




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……




人或某些动物体内器官之一,在肝脏右叶的下部:~囊。苦~。~固醇。肝~相照(指对人忠诚,以真心相见)。不怕凶暴和危险的精神、勇气:~量。~气。壮~。~魄。~大妄为(wéi )。装在器物内部而中空的东西:球~。暖瓶~。……



汉语拼音:yī shēn shì dǎn








  • 【解释】:形容胆量大,无所畏惧。
  • 【出自】:《三国志·蜀书·赵云传》注引《云别传》:“先主明旦自来,至云营围视昨战处。曰:‘子龙一身都是胆也!’”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. be brave all through;be absolutely fearless;be every inch a hero;be the very embodiment of valor;full of courage;know no fear;One'

  3. s whole body is valor.;The whole body is one mass of courage.

  1. 耶稣得一身是无罪得。

    Jesus lived a sinless life.

  2. 耶稣的一身是无罪的。

    Jesus lived a sinless life.

  3. 那她是不是一身萝莉打扮

    So does she, like, dress up like Lolita?

  4. 我们的圣诞老人也经常是一身红色。

    Tony Santa Claus is often in red in my country.

  5. 而希拉里却是一身男孩打扮

    who dresses like a boy.

  6. 她从上到下穿的是一身紫色。

    She was dressed from top to toe in purple.

  7. 男的都是一身地正装, 女地是晚礼服。

    Men are being installed and a female in the evening dress.

  8. 男得都是一身地正装,女地是晚礼服。

    Men are being installed and a female in the evening dress.

  9. 让我一身都是光

    Covers my whole body with light

  10. 穿件粗布罩衫,罩衫下是一身旧黑衣裤。

    He wore a blouse, and under his blouse an old black coat.

  11. 我现在是一身两役,你想累死我啊

    I am taking on two tasks now, are you going to tire me out?

  12. 我现在是一身两役,你想累死我啊。

    I am taking on two tasks now, are you going to tire me out?

  13. 小虫的影子都没见过,睡醒就是一身包。

    The shadow of small bug had not seen, up is a suit bag.

  14. 胆绿素、胆红素都是胆色素。

    Bilirubin and biliverdin are both cholochromes.

  15. 朱丽娅从楼上下来时, 穿得是一身浅紫色得衣服。

    When Julia came down, she was wearing a lavender dress.

  16. 朱丽娅从楼上下来时,穿的是一身浅紫色的衣服。

    When Julia came down, she was wearing a lavender dress.

  17. 在他身穿的那一件球衫下面, 是一身结实的肌肉。

    Underneath the jersey he wore were muscles as hard as iron.

  18. 他的行头是一身加压服和一个密封的,充满氧气的头盔。

    He will wear a pressure suit and a sealed helmet supplied with oxygen.

  19. 它集多种功能于一身,是高档产品。

    It combines many functions in one. It is a high grade product.

  20. 在潮湿闷热而且没有空调的环境里,人人都是一身黏湿。

    In the damp and muggy environment without an air-conditioner, everyone feels sticky and wet.

  21. 他集男子汉所有气质于一身,是她心中的偶像。

    He was her ideal of all that was manly.

  22. 但芝加哥只不过是在卧薪尝胆。

    But Chicago was merely licking its wounds.

  23. 荧幕形象从来都是侠肝义胆, 沉实稳重, 不乏睿智。

    Screen image is always there, XiaGanYiDan genus lithospermum, sedate wisdom.

  24. 我希望雕像是穿一身礼服的。

    I want a tuxedo on the statue.

  25. 蒲公英草根是肝脏和胆的补品, 可防止便秘。

    Dandelion root is a tonic to the liver and gallbladder, helping to protect against constipation.

  26. 保守你的心胜过保守一切,因为一身的果效是由心发出的。

    Gard your heart for it wellspring of your life.

  27. 要是你一身珠光宝气,就会引来小偷。

    If you look wealthy, you invite thieves.

  28. 胆汁瘤是腹膜胆汁流体聚集而成,很好

    A biloma is an intperitoneal bile fluid collection. Excellent.

  29. 像他这样集残暴和可耻于一身,实在是我们社会的丑类。

    A person like him who is the combination of cruelty and disgrace is really villain in our society.

  30. 像他这样集残暴和可耻于一身,实在是我们社会的丑类。

    A person like him who is the combination of cruelty and disgrace is really villain in our society.



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