






1. 靡 [mí]靡 [mí]浪费,奢侈:~荡。~费。侈~。分散:~散(消灭)。古同“糜”,糜烂。……





汉语拼音:zhī sǐ mǐ tā







  • 【解释】:之:到;靡:没有;它:别的。到死也不变心。形容爱情专一,致死不变。现也形容立场坚定。
  • 【出自】:《诗经·鄘风·柏舟》:“之死矢靡它,母也天只,不谅人只。”
  • 【示例】:妾此生不二,~。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. swear everlasting fidelity to someone;have no other intention until death;will never remarry another person until death

  3. >

  1. 我读完它之後,心里充满了恐怖。

    When I had read it I was filled with horror.

  2. 由于这项资料,使我有了相信它之意。

    The information inclined me to believe it.

  3. 它之于键盘就像世界语之于语言和录像机之于录像带。

    It is to the keyboard what Esperanto is to language and Betamax to videotape.

  4. 正直贵如宝石,但用它之人皆穷困而死。

    Plain dealing is a Jewel but they that use it die beggars.

  5. 它之到来犹如欢乐的黎明,结束了束缚黑人的漫漫长夜。

    It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

  6. 评论家不惜把最溢美之词加之于它。

    The critics lavished superlatives on it.

  7. 一言以蔽之,它正是我们简化生命最重要的目标。

    In the end, that is most of goals when we bring simplicity into our lives.

  8. 我知道它之跨过二十年光景, 但现在我已然是一个老人了。

    I know that it spans only twenty years, yet I am an old man.

  9. 身後之事由它去吧。

    After me the deluge.

  10. 身后之事由它去吧。

    After me the deluge.

  11. 生命所在之处, 它从不撤退。

    And wherever life is, it never retreats.

  12. 爵士乐的美妙之处在于它的可塑性。

    The beauty of Jazz is that it's malleable.

  13. 我乃溺水人之墓。它是种田人的。

    There is a drowned man's tomb.

  14. 白松露的迷人之处在于它的香味。

    And the charm of white truffles is in their aroma.

  15. 这个计划的可取之处是它的简单性。

    The redeeming feature of the plan is its simplicity.

  16. 这个计划得可取之处是它得简单性。

    The redeeming feature of the plan is its simplicity.

  17. 这个计划的可取之处是它的简单性。

    The redeeming feature of the plan is its simplicity.

  18. 这是它的聪明之处。它被称为黑曜石。

    This one's clever. It's called obsidian.

  19. 这个投资的诱人之处在于它是免税的。

    It is an attractive investment in that it is tax-free.

  20. 它的体积之大证明它是一头雄毛象。

    Its overall mass indicates that it was a male.

  21. 这个网站的成功之处在于它使用简便。

    The success of the the website is due to the ease of use.

  22. 我的主意奥妙之处在于它花费极少。

    The beauty of my idea is that it would cost so little!

  23. 该酒店得吸引人之处包括它得良好服务。

    The attractions of the hotel include its good service.

  24. 家鸽的神秘之处在于它怎么飞, 怎么找到家的。

    The mystery of the homing pigeon is in how it navigates and how it finds home.

  25. 我们以前叫它减肥之屋

    Yeah,we used to call it The house that bulimia built.

  26. 这幅照片的特别之处在于它的非现实感。

    Whats special about this photograph is its otherworldliness.

  27. 当死亡刺死基督之时,它也刺自己于死地。

    If we would aright it must be by the contemplation of Christ's death.

  28. 这本书的出色之处在于它简单直接的风格。

    The excellence of the book consists in its simple and direct style.

  29. 这本书的出色之处在于它简单直接的风格。

    The excellence of the book consists in its simple and direct style.

  30. 这本书得出色之处在于它简单直接得风格。

    The excellence of the book consists in its simple and direct style.





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