



破,透:~透。揭~。~窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。~凿。通过,连通:~过。~行(xíng )。着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:~衣。~鞋。……




1. 条 [tiáo]2. 条 [tiāo]条 [tiáo]植物的细长枝:枝~。柳~儿。荆~。泛称条形的东西:~子。面~儿。便(biàn)~儿。金~。铁~。细长的形状:~形。~纹。~案。~几(jī)。~凳。~幅(直挂的长条字画)。苗~。身~……




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:chuān yī tiáo kù zi







  1. 比喻串通一气。

    老舍 《神拳》第三幕:“平日,你跟 张 家穿一条裤子,看不起我们 田 家!” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部五:“ 汤富海 知道县老爷和 朱老虎 穿一条裤子,穷人有天大的理,现在到啥地方去讲呢?”参见“ 穿连襠裤 ”。



  1. You won't win the lawsuit against him. Officials in the county are hand in gove with him.


  2. They are so close as if they could wear the same trousers.


  3. In Hunan, farmers pushed off their land by aggressive property developers discover that local authorities are not on their side.


  4. Greedy individual investors who follow market trends and fades are in the same boat.


  1. 朋友就是穿一条裤子的我与你。

    Friendship is one mind in two bodies.

  2. 如果你跟石油公司穿一条裤子你凭什么谈论节能燃料呢?

    If you're in bed with oil companies, you can't talk about fuel efficiency.

  3. 我就奇怪了, 黄狼子和黑狗精怎么穿上一条裤子了?

    I oddness, how did Huang Lang Zi and black dog Jing put on a pair of pants?

  4. 我穿这件外套配上另一条裤子已产生不同的效果。

    I ring the changes by wearing this coat with the other trousers.

  5. 看我穿上其中一条裤子后,我妻子都热泪盈眶了。

    When I tried on a pair of pants, my wife got tearyeyed.

  6. 不会在连续两天内穿同一条裤子。

    Never wears the same pair of blue jeans two days in a row.

  7. 穿上你的裤子,一条裤子!

    Put on your pants, A pair of pants!

  8. 那就试着穿条裤子。

    Well,why do you try putting on a pair of pants.

  9. 露西穿着一件衬衫和一条蓝裤子。

    Lucy is wearing blue trousers and a blouse.

  10. 他给自己买了一条耐穿的裤子。

    He bought himself a pair of durable trousers.

  11. 她穿著一件蓝上衣一条灰裤子。

    He had on a blue coat and a pair of gray trousers.

  12. 这段布料可以裁一条裤子。

    This piece of material may be cut up to make a pair of trousers.

  13. 这块布料可以裁一条裤子。

    This piece of material may be cut up to make a pair of trousers.

  14. 看在上帝的份上,穿条裤子,我倒想。

    For God's sakes, put some pants on. I wanted to.

  15. 脑子里一个细细得声音说道,就一条裤子呗。

    Said a little voice. Theyre jus pants.

  16. 脑子里一个细细的声音说道,就一条裤子呗。

    Said a little voice. Theyre jus pants.

  17. 什么?2000元一条裤子,我可没有花不完的钱。

    What2000 yuan a trouse. well, I dont have money to burn.

  18. 在我另一条裤子里,可以吗?老天,老兄,弄后一点。

    It's in my other trousers, ok? Jeez, guys, lighten up a little.

  19. 那高个子老是穿着一条长不及踝的裤子。

    The tall man always wore his trousers at half mast.

  20. 她穿一条蓝色的裤子。

    She was wearing blue trousers.

  21. 宁可跛了一条腿进城, 他们也不肯穿着破裤子去。

    It would be easier for them to hobble to town a broken leg a broken pantaloon.

  22. 他穿着一条黑裤子。

    He wore a pair of black trousers.

  23. 我得一条旧裤子因穿得太久,膝盖部分已磨薄了。

    My old pair of pants has worn thin at the knees.

  24. 克劳德穿了一条黑色裤子。

    Claud was dressed in a pair of black trousers.

  25. 我的一条旧裤子因穿得太久, 膝盖部分已磨薄了。

    My old pair of pants has worn thin at the knees.

  26. 他穿者一条红蓝格子裤子。

    He is wearing red and blue check trousers.

  27. 谁会穿只有一条裤管的裤子?

    Who uses one pant?

  28. 他穿着一件蓝上衣和一条灰裤子。

    He had on a blue coat and grey trousers.

  29. 我看见的那个女人穿着一条粉色的裤子。

    The woman I saw was wearing pink trousers.

  30. 她经常穿一件红色的夹克和一条红色的裤子。

    She always wears a red jacket and a pair of red trousers.



穿一条裤子chuān yī tiáo kù zi (1) [have common interests]∶比喻两人关系密切,利害一致。 贪官和这些奸商穿一条裤子 (2) [have common opinion]∶遇事持同样的态度,比喻串通一气。 你们穿一条裤子,早编好了哄我的话。——刘绍棠《田野落霞》

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