


1. 条 [tiáo]2. 条 [tiāo]条 [tiáo]植物的细长枝:枝~。柳~儿。荆~。泛称条形的东西:~子。面~儿。便(biàn)~儿。金~。铁~。细长的形状:~形。~纹。~案。~几(jī)。~凳。~幅(直挂的长条字画)。苗~。身~……





汉语拼音:tiáo mù







  1. 按内容分的细目。

    《汉书·刘向传》:“比类相从,各有条目,凡十一篇。”《晋书·傅玄传》:“二常侍所论,或举其大较而未备其条目,亦可便令作之。” 隋 李德林 《霸朝集序》:“当时製述,条目甚多,今日收撰,略为五卷云尔。” 明 王鏊 《震泽长语·经传》:“至 程 、 朱 始别为纲领三、条目八,分传以释之。”

  2. 指词典的词条。

    罗竹风 《实践是检验辞书编纂工作的唯一标准》:“《辞海》体例规定,大条目不过四五百字,中条目三百字左右,小条目只有一二百字。”

  3. 谓整理安排细节。

    孙中山 《上李鸿章书》:“窃谓今日之急务,固无逾于此四大端,然而条目工夫,不能造次,举措施布,各有缓急。”

  4. 法令、规章等的项目。亦指法令、规章。

    《晋书·刑法志》:“抄《新律》诸死罪条目,悬之亭传,以示兆庶。” 宋 苏轼 《上韩丞相论灾伤手实书》:“今又行手实之法,虽其条目委曲不一,然大抵特告訐耳。” 宋 马永卿 《懒真子》卷一:“ 士廉 再拜曰:‘祭酒其使我以无事治 蜀 耶!’乃简条目,州遂大治。” 清 龚自珍 《京师悦生堂刻石》:“养之之法,古无专官,无条目。无专官,无条目,是费不出於公上也。”



  1. Somewhat less than half of the titles of the United States Code as well as the compilations of some of the states have been enacted.


  2. It has some very nice features. The product handles lists better than most other word processors, allowing you to join or split items.


  3. The last thing that you need to do is to set up the link from your list page to your update page when you select an employee entry.


  4. As for the tape, there will not be an entry for 4MMPOOL, as it has not been used yet.


  5. It holds a list of books in a VSAM file to which entries can be added or removed, and allows books to be marked as borrowed or returned.


  6. Your entry must be a valid login for your database, one that is able to create tables and add data as shown in this article.


  7. As you saw in Part 2 of this series, this restriction means that you must put items like database code in other parts of your system.


  8. Distributor_admin login and password are stored for linked server entry used for a distributor RPC connection, including local connections.


  9. The key is usually an Integer or a string, and the item is of any type.


  1. 将条目存入话机

    add entry to phone

  2. 这些条目该划掉。

    These entries are to be blanked out.

  3. 选集条目选集中的一个条目

    An item in such a collection.

  4. 查阅所有的互见条目

    Follow out all the cross references

  5. 帐目中的一个条目

    An entry in an account.

  6. 这词典有14万多条目。

    This dictionary has over 140,000 entries.

  7. 返回的条目数读。

    Returns the number of entries read.

  8. 应该进一步研究这些条目。

    These entries should be further investigated.

  9. 这一条目该删掉。

    This entry is to be blanked out.

  10. 有定期条目的记录

    A record book with periodic entries.

  11. 按姓名排序通讯录条目

    Sort address book entries by name

  12. 按昵称排序通讯录条目

    Sort address book entries by nickname

  13. 可以用图形条目取代吗?

    Can you use graphical entries instead?

  14. 条目用钢笔草体写成。

    Entries are written with fountain pen in cursive script.

  15. 完整文献达数千条目。

    A complete bibliography has run to several thousand entries.

  16. 攻击大全内的全部条目。

    All entries within the Attack Encyclopedia.

  17. 从日记中删除了日记条目。

    The journal entry has been deleted from the journal.

  18. 他们删掉了一个条目。

    They blanked out an entry

  19. 启用或禁用日记日志条目

    Enabling or Disabling Journaling Log Entries

  20. 第一条条目是库洛诺亚。

    The first article is Klonoa.

  21. 清空日记需要删除日记条目。

    Emptying Journal involves deleting journal entries.

  22. 归档把条目放入档案中

    To put items in a file.

  23. 不完全的条目将被忽略。

    Incomplete entries will be ignored.

  24. 条目按照英文字母顺序排列。

    This encyclopedia is arranged alphabetically throughout.

  25. 检索条目的最新版本。

    Retrieve the latest version of an item.

  26. 键入键映射条目的名称。

    Type the name of the key mapping entry.

  27. 简表一个扼要的条目大纲。

    An abbreviated list, as of contents a synopsis.

  28. 不过,有些条目也是无可非议的。

    Some of the entries here, though, are happily indisputable.

  29. 他建议删去那几个条目。

    He suggested that those entries be blanked out.

  30. 没有要预览或打印得条目。

    There are no entries to preview or print.


  1. 问:条目拼音怎么拼?条目的读音是什么?条目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:条目的读音是tiáomù,条目翻译成英文是 clauses; entry



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