


数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……





汉语拼音:duō xīn








  1. 语本《吕氏春秋·重言》:“口吻不言,以精相告, 紂 虽多心,弗能知矣。” 高诱 注:“ 紂 多恶 周 之心。”后称猜疑过多为“多心”。

    元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》第二折:“夫人不要多心,我那里有前妻来。”《红楼梦》第二二回:“ 林妹妹 是个多心的人。别人分明知道,不肯説出来,也皆因怕他恼。” 茹志鹃 《百合花》:“已经借来了,再送回去,倒叫她多心。”

  2. 谓二三其心,反复无定。

    《史记·陈丞相世家》:“ 汉王 召让 平 曰:‘先生事 魏 不中,遂事 楚 而去,今又从吾游,信者固多心乎?’”

  3. 指树木多瘿瘤。

    《易·说卦》:“其为木也,为坚多心。” 清 王夫之 《周易稗疏》卷四:“木癭,其纹盘曲而中结为心。多心者,多癭也。”



  1. "Oh, mother, " he would say, "if only I'd been given just a wee bit of brains, I'd not be so much trouble and worry to you. "


  2. In practice, the software on the chip must be rewritten to exploit multiple cores, but such software is becoming increasingly common.


  3. It is suspicious of you to think he is the thief.


  4. You needn't be oversensitive. It has nothing to do with me.


  5. But she just rolls her eyes8 and asks me when I'm going to worrying so much.


  6. METHODS: We enrolled women from 25 UK antenatal metabolic clinics in a multicentre randomised placebo-controlled trial.


  7. po : ( sees doug ) nothing . i may be too oversensitive . let ' s go.


  8. Sincere friendship is not suspicious.


  9. their brother or sister could be their cousin or . .


  1. 人多心不齐。

    Several men, several minds.

  2. 多心电周期

    multiple cardiac cycles.

  3. 你太多心了吧。

    You read too much into it.

  4. 多心层纤芯

    segmented core.

  5. 宝贝, 你太多心了。

    Baby, you get too worked up about them.

  6. 带形多心电缆

    ribbon multiple cable.

  7. 宝贝,你太多心了。

    Baby, you get too worked up about them.

  8. 爱很多心很痛

    Ai hen duo xin hen tong love too much, heart pain too much.

  9. 他听了这话多心了。

    He became paranoid when he heard this.

  10. 普通对绞多心型

    ordinary twin type

  11. 真诚的友谊是不多心的。

    Sincere friendship is not suspicious.

  12. 你可知道我多心痛?

    How heartbreaked I am, do you know?

  13. 我不会对此多心的。

    I'm not going to get paranoid about it.

  14. 请不要费那么多心。

    Please don't go to all that trouble.

  15. 可能也是我多心的原因吧。

    May also be the reason I am suspicious now.

  16. 我为他费了很多心。

    I devoted a lot of care to him.

  17. 我为他费了很多心。

    I devoted a lot of care to him.

  18. 我没让你失望, 是你多心了。

    I'm not letting you down. you're tripping.

  19. 爱太多心也有坠毁的时候。

    Too much love, heart will be fall down sometime.

  20. 马上去要, 恐怕老头子多心。

    The old man would probably smell a rat if he were to claim them now.

  21. 如果你觉得这是骗局,你是多心了。

    If you think it's a hoax, you're off base.

  22. 你可别多心,她到底可靠不可靠呢?

    Now don't be touchy, but is she reliable?

  23. 你别多心,我只是就一般而论。

    Don't be touchy; I'm speaking in general terms only.

  24. 这也许是自己多心,别去想它。

    Maybe he was just being oversensitive, and he'd better forget about it.

  25. 谢谢你为我费了这么多心。

    I thank you for all the trouble you have taken on my behalf.

  26. 我认为她不喜欢我 难道只是我多心吗?

    I don't think she likes me or am I just being paranoid?

  27. 博没什麽,也许是咱多心了,走吧!

    Po Nothing. I may be too oversensitive. Lets go!

  28. 德州理查不是担太多心的家伙。

    Richard from Texas is not a guy who worries about a lot of stuff.

  29. 表兄妹间的寒暄也会令人多心。

    Even cousinly amenities were subject to suspicion.

  30. 表兄妹间得寒暄也会令人多心。

    Even cousinly amenities were subject to suspicion.


  1. 问:多心拼音怎么拼?多心的读音是什么?多心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多心的读音是duōxīn,多心翻译成英文是 be oversensitive

  2. 问:多心拱拼音怎么拼?多心拱的读音是什么?多心拱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多心拱的读音是duō xīn gǒng,多心拱翻译成英文是 multicenter arch

  3. 问:多心的拼音怎么拼?多心的的读音是什么?多心的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多心的的读音是duō xīn de,多心的翻译成英文是 multiple-core

  4. 问:多心拱桥拼音怎么拼?多心拱桥的读音是什么?多心拱桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多心拱桥的读音是duō xīn gǒng qiáo,多心拱桥翻译成英文是 multi-centered arch bridge

  5. 问:多心电缆拼音怎么拼?多心电缆的读音是什么?多心电缆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多心电缆的读音是duōxīndiànlǎn,多心电缆翻译成英文是 polycore cable

  6. 问:多心畸形拼音怎么拼?多心畸形的读音是什么?多心畸形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多心畸形的读音是duō xīn jī xíng,多心畸形翻译成英文是 multiplicitas cordis

  7. 问:多心皮的拼音怎么拼?多心皮的的读音是什么?多心皮的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多心皮的的读音是duō xīn pí de,多心皮的翻译成英文是 polycarpellary; polycarpous

  8. 问:多心传输线拼音怎么拼?多心传输线的读音是什么?多心传输线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多心传输线的读音是duō xīn chuán shū xiàn,多心传输线翻译成英文是 multiconductor transmission line

  9. 问:多心皮亚组拼音怎么拼?多心皮亚组的读音是什么?多心皮亚组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多心皮亚组的读音是duōxīnpíyàzǔ,多心皮亚组翻译成英文是 Subsect.; Rosaefolii



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