




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……







汉语拼音:rén zhōng lóng fèng






  1. Is always, Fuling Fifth man are all ages, humane, courage colored, people Dragon!


  2. But people, like peacocks, will never tire of displaying to friends and potential mates just how wonderful they are.


  1. 要想成为人中龙凤,就要付出多倍的努力。

    If you want to be a virtuous and talented person, you have to redouble your efforts.

  2. 要想成为人中龙凤,就要付出多倍的努力。

    If you want to be a virtuous and talented person, you have to redouble your efforts.

  3. 想像一下,集合我俩的基因孩子一定是人中龙凤。

    Imagine, with your genes and mine, that child is gonna be a knockout.

  4. 桑塔格一直是那种兼具美貌与智慧的人中龙凤。

    Sontag has always been that rarity, a glamorous intellectual.

  5. 无形人中的无形

    Invisibility in Invisible Man

  6. 在其余的人中

    inter alios

  7. 他是俗人中的俗人。

    He is of the world worldly.

  8. 他是人中楷模!

    Hes a prize specimen of the human race!

  9. 六人中有五人投票

    five out of six votes.

  10. 在那些人中占一席之地

    And take your place among the men.

  11. 他父亲是人中之王。

    His father was a king among men.

  12. 现在,千人中有 7。3 人坐牢。

    Nowadays, 7. 3 people per 1, 000 are in prison.

  13. 她是两人中年长的。

    She is the older of the two.

  14. 这些人中有的来到了西部。

    Some of these men, they come west.

  15. 所有人中你该最懂我

    You of all people should get this.

  16. 你是亿万人中的一员。

    You are one of billions of people.

  17. 他们从那些人中召集劳动力。

    They drew the manpower from those people.

  18. 看不见的人中的飞散意识

    Diaspora Consciousness in Invisible Man

  19. 三人中凯特个子最矮。

    Kate is the shortest of the three.

  20. 这些人中当然也包括林彪。

    Of these people, of course, include Lin Biao.

  21. 傲慢的罗马人中了他的圈套。

    The arrogant Roman falling into his trap.

  22. 她使人中多有奸诈的。

    And increases the number of the faithless.

  23. 其它人中传出一些抗议声。

    The rest of the villagers begin to protest a little.

  24. 他是这群人中最聪明的。

    He is the brains of the crowd.

  25. 在场的人中,还有史密斯。

    Smith among others, was there.

  26. 约翰是这群人中的佼佼者。

    John is the best of the bunch.

  27. 无形人中的象征, 存在及异化

    On Symbolism, Existentialism and Alienation in Invisible Man

  28. 她的确是那批人中的精英。

    She is really the cream the crop.

  29. 两人中哪一个是兄呢

    Which is the elder of the two

  30. 这里的人中, 大部分都有车。

    Most of the people here have a car.

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