


相距,隔开:距~。太阳是~地球最近的恒星。离开,分开:分~。~别。~家。~散(sàn)。~职。~异。~间(jiàn )。支~破碎。缺少:办好教育~不开教师。八卦之一,符号是“☲”,代表火。古同“罹”,遭受。古同“缡”,妇女的佩巾。〔~~〕形……


1. 奇 [qí]2. 奇 [jī]奇 [qí]特殊的,稀罕,不常见的:~闻。~迹。~志。~观。~妙。~巧。~耻大辱。出人意料的,令人不测的:~兵。~计。~袭。出~制胜。惊异,引以为奇:~怪。惊~。不足为~。奇 [jī]数目不成双的,与“偶……



汉语拼音:lí qí







  1. 盘绕屈曲貌。

    汉 邹阳 《几赋》:“迺成斯几,离奇髣髴,似龙盘马廻,凤去鸞归。”《汉书·邹阳传》:“蟠木根柢,轮囷离奇。” 颜师古 注引 张晏 曰:“轮囷离奇,委曲盘戾也。”《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》作“离诡”。 清 侯方域 《明处士汪君墓志铭》附 静子 评语:“参差离奇,所谓每变在颜者也。”

  2. 歪斜貌。

    清 徐大椿 《洄溪道情·时文叹》:“读得来口角离奇,眼目眯萋,脚底下不晓得高低,大门外辨不出东西。”

  3. 比喻十分奇特,不同平常。

    清 卓尔堪 《海市歌》:“尝闻海客説海市,语近离奇心转疑。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·遣试》:“且喜得他天姿英迈,品格离奇,定不是箇池中之物。” 杨朔 《香山红叶》:“听着这个白胡子老人絮絮叨叨谈些离奇的传说,你会觉得 香山 更富有迷人的神话色彩。”



  1. 'But what happens if there is no crime, 'asked Alice, 'and he doesn't do anything wrong at all? That seems a strange way of-'


  2. modernity, in Crane's strange, gorgeous poetry, is all about getting high, about elevation, exultation.


  3. I feel like tearing out the hair on my own head. It would be what they describe as the uncanny semblance between owners and their pets.


  4. So it has been immensely sad, and grotesquely unfair, to watch protesters in London and Paris accusing Israel of behaving as the Nazis did.


  5. The moment had come when in the long, romantic history of Japan the most fearful plunge was to be made.


  6. They were still ascending. Radar continued to track the Cougar until, for some unknown reason, it simply faded away.


  7. Sadly, shortly after Snow White was born, her mother, the good and noble Queen, died of a mysterious illness and the King soon remarried.


  8. presently , the chateau began to make itself strangely visible by some light of its own , as though it were growing luminous.


  9. Hearing of this very strange event, hundreds of local people came to the place. No one could understand how it had happened.


  1. 太离奇了。

    It is outrageous.

  2. 离奇的风俗

    quaint customs.

  3. 离奇的幽默感

    a whimsical sense of humour.

  4. 这太离奇了

    That's crazy.

  5. 真是太离奇了

    That was surreal.

  6. 说的多麽离奇。

    What a curious thing to say.

  7. 离奇的怪石。

    Weird and wonderful rock formations.

  8. 离奇的诈骗案

    A strange case of duplicity.

  9. 离奇有趣的故事

    a droll story

  10. 一切静得离奇。

    Everything was suspiciously quiet.

  11. 曲折离奇的故事

    A story with a quirky twist

  12. 多么离奇的巧合!

    What a creepy coincidence.

  13. 多么离奇的想法!

    What an extraordinary idea!

  14. 滑稽离奇的特性

    A comical or whimsical quality.

  15. 多么离奇的巧合。

    What a creepy coincidence.

  16. 多么离奇的想法!

    What an extraordinary idea!

  17. 有离奇的幽默感

    to have a whimsical sense of humour

  18. 情节的离奇曲折。

    the bizarre convolutions of the plot

  19. 这事儿很离奇。

    This is a very odd business.

  20. 天哪!这真离奇!

    Upon my soul, this is an extraordinary story!

  21. 即是故事的离奇。

    They are stories with a twist.

  22. 哦, 真是离奇极了!

    Oh, that's really extraordinary!

  23. 充满离奇思想的诗

    poems full of whimsy

  24. 哦,真是离奇极了!

    Oh, that's really extraordinary!

  25. 纪委书记离奇失踪

    Discipline Inspection Commission secretary of the mysterious disappearances

  26. 事实比虚构更离奇。

    Truth is often stranger than fiction.

  27. 就像个离奇的梦。

    Just like a fantastic dream.

  28. 古怪有趣的离奇可笑的

    Droll amusingly odd or whimsically comical

  29. 这是个离奇的故事。

    This is a funny story.

  30. 一个多么离奇的故事!

    What a queer story!


  1. 问:离奇拼音怎么拼?离奇的读音是什么?离奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离奇的读音是líqí,离奇翻译成英文是 odd

  2. 问:离奇的拼音怎么拼?离奇的的读音是什么?离奇的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离奇的的读音是,离奇的翻译成英文是 offbeat

  3. 问:离奇有趣拼音怎么拼?离奇有趣的读音是什么?离奇有趣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离奇有趣的读音是,离奇有趣翻译成英文是 quaintness

  4. 问:离奇水绵拼音怎么拼?离奇水绵的读音是什么?离奇水绵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离奇水绵的读音是líqíshuǐmián,离奇水绵翻译成英文是 Spirogyra insueta

  5. 问:离奇有趣地拼音怎么拼?离奇有趣地的读音是什么?离奇有趣地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离奇有趣地的读音是,离奇有趣地翻译成英文是 quaintly

  6. 问:离奇有趣的拼音怎么拼?离奇有趣的的读音是什么?离奇有趣的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离奇有趣的的读音是,离奇有趣的翻译成英文是 quaint


离奇,汉语词汇。拼音:lí qí指情节不平常;不在人的意料之中。不可思议的感觉或者不敢相信的事实却已经发生的事件。

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