


1. 貌 [mào]貌 [mào]面容:面~。容~。~相。以~取人。外表的样子:礼~。~合神离。道~岸然。外观:全~。古书注解里表示状态、样子,如“飞貌”指飞的样子。描绘,画像:“命工~妃于别殿”。……


1. 似 [sì]2. 似 [shì]似 [sì]相类,像:相(xiāng )~。类~。~是而非。好像,表示不确定:~乎。~应如此。表示比较,有超过的意思:一个高~一个。似 [shì]〔~的〕跟某种情况或事物相似,如“他乐得什么~~”。亦作……



汉语拼音:mào sì







  1. 表面上像。如:貌似强大,实为虚弱。



  1. Virtual Environments also seem to be perfect for managing packages for different versions of Ruby, like JRuby.


  2. In art and architecture, what appears to be a goof is often a deliberate signal meant to draw attention to a particular aspect of the work.


  3. It's just a shame that as you gain some serious skills that the game seems to end a little quickly.


  4. If you would find out the truth of the matter, you must not be satisfied by explanations, however plausible and gratifying.


  5. Although it does shield people from other forces, culture itself seems to be a powerful force of natural selection.


  6. There seems to be no sunshine all day long, dark, a somber mood.


  7. I also want to ask some people of powerful look: A while and a life, what exactly the logical relationship is?


  8. "It seems odd since I've only met Berlusconi once and that was in an attempt to get aid into Darfur, " Clooney said in a statement.


  9. Only looks like his best, I'm the only one, than no one can, of course, I also vulnerable to the same, appears to be so vulnerable.


  1. 貌似可以。

    And it certainly looks like it.

  2. 貌似是这样

    Yeah, I guess they do.

  3. 貌似二重点

    apparent double point.

  4. 貌似多重点

    apparent multiple point.

  5. 只是貌似而已。

    just a facsimile of you.

  6. 貌似如此,你呢

    Looks like it. You?

  7. 貌似固定奇点

    apparent fixed singularity.

  8. 她貌似小精灵。

    She has elfin features.

  9. 貌似有理的解释

    A colorable explanation

  10. 貌似简单的想法

    a deceptively simple idea

  11. 貌似和缓的湍流。

    treacherous currents

  12. 貌似和缓得湍流。

    treacherous currents.

  13. 貌似这个轮椅坏了

    Looks like the wheel's broken.

  14. 貌似你已经变成了

    seems like you're already there.

  15. 但貌似也写了点

    But kind of.

  16. 但貌似要求挺合理。

    Seems like such a reasonable request.

  17. 他貌似认为和他生活。

    He seemed to think that living with him.

  18. 貌似没能说服陪审团

    It didn't seem to convince the jury.

  19. 貌似天仙, 心如魔鬼

    bear the semblance of an angel but have the heart of a devil

  20. 这里貌似冲突,实则不然。

    There is a seeming conflict here.

  21. 这里貌似冲突,实则不然。

    There is a seeming conflict here.

  22. 他们貌似强大,实质虚弱。

    They look strong but are inwardly weak.

  23. 我貌似不小心说过

    It's possible that I may have, by mistake.

  24. 貌似是你有问题吧。

    Sounds like you're the one having problems.

  25. 貌似是某种视觉仪器。

    Some kind of ocular device.

  26. 貌似是某种视觉仪器。

    Some kind of ocular device.

  27. 貌似今天你朋友不多

    Seems like you're short of a friend today.

  28. 貌似脑梗死的脑转移瘤

    Ambulant tumour resemble infarct of brain

  29. 这一理论貌似十分有理。

    Such a theory seems very plausible.

  30. 还有那个貌似有自杀倾向

    And that one looks like she's suicidal.


  1. 问:貌似拼音怎么拼?貌似的读音是什么?貌似翻译成英文是什么?

    答:貌似的读音是màosì,貌似翻译成英文是 appear to be

  2. 问:貌似奇点拼音怎么拼?貌似奇点的读音是什么?貌似奇点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:貌似奇点的读音是mào sì jī diǎn,貌似奇点翻译成英文是 apparent singular point

  3. 问:貌似二重点拼音怎么拼?貌似二重点的读音是什么?貌似二重点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:貌似二重点的读音是mào sì èr zhòng diǎn,貌似二重点翻译成英文是 apparent double point

  4. 问:貌似多重点拼音怎么拼?貌似多重点的读音是什么?貌似多重点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:貌似多重点的读音是mào sì duō zhòng diǎn,貌似多重点翻译成英文是 apparent multiple point

  5. 问:貌似固定奇点拼音怎么拼?貌似固定奇点的读音是什么?貌似固定奇点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:貌似固定奇点的读音是mào sì gù dìng jī diǎn,貌似固定奇点翻译成英文是 apparent fixed singularity




解释:貌似(mào sì);很多人顾名思义:貌:外观,外貌 似:像,意即外观好像、长得好像。网络普及后,由于某潮人一次偶然的使用,被传播开来成为“好像”的代用词语。从文学理论上来说,这种混淆的理解是错误的。只是用的人多了,在网络上也就被默认通用。 但是实际上貌似的意思是看起来像,而实际上不像的意思。

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