







汉语拼音:kuī sǔn









  1. 损害;缺损。

    《汉书·惠帝纪赞》:“闻 叔孙通 之諫则惧然,纳 曹相国 之对而心説,可谓宽仁之主。遭 吕太后 亏损至德,悲夫!”《三国志·吴志·孙坚传》:“今明公垂意於 卓 ,不即加诛,亏损威刑,於是在矣。”《北史·独孤信传》:“ 大统 三年至 长安 ,以亏损国威,上书谢罪。”《隋书·王伽传》:“卿辈既犯国刑,亏损名教,身婴縲紲,此其职也。” 宋 程大昌 《演繁露·左右史螭陛侍立》:“各上六七十步,方达第一级,皆花砖,微有亏损。”

  2. 指容貌、身体受损伤。

    《陈书·章昭达传》:“少时,尝遇相者,谓 昭达 曰:‘卿容貌甚善,须小亏损,则当富贵。’” 闻一多 《战后文艺的道路》:“今天所谓奴隶与历史上的奴隶不同,真性奴隶是无身体自由的,使其身体亏损如劓、刖、墨、剕、宫等是奴隶的象征。”

  3. 谓收入不够支出;亏折。

    宋 司马光 《遗表》:“商旅不行,酒税亏损,夺彼与此,得少失多。”《元典章·户部六·任罢银钞铜钱使中统钞》:“据 大元 铜钱詔书到日,限五十日内赴各处行用钞库,依例倒换,无致亏损。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·鸦头》:“先是,媪北徙, 赵 以负贩从之。货重难迁者,悉以贱售。途中脚直供亿,烦费不貲,因大亏损。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第二章:“随便乱七八糟凑一帮人,不要说贪污的话,亏损短欠,账目不清,往后怎么和县上结算?”



  1. National Express, the holder of the franchise to run the train service, was losing money and said it would walk away at the end of the year.


  2. It was almost refreshing when the Chelsea Building Society announced large losses because it had been a victim of mortgage fraud.


  3. The bank said the trading loss was due to market turmoil in May and June, when global stock markets fell sharply.


  4. By the time the end of the year arrived, losses piled up on my pad and my job security was at the mercy of a select few I barely knew.


  5. He said that love comes from NH's ability to turn itself around and gradually reduce the size of its losses.


  6. That followed three quarterly losses, but was still less than a tenth of the $7. 7 billion the Wall Street firm made a year earlier.


  7. But the company lost money and Saravanan was forced to sell the land he inherited from his father to pay off his debts.


  8. Then came the whopper: on July 18, Bear Stearns admitted it could not figure out how much money it had lost.


  9. The result of the competition may be more market share, may also be profit decrease or loss capital due to the high competition cost.


  1. 赢利/ 亏损

    to show a profit/ loss

  2. 相对质量亏损

    relative mass defect.

  3. 亏损, 暗含进步。

    Chip Maker Reports Loss but Claims.

  4. 以盈余补亏损

    set gains against losses

  5. 久病而亏损

    be in general debility after a long illness.

  6. 收益被亏损抵销。

    The gains are balanced by the losses.

  7. 肾虚, 下元亏损

    renal asthenia

  8. 亏损不要锁仓。

    Never straddle a loss.

  9. 亏损转回退税

    refund by carrying a loss back to a prior year

  10. 肝肾亏损阴痛

    pain of the vulva due to impairment of the liver and kidney.

  11. 亏损将是巨大的。

    Warburton says, Losses will be substantial.

  12. 但是亏损怎么办呢?

    But what about the losses

  13. 宁可亏损, 不贪便宜。

    Prefer loss to unjust gain.

  14. 做生意等亏损的钱。

    Money lost in a business deal, etc.

  15. 盈余公积弥补亏损

    the earnings surplus atonement loses money

  16. 盈利被亏损抵销了。

    The gains are balanced by the losses.

  17. 亏损结转到结清为止

    deficit carried forward till extinction

  18. 帐面纯利及帐面纯亏损

    Net profit per account and Net loss per account

  19. 我们今年有很大亏损。

    We have a great deficit this year.

  20. 可不能小瞧这些亏损

    These deficits are nothing to sneeze at.

  21. 与利润相对的是亏损。

    The opposite of a profit is a loss.

  22. 年其它业务亏损额

    loss from other operation of the year

  23. 多通道量子数亏损理论

    multichannel quantum defect theory

  24. 审计员发现了这些亏损。

    Auditors discovered the losses.

  25. 我们这个月结账有亏损。

    We ended the month with deficit.

  26. 二亏损或业务紧缩时。

    The business loss or the downsizing of the business.

  27. 比上年减少亏损112。6亿元

    The deficit was reduced by 11. 24 billion yuan.

  28. 华夏证券高层因亏损下台

    Losses force out China Securities chiefs

  29. 亏损就是指亏的更多。

    A loss goes through that limit.

  30. 这个公司由于亏损而停业。

    The business has been crippled by losses.


  1. 问:亏损拼音怎么拼?亏损的读音是什么?亏损翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损的读音是kuīsǔn,亏损翻译成英文是 lose; deficiency

  2. 问:亏损数拼音怎么拼?亏损数的读音是什么?亏损数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损数的读音是kuī sǔn shù,亏损数翻译成英文是 deficient number

  3. 问:亏损群拼音怎么拼?亏损群的读音是什么?亏损群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损群的读音是kuī sǔn qún,亏损群翻译成英文是 defect group

  4. 问:亏损额拼音怎么拼?亏损额的读音是什么?亏损额翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损额的读音是kuī sǔn é,亏损额翻译成英文是 amount of loss

  5. 问:亏损帐户拼音怎么拼?亏损帐户的读音是什么?亏损帐户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损帐户的读音是kuīsǔnzhànghù,亏损帐户翻译成英文是 deficit account

  6. 问:亏损方程拼音怎么拼?亏损方程的读音是什么?亏损方程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损方程的读音是kuī sǔn fāng chéng,亏损方程翻译成英文是 defective equation

  7. 问:亏损条款拼音怎么拼?亏损条款的读音是什么?亏损条款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损条款的读音是kuīsǔn tiáokuǎn,亏损条款翻译成英文是 deficit clause

  8. 问:亏损调整拼音怎么拼?亏损调整的读音是什么?亏损调整翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损调整的读音是kuī sǔn tiáo zhěng,亏损调整翻译成英文是 deficit adjustment

  9. 问:亏损账户拼音怎么拼?亏损账户的读音是什么?亏损账户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损账户的读音是kuī sǔn zhàng hù,亏损账户翻译成英文是 loss account

  10. 问:亏损舱容积拼音怎么拼?亏损舱容积的读音是什么?亏损舱容积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损舱容积的读音是kuī sǔn cāng róng jī,亏损舱容积翻译成英文是 breakage

  11. 问:亏损调节表拼音怎么拼?亏损调节表的读音是什么?亏损调节表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损调节表的读音是kuī sǔn tiáo jié biǎo,亏损调节表翻译成英文是 deficit reconciliation statement

  12. 问:亏损工业企业拼音怎么拼?亏损工业企业的读音是什么?亏损工业企业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损工业企业的读音是kuī sǔn gōng yè qǐ yè,亏损工业企业翻译成英文是 lose-making industrial enterprise

  13. 问:亏损结转下期拼音怎么拼?亏损结转下期的读音是什么?亏损结转下期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损结转下期的读音是kuī sǔn jié zhuǎn xià qī,亏损结转下期翻译成英文是 deficit carried forward

  14. 问:亏损结转条例拼音怎么拼?亏损结转条例的读音是什么?亏损结转条例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亏损结转条例的读音是kuī sǔn jié zhuǎn tiáo lì,亏损结转条例翻译成英文是 lose carry forward rules




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