







汉语拼音:fǎn pàn








  1. 亦作“ 反畔 ”。背叛,叛变。

    《汉书·梅福传》:“且恶恶止其身, 王章 非有反畔之辜,而殃及家。”《后汉书·应劭传》:“往者 匈奴 反叛……又 武威 太守 赵冲 亦率 鲜卑 征讨叛 羌 。” 唐 刘餗 《隋唐嘉话》卷上:“ 郑公 以为夷不乱 华 ,非久远策。争论数年不决。至 开元 中,六胡州竟反叛,其地復空也。” 沙汀 《老烟的故事》:“小地主的儿子,大学生,在 上海 读书的时候曾经勇敢地反叛过自己的传统地位。”

  2. 叛逆者。

    《红楼梦》第四五回:“我不入社花几个钱,我不成了 大观园 的反叛了么?” 巴金 《雪》第九章:“你们还不给我滚开?我命令你们都去看游艺会去!我不准你们这些反叛开会!”蒲剧《薛刚反朝》第二场:“ 薛猛 (接唱): 宋廉 你再休提先贤古圣,我怎能作反叛玷辱先灵。”



  1. Libya's rebel movement, meanwhile, appeared to be in disarray after the mysterious death of their chief military commander.


  2. Jusu does not know the rebels who killed her daughter, but she is not afraid to speak out in front of her community.


  3. And the word finally can't hold, if LiWenBin no rebelled, that all the things to get over the height to see!


  4. A recent announcement by the Pentagon that it was throwing two armed Predator drones into the fray may also have had a psychological impact.


  5. It was a jolt to most foreign observers and the Nepali elite when Maoist insurgents won the most seats in an election a year ago.


  6. Extreme privation did not prevent tens of thousands of defiant supporters in Gaza this week from celebrating Hamas's founding.


  7. Benjamin Franklin combined better than anyone else the qualities of a great scientist and a great rebel.


  8. Because she had inside information from her scouts, the Union gunboats were able to surprise the Confederate rebels.


  9. "We must blaze the news across the front page of Mutiny! " said the shabby girl.


  1. 创造性反叛

    creative rebellion.

  2. 大众的反叛

    The Revolt of the Masses.

  3. 美声的反叛

    the betray of the bel canto.

  4. 绝望中的反叛

    Rebellion in Despair

  5. 试图抵抗反叛

    managed to stem the reBellion.

  6. 民众反叛政府。

    The masses rebelled against the government.

  7. 一支反叛部队

    a rebel army

  8. 镇压一场反叛

    squash a revolt.

  9. 对反叛的镇压

    the suppression of a rebellion

  10. 谈服饰的反叛

    On Discussion of the Revolt in Dress.

  11. 小军事集团反叛

    rebellion of small military groups

  12. 各部落反叛政府。

    The tribes rebelled against the government.

  13. 他们策划发起反叛。

    They were scheming to spark a revolt.

  14. 暴政往往导致反叛。

    Tyranny is often an invitation to rebel.

  15. 船员们准备公开反叛。

    The crew was ready for open rebellion.

  16. 压迫激怒人民反叛。

    Oppression provoked the people to rebellion.

  17. 纯粹的反叛者

    sheer rebeler.

  18. 这个孩子是在反叛。

    The child was rebelling.

  19. 反叛者们缺少弹药。

    The rebels were short of gunpowder.

  20. 反叛者被迫求和。

    The rebels were forced to sue for peace.

  21. 之前为反叛组织工作。

    He was working with the Resistance.

  22. 之前为反叛组织工作。

    He was working with the Resistance.

  23. 他的话驱使他们反叛。

    His words incited them to rebellion.

  24. 人民起来反叛统治者。

    The people revolted against their ruler.

  25. 策划阴谋, 诡计, 反叛等。

    engineer a plot, scheme, revolt, etc

  26. 个人反叛的暴力美学

    Aesthetics of Violence in the Individualistic Rebel

  27. 镇压叛乱,反叛,起义等

    put down a rebellion, a revolt, an uprising, etc

  28. 这些反叛者有枪么?

    Do these mutineers have guns?

  29. 反叛者已被逮捕。

    The conspirator has been arrested.

  30. 反叛者被压制了。

    The rebels have been brought to heel.


  1. 问:反叛拼音怎么拼?反叛的读音是什么?反叛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反叛的读音是fǎnpàn,反叛翻译成英文是 revolt

  2. 问:反叛乱拼音怎么拼?反叛乱的读音是什么?反叛乱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反叛乱的读音是fǎn pàn luàn,反叛乱翻译成英文是 Counter insurgence

  3. 问:反叛者拼音怎么拼?反叛者的读音是什么?反叛者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反叛者的读音是,反叛者翻译成英文是 conspirator

  4. 问:反叛乱作战拼音怎么拼?反叛乱作战的读音是什么?反叛乱作战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反叛乱作战的读音是fǎn pàn luàn zuò zhàn,反叛乱作战翻译成英文是 Counterinsurgency Operations

  5. 问:反叛乱部队拼音怎么拼?反叛乱部队的读音是什么?反叛乱部队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反叛乱部队的读音是fǎn pàn luàn bù duì,反叛乱部队翻译成英文是 Counterinsurgency Force

  6. 问:反叛乱作战机拼音怎么拼?反叛乱作战机的读音是什么?反叛乱作战机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反叛乱作战机的读音是fǎn pàn luàn zuò zhàn jī,反叛乱作战机翻译成英文是 Counterinsurgency Aircraft

  7. 问:反叛乱控制大队拼音怎么拼?反叛乱控制大队的读音是什么?反叛乱控制大队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反叛乱控制大队的读音是fǎn pàn luàn kòng zhì dà duì,反叛乱控制大队翻译成英文是 CounterinsurgencyControl Group

  8. 问:反叛乱研究与发展系统拼音怎么拼?反叛乱研究与发展系统的读音是什么?反叛乱研究与发展系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反叛乱研究与发展系统的读音是Fǎnpànluàn Yánjiū yǔ Fāzhǎn Xìtǒng,反叛乱研究与发展系统翻译成英文是 Counter-Insurgency Research and Development S...



fǎn pàn 1.亦作 反畔 背叛叛变汉书·梅福传且恶恶止其身王章非有反畔之辜而殃及家后汉书·应劭传往者匈奴反叛……又武威太守赵冲亦率鲜卑征讨叛羌 唐 刘餗 隋唐嘉话卷上郑公以为夷不乱华非久远策争论数年不决至开元中六胡州竟反叛其地复空也东周列国志第一百回朱亥厉声喝曰元帅不奉王命便是反叛了沙汀老烟的故事小地主的儿子大学生在上海读书的时候曾经勇敢地反叛过自己的传统地位 2.叛逆者红楼梦第四五回我不入社花几个钱我不成了大观园的反叛了么 巴金雪第九章你们还不给我滚开我命令你们都去看游艺会去我不准你们这些反叛开会蒲剧薛刚反朝第二场 薛猛接唱 宋廉 ,你再休提先贤古圣我怎能作反叛玷辱先灵

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