







汉语拼音:xiàn shì









  1. 佛教语。今生。对前世、来世而言。

    《百喻经·尝庵婆罗果喻》:“目覩现世贵贱贫穷,皆是先业果报。” 唐 张读 《宣室志》卷三:“﹝ 李生 ﹞曰:‘尝闻释氏有现世之报,吾知之矣。’” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·郊遇》:“罔知往世现世之因,举眼成迷。” 臧克家 《罪恶的黑手一》诗:“有的在现世享福还嫌不够,为来世的荣华到此苦修。”

  2. 也泛指现在,当今。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·随感录》:“爱国者虽偶然怀旧,却专重在现世以及将来。”

  3. 道教、佛教谓神、佛或菩萨显形于人世。

    唐 李去泰 《三教道场文》:“黄金照曜,上有白毫放光;紫气氤氲,下有真人现世。” 元 杨显之 《酷寒亭》第一折:“你看承似现世的活菩萨。”《水浒传》第五三回:“原来 蓟州 人都知道 罗真人 是个现世的活神仙。”

  4. 犹出丑,丢脸。

    元 杨文奎 《儿女团圆》第二折:“堪恨这两箇薄劣种,现世的不成才。”《红楼梦》第六回:“你我这样嘴脸,怎么好到他门上去?只怕他那门上人也不肯进去告诉,没的白打嘴现世的。” 杨旭 《检察官汤铁头》:“你没本事做这工作就不要现世!”



  1. Disease taught him to treasure his own life, exhausted absurdity with his whole life, also do not hope the future, treasure nowadays.


  2. We come to communicate with you to make you aware of the "off world" support that ALL humans have across the planet.


  3. I give you furthermore those things for which you did not ask, such wealth and honor as no king of your time can match.


  4. Yet Austen is never merely a comfort blanket, for her novels make readers think as much as they allow them to escape into another world.


  5. Not in the sense that some beliefs from India have the spirit reborn into a different or better physical form in this world.


  6. The monk makes great efforts to deny this life and pursue nirvana in the kingdom come. However, he never acquaints himself with this life.


  7. For the life she followed here in the world was far less real than the world of death she inherited from her mother.


  8. It had surmounted the limited survival and the present world concern, but had infinite has been possible and the ultimate significance.


  9. In some nations, it is where secularism and Islamism compete, in others the forum for political disputes of every stripe.


  1. 现世实在论

    mundane realism.

  2. 现世的成功

    temporal prosperity.

  3. 现世与未来

    this life and the future.

  4. 现世逝时之球

    Globe of Present time Passing

  5. 最终, 堕落天使降临现世

    At last the fallen angel has the world within his grasp

  6. 现世存在模式的性质及意义

    the nature and significance of the temporal mode of existence

  7. 明代道教现世利益思想略论

    The Thought about Real Interests of Taoism of Ming Dynasty

  8. 而他们的活动范围也在现世。

    The sphere of its action was to be this present life.

  9. 神指定的从现世解救世人的办法。

    the divinely appointed means of rescue from temporal existence.

  10. 所有这一切都不过是骗子得现世报。

    All this was no more than a swindler's just desserts.

  11. 所有这一切都不过是骗子的现世报。

    All this was no more than a swindler's just desserts.

  12. 这东西差不多有八百年未曾现世了。

    I mean, this thing hasn't been seen for, like, 800 years.

  13. 这东西差不多有八百年未曾现世了。

    I mean, this thing hasn't been seen for, like, 800 years.

  14. 在现世的生活中, 没有什么是完美无缺的。

    Theres no earthly reason for me to go.

  15. 它是穆斯林国家现世民主的活例子。

    It is a working example of a secular democracy in a Muslim country.

  16. 我认为现世主义的观点非常正确。

    I think the idea of secularism is a very sound one.

  17. 我们可以思索一下我们现世生活的起迄两端。

    We may speculate about either end of our earthly existence.

  18. 她认为只有我们的现世生活才是重要的。

    She believed that our earthly life is all that matters.

  19. 现世主义者对科学事物的过分强调

    the overemphasis by secularists on the scientific

  20. 在我们现世的生活中,没有什么是完美无缺的。

    In this earthly life nothing is perfect.

  21. 他相信末世会到来,末世之火,现世的毁灭。

    He believes this end is coming, this end of fire, the destruction of the current world.

  22. 他作恶多端总算被抓了,可算是现世报呀!

    He has finally been caught for all the bad things he did, which can be called a retribution in this life.

  23. 他作恶多端总算被抓了,可算是现世报呀!

    He has finally been caught for all the bad things he did, which can be called a retribution in this life.

  24. 她回到了现世,尽管不是以有生命的方式。

    She had been returned to Life, though not in any living form.

  25. 董其昌对现世的感叹,说明了其中的许多道理。

    Dong Qichang on secular laments, illustrates many of the reasons.

  26. 太棒了!让现世的恐惧也跟他一起消亡吧!

    Awesome! Let the present era of fear die with him!

  27. 你能按照他们现世的时间挨次把他们摆列成序么?

    Can you put them in an order according to the time when they appared ?

  28. 奇迹既是开端,也是终结,它改变了现世的时间律。

    Miracles are both beginnings and endings, and so they alter the temporal order.

  29. 它是一种,远远超越现世的,来自你灵魂深处的力量。

    It's a force felt deep on the soul level much beyond this lifetime.

  30. 虔诚与善行可带来解脱与美好生活,甚至在现世生活中。

    Faith and good deeds can bring deliverance and the good life, even in this world.


  1. 问:现世拼音怎么拼?现世的读音是什么?现世翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现世的读音是xiànshì,现世翻译成英文是 this life; lose face

  2. 问:现世报拼音怎么拼?现世报的读音是什么?现世报翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现世报的读音是xiànshìbào,现世报翻译成英文是 according to the superstition, the evildoers is...

  3. 问:现世的拼音怎么拼?现世的的读音是什么?现世的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现世的的读音是,现世的翻译成英文是 mundane

  4. 问:现世邪恶说拼音怎么拼?现世邪恶说的读音是什么?现世邪恶说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现世邪恶说的读音是,现世邪恶说翻译成英文是 malism

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