


1. 畜 [xù]2. 畜 [chù]畜 [xù]养禽兽:~产。~牧。~养。畜 [chù]禽兽,有时专指家养的禽兽:~肥。~力。~疫。幼~。牲~。家~。~生。六~兴旺。……





汉语拼音:chù sheng








  1. 指牛、马、羊、鸡、狗、猪等六畜。

    《左传·桓公六年》:“不以畜牲,不以器币。” 杜预 注:“畜牲,六畜。”

  2. 詈词。谓行同禽兽的人。

    贺敬之 丁毅 等《白毛女》第五幕第三场:“他犯的霸占财产、逼死人命、强奸民女的罪,在新社会法律上绝对不能容许,这是一种畜牲的行为。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第九章:“当她‘送’出角门儿以后,望见伪军们朝西走远了,这才咬着牙悄声骂道:‘这些披着人皮的畜牲!’”



  1. Though they had disputes, the decision has been made to put them aside so the land would not once again become the chaotic realm of beasts.


  2. Old Tom's caught the prisoner of war and he's sitting on his head waiting for the army to arrive and take bugger away.


  3. Monkey King, you bastard. You've promised Buddha to help the Longevity Monk to get scriptures in the west. But the King Bull and.


  4. Many are tempted to believe that the power and popularity of the fanged beast are simply explained by our collective love for danger.


  5. Like this kind of person, than an animal as, talk about feelings?


  6. But mostly, if he charges straight, the crowd knows that the black beast is matrue enough, and will fight well and die well.


  7. The man was thought to be an animal because he behaved in a rough and unacceptable way.


  8. The beast rose and then, displaying his habit of letting the fore-leg swing, came down with a crash.


  9. To this domestic animal, six characters: Kills does not have the amnesty! Executes immediately!


  1. 拨走那畜牲?

    And drive the brute off?

  2. 像个畜牲一样

    Like some aanimal.

  3. 你真是个畜牲!

    You really are an asshole!

  4. 才不和那些畜牲一起呢。

    Not with those bastards.

  5. 你这个畜牲,你敢欺骗我?

    You beast, how dare you cheat me?

  6. 因为没有这样我们就是畜牲。

    Because without it we're animals.

  7. 你的行为比畜牲还不如。

    You're behaving worse than an animal.

  8. 那些畜牲们能接触到她吗?

    Can any of these animals get to her?

  9. 这畜牲不会跑太远的。

    The beast can't travel very far.

  10. 我想这个畜牲得到报应了。

    I guess the son of a bitch got what he deserved.

  11. 它虽然被畜牲的脚踩伤。

    Trodden with the cattles feet.

  12. 没人能骑那头畜牲,陛下。

    No one can ride that beast your majesty.

  13. 那畜牲不属于你或任何人。

    That animal doesn't belong to you or anyone else.

  14. 那个畜牲叫唤的声音变了性质了。

    The animal's note changed its quality.

  15. 那个畜牲叫唤得声音变了性质了。

    The animal's note changed its quality.

  16. 狗娘养的!都是你的错,畜牲!

    Son of a bitch! It's your fault you piece of shit!

  17. 我像屠宰畜牲一样的杀了他们!

    And I slaughtered them like animals!

  18. 这个肮脏的畜牲会让你病情恶化。

    He might make you worse, the filthy beast.

  19. 为什么我们不一起把那畜牲做了。

    Why don't we clean out the son of a bitch together.

  20. 任何的奇怪畜牲那里制造一个男人。

    Any strange beast there makes a man.

  21. 我只得重新骑上那头该死的畜牲。

    I had to remount the wretched animal.

  22. 那里承望到如今生下这些畜牲来!

    Little did he expect to beget such degenerates

  23. 他们是畜牲。你知道汉族有多惨吗?

    They are animals. Do you know how much Han people have suffered

  24. 我宁肯嫁给一个畜牲也不愿意嫁给他。

    I would rather marry a beast than marry him.

  25. 他连畜牲都不如,连自己的父母都不养活。

    He is no better than an animal, because he doesn't even support his own parents.

  26. 他连畜牲都不如,连自己的父母都不养活。

    He is no better than an animal, because he doesn't even support his own parents.

  27. 她的老扳是个畜牲,让她干这样重的活。

    Her boss was a brute to work her so hard.

  28. 这个畜牲竟然有脸皮向秘书口授这封信。

    The beast has had the hide.to dictate that to a secretary.

  29. 有少数几个没心肝的小畜牲发出了嘘声。

    A few beasts hissed.

  30. 负载的强力畜牲的这已经被为战争的使用训练。

    This powerful beast of burden has been trained for use in war.


  1. 问:畜牲拼音怎么拼?畜牲的读音是什么?畜牲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:畜牲的读音是chùsheng,畜牲翻译成英文是 brute; Obsolete variant of 畜生.


词语:畜牲读音:chù sheng释义:1.指牛﹑马﹑羊﹑鸡﹑狗﹑猪等六畜,也可以代指所有的动物。 2.詈词。谓行同禽兽的人,是个带侮辱性的贬义词语。

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