











汉语拼音:jìn zài yǎn qián





  1. As the new season comes over the horizon, Wenger finds himself in a similar position to a year ago.


  2. And he did not know how much longer he could stand being so close, yet so far away.


  3. Lucky for you Christmas is just around the corner and everyone of you will run each other over to be the first one to the cash register.


  4. Where did it come from and where Does it go If it were right in front of me Would i know Love love love Love love love! Love love love!


  5. Do not appeal to the designer clothing blind pursuit of the West, in sight of the national culture to be clever application.


  6. 'I could look out over a fishing harbor, ' she says. 'It was the best view I've ever had from a cutting room.


  7. To see one of the world's most dangerous mammal at close must be exciting.


  8. The dark, engulfed in its arrogance, cannot fully believe that its demise is not only certain but on the horizon.


  9. A deal to put Apple's iPhone, officially, on China's largest wireless carrier has always been imminent.


  1. 答案近在眼前却从未想到。

    The answer had been there all of the time just out of reach.

  2. 尽量让画面想象得栩栩如生近在眼前

    I need you to actually see this.

  3. 同时,流浪的十分明显的理由却近在眼前。

    And meanwhile the quite obvious cause of vagrancy is staring one in the face.

  4. 我想说的是半电脑人的未来近在眼前。

    My point is that the cyborg future is here.

  5. 另一方面更大规模的减持行动近在眼前。

    On the other hand, a larger reduction of action in sight.

  6. 我们得生活越来越数字化, 无纸社会近在眼前。

    Our life is becoming more and more digitized. A society without paper hand.

  7. 我们的生活越来越数字化, 无纸社会近在眼前。

    Our life is becoming more and more digitized. A society without paper hand.

  8. 暑假刚开始时,开学显得那么遥远,现在却近在眼前。

    The first day of term, which seemed so far away at the start of the summer holidays, is looming.

  9. 谁需要被牵着鼻子走?那个人近在眼前,但不是我!

    And who needs to draw, that person near, not I!

  10. 城墙已近在眼前,可我还是看不见哨岗,也看不见哨兵。

    As the walls came into sight, I could see neither lookouts nor sentries.

  11. 他们最起码都揪心地意识到,近在眼前就有唾手可得的钱。

    They were at least agonizingly aware of the easy money in the vicinity.

  12. 也不是因为退休近在眼前, 我真的想抽出时间享受生活。

    Not because I saw retirement looking me in the eye and wanted to make sure I really took time off to enjoy life.

  13. 想起我们共同度过的美好时光, 虽然远隔千里, 犹如近在眼前。

    RememBering the happy times we've shared keeps us close across a thousand miles.

  14. 坦塔洛斯之罚美食近在您的眼前, 可是您永远吃不到!

    Chez Tantalus See your dinner hover over you, but never quite get close enough to eat!

  15. 大家都知道可怕的事近在眼前。

    Everybody knew that something awful was afoot.

  16. 就在眼前的

    in the wings.

  17. 报应就在眼前。

    Retribution is at hand.

  18. 报应就在眼前。

    Retribution is at hand.

  19. 景色呈现在眼前

    view greet sb.

  20. 此刻就在眼前

    I had it right here in front of my eyes

  21. 发票近在手边。

    I have the invoice to hand.

  22. 他们就会在眼前

    They're hidden in plain sight.

  23. 这信息就在眼前。

    And this information is out there.

  24. 远程打样就在眼前

    Remote Proofing is in Coming

  25. 胜利就在眼前,陛下。

    Victory is within sight,my Lady.

  26. 胜利就在眼前,陛下。

    Victory is within sight, my Lady.

  27. 幸福在眼前的时候。

    and you have only bliss to look forward to.

  28. 加油!胜利就在眼前。

    Cheer up! Victory is just round the corner.

  29. 这不,报应就在眼前。

    Now the chickens were coming home to roost.

  30. 一具骷髅悬挂在眼前

    A skeleton was dangling before my eyes.

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