







汉语拼音:tiān zī







  1. 天赋;资质。

    《史记·商君列传论》:“ 商君 ,其天资刻薄人也。”《朱子语类》卷七二:“ 明道 天资高,又加以学。”《醒世恒言·小水湾天狐贻书》:“﹝ 杨宝 ﹞ 华西 人氏,年方弱冠,天资颖异,学问过人。” 陈白尘 《大风歌》第三幕:“太后过奖!是皇上天资过人。”



  1. Influential people contributed donations, and with the help of a few assistants he was able to care for homeless and backward children.


  2. But if richness needs gifts with which everyone is not endowed, simplicity by no means comes by nature.


  3. These events will help shake you out of a rut and help you see your goals, talents, and priorities in a new light.


  4. Perhaps, someone will ask: who created the theory of relativity a great scientist, talent must be very smart, right?


  5. Such schooling may be very beneficial: one extraordinary talented little boy I met had learned to read fluently even before entering school.


  6. Ascending to the command of Rogue Squadron, Luke fell in love with one of his squadron-mates, the talented and enigmatic Shira Brie.


  7. The talents and virtues which were displayed in that great struggle were a sure presage of all that has since followed.


  8. At Salem High, I was a good student who worked hard for his grades, but no one would have accused me of being brilliant.


  9. "Matt has a unique talent, " said his mother, Jean. "He does not see himself as disabled. "


  1. 天资。天分

    unstudied talent.

  2. 有音乐天资

    Have an aptitude for music.

  3. 她天资聪颖。

    She was endowed with intelligence and wit.

  4. 学语言的天资

    a gift for languages

  5. 天资聪颖的孩子

    gifted children

  6. 她有数学天资

    She has a good head for mathematics.

  7. 她有艺术天资。

    She has a great dowry for art.

  8. 天资, 天赋的才能

    natural parts

  9. 天资很高的学生

    a student of great aptitude

  10. 天才, 天资, 才能, 爱好

    A talent, an endowment, an aptitude, or a bent.

  11. 他有欣赏音乐的天资。

    He has a gift of appreciating music.

  12. 他天资过人,并世无双。

    He is a very gifted person, a rare genius.

  13. 天资天生的能力, 如学习天资

    An inherent ability, as for learning a talent.

  14. 天资天生的能力,如学习。

    A natural endowment or gift.

  15. 人们有非常不同的天资。

    People have very different aptitudes.

  16. 这个女孩天资颖慧。

    The girl is endowed with brightness.

  17. 他天资非常聪颖, 真是幸运。

    He was blessed with great talent.

  18. 她学语言的天资很高。

    She has a great facility for languages.

  19. 她天资如此聪颖, 前途无量。

    With talent like that, the world is her oyster.

  20. 我相信这家人都天资过人。

    I believe that talents run in the family.

  21. 我相信这家人都天资过人。

    I believe that talents run in the family.

  22. 天资仅是成功的远房亲戚。

    Talent is merely success's distant cousin.

  23. 不擅长, 笨拙缺乏天资或能力

    Lack of talent or ability.

  24. 他的天资宜于学习法律

    He was destined for the law.

  25. 此人天资聪颖, 这无庸置疑。

    The man had genius potential, no doubt of it.

  26. 他有许多天资聪颖的学生。

    He has a handful of intelligent and apt students.

  27. 他有许多天资聪颖的学生。

    He has a handful of intelligent and apt students.

  28. 她没有从事护理工作的天资。

    She had no aptitude for nursing.

  29. 天赋, 天资自然的禀赋或天才

    A natural endowment or gifta talent.

  30. 天资的高低看上去如此悬殊。

    The level of talent seems so disparate.


  1. 问:天资拼音怎么拼?天资的读音是什么?天资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天资的读音是tiānzī,天资翻译成英文是 talent

  2. 问:天资聪颖拼音怎么拼?天资聪颖的读音是什么?天资聪颖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天资聪颖的读音是tiānzīcōngyǐng,天资聪颖翻译成英文是 endowed with great intelligence



天资,指所谓人与生俱来的资质。天资聪明。语出《三国志·吴志·吴主传》:“惟君天资忠亮,命世作佐。”《醒世恒言·小水湾天狐贻书》:“﹝ 杨宝 ﹞ 华西 人氏,年方弱冠,天资颖异,学问过人。”

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