


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:fā míng jiā



创造新装置、新设计 或新方法者。



发明家 [fā míng jiā]
  1. 发现、创造新事物或新方法的人。




  1. Everyone gets ideas. But to say you're an inventor sounds like a narrow concept, as if you only dabble in chemistry sets.


  2. The final test is to ask whether a prediction is compelling enough to become self-fulfilling, by inspiring inventors to implement it.


  3. The Bank will evoke the memory of the inventor James Watt and his Birmingham business partner, Matthew Boulton on the new note.


  4. While these ideas may not work at least scientists, politicians and other innovators are beginning to explore alternatives.


  5. Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors who invented a lot of things in his life.


  6. An inventor in Tokyo recently came out with a miniature telephone.


  7. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. ---Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, author, and inventor.


  8. The inventor is excited, and he is going to try out his new machine. His idea sounds fine, but we need to try it out in practice.


  9. Edison was one of the greatest inventors that ever lived.


  1. 发明家学会

    Gander Academys Inventors and Inventions.

  2. 我们是发明家。

    We invent.

  3. 但愿我是个发明家。

    I wish I were an inventor.

  4. 他是个伟大的发明家。

    He is a great inventor.

  5. 一个发明家必须是全才

    There's a mix an inventor has to have.

  6. 我能成为一个发明家,纯属偶然

    I became an inventor by accident.

  7. 发明家正在研制蒸汽汽车和电子汽车。

    Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars.

  8. 爱迪生是一个伟大的发明家。

    Edison was a great inventor.

  9. 像爱迪生那样的发明家很少。

    Such inventors as Edison are rare.

  10. 爱迪生是一位伟大的发明家。

    Thomas Edison was a great inventor.

  11. 保护发明家权益的一个法律制度。

    A legal system for protecting the rights of inventors.

  12. 她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家。

    Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor.

  13. 我的绝望使我成为了一个发明家。

    My desperation made me an innovator.

  14. 这个小发明家也被严重地烫伤了。

    The young inventor was badly scalded.

  15. 他们在争论谁是最伟大的发明家。

    They are arguing about who is the greatest inventor.

  16. 更被誉为世界上最伟大的发明家。

    Praised as the greatest inventor in the world even more.

  17. 你能肯定这孩子将来能成为发明家吗?

    Are you the child will be an inventor?

  18. 爱迪生是一个很出名的发明家。

    Edison was a renowned inventor.

  19. 我年轻时的抱负是成为一个发明家。

    In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.

  20. 要成为一名发明家, 你需要哪种精神?

    What kind of spirit do you need to become an inventor ?

  21. 年幼的爱迪生渴望成为一名发明家。

    Young Addison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor.

  22. 所有的发明家都有一个思维活跃的头脑。

    All the inventors have a restless mind.

  23. 年幼的爱迪生就渴望成为一名发明家。

    Young Edison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor.

  24. 一个侏儒发明家声称他可以制造一价飞船。

    A gnome inventor claims he can build a flying ship.

  25. 托马斯。爱迪生是美国伟大得发明家。

    Thomas Edison was a great American inventor.

  26. 有志者, 事竟成。美国发明家爱迪生。

    Where there is a will, there is a way. Thomas Edison, American inventor.

  27. 人们讥笑那发明家对他的发明的过度夸耀。

    People laughed at the inventor s extravagant praise of his invention.

  28. 顺便说一句,发明家广场最适合放风筝。

    Criticize one sentence, inventor passingly the public square flies a kite be suitable for most.

  29. 爱迪生是世界上最为大的发明家之一。

    Edison was one of the greatest inventors in the world.

  30. 爱迪生是世界上最伟大的发明家之一。

    Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors in the world.


  1. 问:发明家拼音怎么拼?发明家的读音是什么?发明家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发明家的读音是fāmíngjiā,发明家翻译成英文是 inventor




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