







汉语拼音:sì shí







  1. 四季。

    《易·恒》:“四时变化而能久成。”《礼记·孔子闲居》:“天有四时,春秋冬夏。” 前蜀 韦庄 《晚春》诗:“万物不如酒,四时唯爱春。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷二:“ 靖康 初,京师织帛及妇人首饰衣服,皆备四时。”

  2. 指一年四季的农时。


  3. 指一日的朝、昼、夕、夜。


  4. 乐舞名。

    汉文帝 作。《汉书·礼乐志》:“ 孝文庙 奏《昭德》、《文始》、《四时》、《五行》之舞。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·乐府》:“《武德》兴乎 高祖 ,《四时》广於 孝文 。”参见“ 四时舞 ”。



  1. During his senior year, he took a break from school to work as a programmer at a power plant in southern Washington.

  2. I felt bad because I couldn't be with her more, as she was finishing her senior year and I was here at UP.

  3. In nature, the alteration of four seasons and the change of temperature and humidity are all just to the point.

  4. AS RECENTLY as Thursday, few were willing to predict whether protests in Deraa would spread across the rest of Syria.

  5. Someone with enthusiasm, is not know the color of qiu Lin. 4 in autumn, I was in there, so might as well tell the preference.

  6. With an ever-green scenery and flowers blooming, the city boasts of many tourist attractions.

  7. I listened to a lot of noisy, caustic music in my senior year, even though I'd attended an Indigo Girls concert only two years prior.

  8. Heaven has its four seasons and the Earth, its resources. Being capable of sharing these with populace is truly benevolent.

  9. Planting may be designed according to season so that different parts of a garden bloom at different times.


  1. 凌晨四时。

    Four in the Morning.

  2. 四时轮转。

    The four seasons succeed one another.

  3. 四时五运六气

    six kinds of natural factors.

  4. 子夜四时歌秋歌

    A SONG OF AN AUTUMN midnight

  5. 失四时之从

    inability of the body to adapt to the climatic changes of seasons

  6. 四时, 日乘四季

    four seasons

  7. 不应四时之气

    inability of ZANG QI to adapt to QI of four seasons.

  8. 第一次退役时还是大四时。

    I retired the first time when I was a senior.

  9. 旅客可以在下午四时上船。

    Passengers may board the ship at 4.00 p.m.

  10. 嗯,他今晨四时才回来。

    Yes, he got back at almost four this morning.

  11. 操场在下午四时开始活跃起来。

    The playground comes alive at four in the afternoon.

  12. 四时自轮替,落叶随我意。

    She seems to have no regard for season and drops her leaves when she pleases.

  13. 杂院里得人们, 四时都有苦恼。

    For the people here, each season brought its worries.

  14. 杂院里的人们,四时都有苦恼。

    For the people here, each season brought its worries.

  15. 五脏应四时四方的气候变化证据

    Climatic Evidence on the Corresponding Relationships between the Five Zangs and the Four Seasons, the Four Directions

  16. 今天下午四时有一次团的会议。

    There is a League meeting at four this afternoon.

  17. 在星期三时很热,星期四时却很冷。

    It's hot on Wednesday, but freezing on Thursday.

  18. 愿新年的快乐一年四时常在。

    May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year.

  19. 天地有大美而不言,四时有明法而不议。

    World do not speak with great beauty, four seasons have clear do not debate.

  20. 我明天午后三时到四时之间来看你。

    I will come to see you between three and four tomorrow afternoon.

  21. 他写完这篇文章时,已近凌晨四时了。

    It was getting on to four in the morning when he finished writing the article.

  22. 对敬天拜神、四时的祭祀等也从来不敢轻忽。

    I never neglect the sacrifice to the heaven and god in all seasons.

  23. 约翰要清晨四时来,这根本不符合我的意愿。

    John wanted to come at a.m., which didn't suit me at all.

  24. 我们每天举办两团,早上十时,下午二时至四时。

    We have two tours a day,one from ten to twelve in the morning and the other from two to four in the afternoon.

  25. 自然界四时运作, 温度及湿度的变化都分布得恰到好处。

    In nature, the alteration of four seasons and the change of temperature and humidity are all just to the point.

  26. 种植一般是围绕季相进行设计,来达到园景的四时不同。

    Planting may be designed according to season so that different parts of a garden bloom at different times.

  27. 然而, 星期四时在那里的田地里举行了仪式, 另一架客机坠落。

    However, services were held there Thursday in the field where another jet went down.


  1. 问:四时拼音怎么拼?四时的读音是什么?四时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四时的读音是sìshí,四时翻译成英文是 four o' clock; the four seasons

  2. 问:四时堂拼音怎么拼?四时堂的读音是什么?四时堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四时堂的读音是Sìshítáng,四时堂翻译成英文是 Shijidō



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