







汉语拼音:yìn zhèng









  1. 亦作“ 印正 ”。亦作“ 印政 ”。谓通过对照比较,证明与事实相符。

    明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·庄岳委谈下》:“復数十年,无原本印证,此书(《水滸传》)将永废矣。” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷中:“ 尧 、 舜 、 子之 之禪让, 汤 、 武 、 楚项 之放伐, 周公 、 莽 、 操 之摄辅,谩无印正,又焉适从。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·颐养·行乐》:“然则汝意云何?试言之,不妨互为印政。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷三:“而惟 钱籜石 ……五君,先后从事最久,遂开 乾隆 已后诸儒以金石之学印证经史一派。” 胡适 《<水浒传>后考》:“这个结论也和我的《<水浒传>考证》的结论相同。这种不约而同的印证使我非常高兴。”

  2. 谓认可。

    清 魏源 《圣武记》卷五:“其大剌麻学道能转世者,则 达赖 、 班禪 印证之,得为胡土克图。”

  3. 指印花税票。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致唐弢》:“有书出版,最好是两面订立合同,再由作者付给印证,帖在每本书上。”参见“ 印花 ”。



  1. The brokerage's sudden fall was a stark reminder of the fragility and ferocity of a financial system built to a remarkable degree on trust.


  2. It was an experience I had with a student, I shall call Alan, early in my teaching career that illustrated the truth of that legend to me.


  3. Together they confirm Wall Street's reputation as a lads' clubhouse with a "No Girls Allowed" sign emblazoned over the door.


  4. But Mr Son said he was not interested in pushing this point by fighting for stronger control of Yahoo globally.


  5. Indeed, when the interior minister, Rehman Malik, this week declared Pakistan to be "in a state of war" , he seemed to confirm as much.


  6. The Super Bowl itself is an example of how much has changed in the advertising industry, says Iezzi.


  7. He showed that there was a great demand for 'erotic literature' and that the printing of pornographic literature flourished.


  8. In their ethical reflection, justice has always been dominant in center position, which had been fully confirmed by Plato's ethical thought.


  9. My own experience seems to confirm many of Murphy's Laws, but it's that second one that I would hang on the wall as a motto.


  1. 印证证明模式

    the verification mode

  2. 信仰崇拜印证

    Faith and adoration and corroboration.

  3. 资料印证工作函

    Comfort Letter

  4. 足迹印证着梦想

    Our footprints verify our dreams

  5. 以生命印证世间

    Confirmin This World with the Life

  6. 这些事实印证了。

    These facts bear out what I saidterday.

  7. 圣经光辉印证当今局势

    Bible Light on Current Events

  8. 和字眼中得到了印证

    and words you can't say.

  9. 诗情印证诗人外交家

    A Diplomat and His Poetry

  10. 你刚好印证我的观点

    Well, you just proved my point.

  11. 一是实行准印证制度。

    Firstly, instituting a printing permit system.

  12. 我不想转头去印证

    I would not turn my head to discover

  13. 所有事实都印证了这一点。

    All the facts have corroborated that.

  14. 他的结论立即得到了印证。

    His conclusion had immediate consequences.

  15. 他的证据可以印证我的证词。

    His evidence bore witness to my testimony.

  16. 这刚好印证了我之前的话。

    This is a perfect example of just what I am saying here.

  17. 无数的辉煌, 印证的是别人的足迹。

    Numerous in the past, is borne out in the footsteps of others.

  18. 无数得辉煌,印证得是别人得足迹。

    Numerous in the past, is borne out in the footsteps of others.

  19. 我印证证实刚才所作的抹。

    I seal and confirm the anointing that has just been done.

  20. 这种说法已得到了科学的印证。

    This view has been confirmed scientifically.

  21. 这种说法已得到了科学得印证。

    This view has been confirmed scientifically.

  22. 湖人得表现印证了伯德得话。

    True to his words, the Lakers proved Bird right.

  23. 因为人子是父神所印证的。

    On him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.

  24. 我国刑事诉讼相互印证的证明模式

    The Mutual Proof Verification Mode in China

  25. 首先,古语印证,眼不见心不烦。

    As with so many things, out of sight is out of mind.

  26. 这些事实印证了我昨天所说的。

    These facts bear out what I said yesterday.

  27. 第二个试验证印证了第一个试验。

    The second experiment confirmed the first.

  28. 你能提出证据来印证你讲的话吗?

    Can you offer any evidence in support of what you say

  29. 无论如何理解与现实又必须互相印证。

    In any case the ideal and the real must always be referred to one another.

  30. 这也许印证了苹果订单减少的说法。

    That would support reports of a cut in Apple orders.


  1. 问:印证拼音怎么拼?印证的读音是什么?印证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印证的读音是yìnzhèng,印证翻译成英文是 confirm



yìn zhèng释义:①通过其他事物进一步证明;②作为进一步证明的事物.yìn zhèng ㄧㄣˋ ㄓㄥˋ印证(印证)

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