




1. 感 [gǎn]感 [gǎn]觉出:~触。~觉。~性。~知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。~官。使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:~动。~想。反~。好~。情~。敏~。~染。~召。~慨。~喟。~叹。自豪~。……



汉语拼音:chù gǎn







  1. 因接触而引起反应。

    晋 郭璞 《山海经图赞·九锺》:“九钟将鸣,凌霜乃落,气之相应,触感而作。” 明 顾起纶 《<国雅品>序》:“夫 韩婴 作《传》,聿兴触感之情; 匡鼎 説《诗》,颇适解颐之趣。” 马其昶 《<古文辞类纂>标注序》:“夫文字之见,随所触感,各肖其性识才学以出,其浅深高下不同之致,奚啻九级之臺乎?”



  1. I kissed him suddenly, thrilled by the warmth of him, the soft pliant feel of his near human skin.


  2. As "touch and texture" is nothing but a psychological factor of differentiated opinions, it is a permanent law in the Element of Beauty.


  3. It was the idea of isolating the tactile component of sculpture, and then putting it into a communication system.


  4. The soft and elastic blue glial innovation of material, tactility gentleness, the biggest advantage is not easy to be damaged.


  5. But because of these size constraints, little details still had to be addressed, like the feeling of using a flat pen.


  6. He could remember the number of meat cans he dropped off, the price of the gas, the feel of the paper bills in his hand.


  7. She was unable to take any type of manual therapy or needle treatment due to severe allodynia in the whole right upper limb.


  8. A scratch-resistant 7-inch color display takes up the front, while the back is covered in a soft-touch paint that feels almost like rubber.


  9. Low to help the foot insoles allow players as much as possible close to the ground, enhancing the players touch the ground on the stadium.


  1. 触感传感器

    tactile sensor.

  2. 触感控制板

    touch panel.

  3. 触感测量杆

    tactile lever.

  4. 轻柔的触感

    a tender feel.

  5. 超天然触感

    super natural feeling.

  6. 触感柔情女香

    Tender Touch for Women EDP Spray

  7. 触感粗糙的表面

    A surface that is rough to the feel

  8. 或是天鹅绒的触感。

    or the feeling of velvet?

  9. 质感高雅, 触感柔软

    elegant texture, soft touch

  10. 魅力触感单色眼影

    Touch Of Glamour Mono Eye Shadow

  11. 有触感的机扑

    robot with tactile impression

  12. 蓝丝绒般的触感

    Like velvet to my skin

  13. 触感美白遮暇膏

    stream one touch concealer

  14. 我尤其喜欢男性的触感

    I especially love the feel of a man.

  15. 触感桃子绒毛般的平滑

    Feel the velvety smoothness of a peach

  16. 华丽而触感舒服的天鹅绒

    rich, sensuous velvet

  17. 我尤其喜欢男性的触感。

    I especially love the feel of a man.

  18. 羊绒衫,质感高雅,触感柔软。

    Cashmere sweaters are elegant in texture and soft to the touch.

  19. 春天的新芽有柔软的触感。

    The new leaves in springtime have a soft touch.

  20. 那架钢琴的触感非常棒。

    This piano has a wonderful touch.

  21. 那架钢琴得触感非常棒。

    This piano has a wonderful touch.

  22. 触感轻柔润泽,易迅速吸收。

    It has a soft and glossy feeling, and it could be absorbed rapidly.

  23. 我真想念你那柔软的触感。

    Oh, how I've missed your soft touch.

  24. 我真想念你那柔软的触感。

    Oh, how I've missed your soft touch.

  25. 宝贝,我就爱你阴道的触感

    Baby, I just Iove the way your pussy feeIs.

  26. 触感轻柔顺畅,不油腻,易于涂抹。

    Smooth tactility gentleness, not greasy, easy to blot out.

  27. 你肌肤的触感, 打心底奉献自己

    The touch of your skin, giving life from within

  28. 真丝天鹅绒窗帘,质感高雅,触感柔软。

    The silk velvet curtains are elegant in texture and soft to the touch.

  29. 触感轻柔得羊毛衫是好质量得标志。

    The cardigans have a tender feel that symBolizes their good quality.

  30. 触感轻柔的羊毛衫是好质量的标志。

    The cardigans have a tender feel that symBolizes their good quality.


  1. 问:触感器拼音怎么拼?触感器的读音是什么?触感器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触感器的读音是chù gǎn qì,触感器翻译成英文是 tactile sensor

  2. 问:触感受器拼音怎么拼?触感受器的读音是什么?触感受器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触感受器的读音是chù gǎn shòu qì,触感受器翻译成英文是 touch receptor

  3. 问:触感屏幕拼音怎么拼?触感屏幕的读音是什么?触感屏幕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触感屏幕的读音是chù gǎn píng mù,触感屏幕翻译成英文是 touchscreen

  4. 问:触感衰减器拼音怎么拼?触感衰减器的读音是什么?触感衰减器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触感衰减器的读音是chù gǎn shuāi jiǎn qì,触感衰减器翻译成英文是 touchpad

  5. 问:触感衰减器管理拼音怎么拼?触感衰减器管理的读音是什么?触感衰减器管理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触感衰减器管理的读音是chù gǎn shuāi jiǎn qì guǎn lǐ,触感衰减器管理翻译成英文是 touchpad manager




【注音】:chù gǎn

【释义】:1.因接触而引起反应。 2.触觉传感器。由一个按扭和数据传输线组成。通过电源的通闭向计算机或机器人传输一个布尔量,表示有触碰或无触碰。

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