人衣著皮裘。

    The old lady was clad in a fur coat.

  27. 那个老妇人习惯了早起。

    The old lady was accustomed to keeping early hours.

  28. 老妇人觉得巡官大惊小怪,

    The old lady though he was a fussy creature

  29. 我让座给一个老妇人。

    I gave my seat to an old woman.

  30. 这老妇人年迈体弱。

    The old woman was suffering from age and infirmity.


  1. 问:老妇人拼音怎么拼?老妇人的读音是什么?老妇人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:老妇人的读音是lǎo fù rén,老妇人翻译成英文是 Old Lady

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