


金钱和物资:~产。~富。~经。~贸。~东。~政。~务。~会(kuài )。古同“才”(a.才能;才干。b.仅仅)。古同“裁”,裁决。……


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……







汉语拼音:cái zhèng yù suàn



  1. The center said that many temporary telephone, so there was no budget, relying on their wages is a fine development.


  2. Until recently, a move led by Mr Nakagawa and Mr Shiozaki looked as if it might derail passage of the next fiscal year's budget.


  3. How much will that cost? We have to think about our budget, you know.


  4. I had become deeply immersed in the details of budgeting, determined to understand the human impact of our decisions.


  5. We were in trouble to start with, and it was all over when Mondale said he would propose a hefty tax increase to reduce the budget deficit.


  6. Since the recession threw their budgets into turmoil, many states have decided to imprison fewer people, largely to save money.


  7. Such talk, no doubt, would rattle US credit markets already spooked by the prospects of a massive US federal budget.


  8. The most direct is to be able to attract state funds, or as a ground in the local establishment of special funds budget.


  9. The Budget quoted here is for the first week as we do not know how far we will go with you on this journey.


  1. 三是增加财政预算支出。

    Third, increasing fiscal budget and expenditure.

  2. 大幅度的财政预算上的裁减

    deep cuts in the budget.

  3. 甲骨文财政预算数据库介绍会

    Presentation on Oracle Fiscal Budget Database

  4. 财政预算要由中央部门做出。

    The budget should be made by central departments.

  5. 四,养成按财政预算生活的习惯。

    Establish the habit of living within a budget.

  6. 政府预计今年的财政预算有结余。

    The government is forecasting a budget surplus this year.

  7. 最后, 补贴给财政预算造成过大压力。

    Last, subsidies put an inordinate strain on the budget.

  8. 美国财政预算出现了创纪录的盈余。

    The United States had a record federal budget surplus.

  9. 他们薪水不是由通常的财政预算提供。

    His salary is not provided for in the annual estimates.

  10. 增强财政预算的刚性约束, 健全财政预算管理机制

    fortify the rigid restraint of financial budget, improve the management mechanism of financial budget

  11. 在2002年之前,美国政府财政预算曾连续4年盈余。

    Before 2002,the U.S. government budget surplus had been 4 years.

  12. 成本监审的工作经费, 列入同级财政预算。

    The working fund for cost supervision and examination shall be incorporated in the fiscal budget at the corresponding level.

  13. 德国政府已经为明年制定了紧缩的财政预算。

    The German government has set a tight budget for next year.

  14. 为了这一切, 沙纳纳?古斯芒把财政预算翻了一倍。

    To pay for all this Mr Gusm ?o doubled the state budget.

  15. 此外,由于预算政策失于稳妥,导致国家财政预算陷入困境。

    Elsewhere, state budgets are in distress as a result of insufficiently conservative budget policies.

  16. 博彩业和旅游业支撑着整个国家约一半的财政预算。

    Gambling and tourism pay roughly half the entire state budget.

  17. 最后不得不提得是, 财政预算传达得信息着实让人困惑。

    Ultimately, the message sent by the budget was confusion.

  18. 和加利福尼亚州相反,华盛顿州准时地通过其财政预算。

    In contrast to California, say, Washington passes its budgets on time.

  19. 最后不得不提的是,财政预算传达的信息着实让人困惑。

    Ultimately, the message sent by the budget was confusion.

  20. 为什么不从妈妈的家庭财政预算中,削减一些脂油钱呢?

    Why don't you cut some of the fat from Mom's household budget?

  21. 把财政预算归置妥当, 并在过程中重视内在文明的重塑。

    Getting our fiscal house in order and restoring some civility to that process.

  22. 联邦政府的财政赤字预算表明国家储蓄在减少。

    The federal government's increased budget deficit represents a decline in national savings.

  23. 健全覆盖各级财政的预算执行动态监控机制。

    We will improve the system for dynamic monitoring of budget implementation by financial departments at all levels.

  24. 本条规则不妨害有关财政和预算事项的规定。

    This rule is without prejudice to the rules relating to financial and budgetary matters.

  25. 第五委员会只应审议建议的财政和预算方面。

    The Fifth Committee should consider only the financial and budgetary aspects of the proposals.

  26. 协理署长介绍了财政、预算和行政事务方面总的情况。

    The Associate Administrator presented an overview of financial, budgetary and administrative matters.

  27. 财政大臣得预算须由国会批准。

    The Chancellor's budget must be approved by Parliament.

  28. 财政大臣的预算须由国会批准。

    The Chancellor's budget must be approved by Parliament.

  29. 财政大臣的预算学说延续了两个小时。

    The chancellor s budget speech lasted two hours.

  30. 这个公司已经起草了明年财政年度的预算。

    The firm has drawn up a budget for the coming financial year.


  1. 问:财政预算案拼音怎么拼?财政预算案的读音是什么?财政预算案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财政预算案的读音是,财政预算案翻译成英文是 Budget



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