


数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……


1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……



汉语拼音:duō liàng







多量 [duō liàng]
  1. 数量很多。如:「水果含有多量的维生素,多吃对人体有益。」



  1. To increase the rate of production and produce a greater number and variety of products with the tools available.


  2. If I were a lamp, it would be my duty to light up thick darkness.


  3. His kindness and handsome brother neighbor of dance deeply attracted a large family, Korea, and yet he won his high attention.


  4. The fish were placed in a tank with two feeders, one of which supplied a lot more food than the other, known as the "rich feeder" .


  5. Sometimes because these lawsuits its particularity possibly is in an extremely awkward aspect, namely "the jot is abundant" .


  6. Numeral phrases can be modified only by "a little" and "very" , which implies the meaning of small and large amounts.


  7. This fresh, young soul, however, had too much innocence and buoyancy to consider for a moment the world's point of view.


  8. He dubbed this the "billboard effect, " reflecting that the larger amount of product on the shelf acted as a billboard for the tea.


  9. We may be able to send you extra test materials once the test has started, please contact us.


  1. 曾经有多量红茶出口。

    Quantities of Negroid Tea hit been exported.

  2. 复合型多量筒钟罩气体标准计量器

    Gas Standard Measurer with Complex Multiple Measure Cylinder Bell Jar

  3. 为了应付多量的制作, 演员的需求日增。

    More stars were needed in order to cope with the rising numbers of productions.

  4. 制程中往往产生多量废水,污染环境。

    The production process produces large quantity of waste water that pollutes environment.

  5. 瘤细胞间见多量骨样组织和软骨样组织。

    There are lots of osteoid tissue and chondral tissue in the tumor.

  6. 第二階段是中等價格又中等數量,第三階段是低價多量。

    version two is medium priced and medium volume, and then version three would be low price, high volume.

  7. 你以眼泪当食物给他们吃,又多量出眼泪给他们喝。

    Thou feedest them with the bread of tears; and givest them tears to drink in great measure.

  8. 肺血管必须比正常情况下接受更多量得血液。

    The blood vessels in the lungs have to handle a larger amount of blood than normal.

  9. 肺血管必须比正常情况下接受更多量的血液。

    The blood vessels in the lungs have to handle a larger amount of blood than normal.

  10. 肾脏电脑断层摄影发现有较多量之尿液外溢及血肿。

    But abdominal pain, fever, chillness developed three to five days later.

  11. 人食道癌间质中可见多量类胰蛋白酶阳性细胞。

    There were lots of tryptase positive mast cells in the mesenchyme of the human carcinoma tissue of esophagus.

  12. 我如果是一盏灯, 这灯的用处便是照彻那多量的黑暗。

    If I were a lamp, it would be my duty to light up thick darkness.

  13. 施加平行磁场的多量子阱中浅施主杂质态的理论计算

    Theoretical Calculations of Donnor Impurity States in Multi quantum Wells with Magnetic Fields Applied Parallel to the Layers

  14. 我们发现在许多复合材料中正在采用较多量得粉状填料。

    We find relatively large volumes of particulate fillers being used in many composites.

  15. 我们发现在许多复合材料中正在采用较多量的粉状填料。

    We find relatively large volumes of particulate fillers being used in many composites.


  1. 问:多量拼音怎么拼?多量的读音是什么?多量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多量的读音是duō liàng,多量翻译成英文是 peck

  2. 问:多量子拼音怎么拼?多量子的读音是什么?多量子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多量子的读音是duō liàng zǐ,多量子翻译成英文是 multiquantum

  3. 问:多量程拼音怎么拼?多量程的读音是什么?多量程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多量程的读音是duō liáng chéng,多量程翻译成英文是 multirange

  4. 问:多量程的拼音怎么拼?多量程的的读音是什么?多量程的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多量程的的读音是,多量程的翻译成英文是 multirange

  5. 问:多量子跃迁拼音怎么拼?多量子跃迁的读音是什么?多量子跃迁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多量子跃迁的读音是duō liàng zǐ yuè qiān,多量子跃迁翻译成英文是 multiple quantum transition

  6. 问:多量程仪器拼音怎么拼?多量程仪器的读音是什么?多量程仪器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多量程仪器的读音是duō liáng chéng yí qì,多量程仪器翻译成英文是 multirange instrument

  7. 问:多量程仪表拼音怎么拼?多量程仪表的读音是什么?多量程仪表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多量程仪表的读音是duō liàng chéng yí biǎo,多量程仪表翻译成英文是 multirange meter

  8. 问:多量程电表拼音怎么拼?多量程电表的读音是什么?多量程电表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多量程电表的读音是duō liáng chéng diàn biǎo,多量程电表翻译成英文是 multirange ammeter

  9. 问:多量程伏特计拼音怎么拼?多量程伏特计的读音是什么?多量程伏特计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多量程伏特计的读音是,多量程伏特计翻译成英文是 multivoltmeter

  10. 问:多量程测量电路拼音怎么拼?多量程测量电路的读音是什么?多量程测量电路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:多量程测量电路的读音是duō liàng chéng cè liáng diàn lù,多量程测量电路翻译成英文是 multirange channel

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