







汉语拼音:qǐ shǒu








  1. 稽首。

    《西游记》第二六回:“ 孙行者 靦面相迎,叫声:‘帝君,起首了。’”

  2. 抬头。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·瑞云》:“ 瑞云 又荏弱,不任驱使,日益憔悴。 贺 闻而过之,见蓬首厨下,丑状类鬼。起首见生,面壁自隐。”

  3. 开创;创立。

    《儒林外史》第二四回:“还有 洪武 年间起首的班子,一班十几个人,每班立一座石碑在 老郎庵 里,十几个人共刻在一座碑上。”

  4. 打头,领先。

    柴萼 《梵天庐丛录·庚辛纪事》:“鼓乐起首,行李三千辆,马卒护之。”

  5. 指诗文的开头部分。

    清 恽敬 《答伊扬州书》之三:“道学异同若入碑文中,少涉笔则不透彻,多涉笔则辨体、论体矣,不涉笔则通篇之文如玉巵无当,玉盘缺角。故起首推明 朱子 之学。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四八回:“那折稿起首的帽子是:‘奏为自行检举事。’” 鲁迅 《热风·估<学衡>》:“《渔丈人行》的起首道:‘ 楚王 无道杀 伍奢 。’”

  6. 开始;起先。

    冰心 《往事·六一姐》:“那时我已起首学做句子,读整本的书了。” 徐志摩 《“浓得化不开”》:“他坐上车起首想,但他记起了烟卷。” 周立波 《山乡巨变》下十一:“起首还不过是抽抽咽咽,往后捶床打枕,号泣变成号咷了。”



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  8. Personal logo or monogram: Design a logo or monogram that incorporates your initials and place it next to your name in the header.


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  1. 一是数字的起首

    The numeral 1 begins the sequence.

  2. 我在围巾上绣上我姓名的起首字母。

    I embroidered my initials on a scarf.

  3. 她把她姓名的起首字母绣在手帕上。

    She embroidered her initials on the handkerchief.

  4. 有两种排法上升起首字母或下降起首字母。

    There are two styles of setting raised initial or dropped initial.

  5. 这话是从时间起首显明这事的主说的。

    Says the Lord, who is making these things known from of old.

  6. 雕刻姓名得起首字母在树上是不能接受得。

    Carving initials into trees is unacceptable.

  7. 雕刻姓名的起首字母在树上是不能接受的。

    Carving initials into trees is unacceptable.

  8. 胶皮球拍是英国人古德起首创造并运用地。

    The rubber racket is the English gourdefirst invents and the use.

  9. 他把自己名字的起首字母印在那只盒子上。

    He impressed his initials on the box.

  10. 他用莫尔斯电码把他名字的起首字母发送出去。

    He tapped out his initials in morse.

  11. 翻开手机上得文件夹和财经部起首买卖请求邮件

    Open the MfE folder on your phone and start the Mail for Exchange application.

  12. 翻开手机上的文件夹和财经部起首买卖请求邮件

    Open the MfE folder on your phone and start the Mail for Exchange application.

  13. 在那起首几页上他便苦心抒写出他的第一首诗。

    On the first pages he elaborately wrote out his first poem.

  14. 他必起首拯救以色列人脱离非利士人的手。

    No razor may be used on his head, because the boy is to be a Nazirite, set apart to God from birth, and he will begin the deliverance of Israel from the hands of the Philistines.

  15. 阿尔斯特的持枪歹徒制造了新一年的首起流血事件。

    Gunmen in Ulster shed the first blood of the new year.

  16. 世人到齐后, 国王上前举起右首。

    When all were assembled, the ruler and raised his right hand.

  17. 我当时想不起这首歌的第一句是什么了。

    I tried to remember the first line of the song.

  18. 鲍勃开始唱起这首歌,然后大家都高声跟着唱起来。

    It was Bob who started the song, and everyone took it up in shrill voices.

  19. 咱们在欧洲文学史班上就听见先生讲起这首诗。

    We heard the professor talk about this poem in the history of European literature class.

  20. 而每当他唱起一首歌, 关于一个爱上了水手的少女时

    when he sang about the lass that loves a sailor,

  21. 哑的声音唱起了那首老歌。

    He began to sing that old song with his hoarse voice.

  22. 整个人群都唱起了这首流行歌曲。

    The whole crowd joined in singing the popular song.

  23. 他用粗哑的声音唱起了那首老歌。

    He began to sing that old song with his hoarse voice.

  24. 他们挽起手臂,唱起了那首古老的校歌。

    They locked arms and sang the old school song.

  25. 在能付得起新房的首付之前我们不得不存钱十年。

    We had to save up for ten years before we could afford the down payment on a new house.

  26. 这首歌起调太低,不适合我的嗓音。

    The song was pitched too low for my voice.

  27. 这首歌起头于全体学生祈祷能够被表演艺术学校登科。

    This song starts with students praying they get epted to the performing arts school.

  28. 也称起首语, 是对收信人的称呼。

    Also known as the chapeau, is the recipient of the call.

  29. 然而也可用以表达相同的意思, 但必须用于另起一句的句首。

    However can be used to give a similar meaning, but must begin a new sentence.

  30. 如此, 当那首老歌曲奏起,

    So when that old song starts


  1. 问:起首拼音怎么拼?起首的读音是什么?起首翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起首的读音是qǐshǒu,起首翻译成英文是 at first; originally; in the beginning


起首,汉语词汇。拼音:qǐ shǒu释义:1、稽首。2.抬头。3.开创;创立。4.打头,领先。5.指诗文的开头部分。6.开始;起先。

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