







汉语拼音:huā shì







  1. 花样;式样。

    徐迟 《“不过,好日子哪天有?”》:“大家都站在网球场上看……资格老的人就看着舞伴们的脚上的花式。”《花城》1981年第5期:“最好是女的,你不是绣得一手好花吗?不是会编织各种花式的绒衣吗?”



  1. I took a rubbing, recorded his information into one of my copious notebooks, and then stood examining the fancy stone for a few moments.


  2. A few minutes later, Brooks among the fast break Fancy playing ball, Mike - Harris watched the ball fly away on their own side.


  3. During a dressage lesson, my beloved horse tripped, fell down, panicked, jumped up and launched me into a wall all in a matter of seconds.


  4. I may not be the most decorated person in the skating world, but judging by the audience reaction . . . they go on my journeys with me.


  5. The original design of Anakin had him sporting a mohawk , a tattoo on his right arm and a shredded looking design to his Jedi robes.


  6. High school to join a society, it is to spend at least eight hours a day practicing a variety of fancy tricks.


  7. The two beauties sat on the boat and watched Eric performing wake-boarding.


  8. School officials say adding Double Dutch to the calendar should get hundreds of students participating in an enjoyable aerobic activity.


  9. The complete range of specifications and variety of colors are the constant feature of our clothes shop.


  1. 花式溜冰?

    Figure skating?

  2. 杂色花式线

    mouliner yarn.

  3. 结节花式线

    knop fancy yarn.

  4. 花式条子布

    harlequin stripes

  5. 花式睡衣裤

    figured pattern pajamas.

  6. 花式瓷台灯

    fancy porcelain desk lamp.

  7. 花式瓷灯罩

    fancy porcelain lamp shade.

  8. 疙瘩花式纱线

    nub yarn

  9. 平地花式。

    Flatground Tricks performed on a flat slope.

  10. 花式罗纹编

    fancy rib

  11. 花式纱羽毛纱。

    Fancy yarn feather yarn Jin Da Textile Co., Ltd.

  12. 花式手编绒线

    fancy hand knitting yarn

  13. 花式纬纱织物

    fabric with the figure in weft

  14. 后滚翻花式跳水

    gainer dive

  15. 花式缝式牧童靴

    fancy stitched pattern cowboy boots

  16. 他擅长花式跳水。

    He is good at fancy diving.

  17. 彩点花式毛纱

    knicker yarn

  18. 平地花式轮滑

    freestyle slalom roller skating

  19. 你会不会花式溜式?

    Can you figure skate ?

  20. 花呢。花式套头衣料

    fancy suiting

  21. 从购买, 花式电晕。

    Looking To Buy Corona and heineken.

  22. 花式篮球,女人也行?

    Are the fancy basketball, woman also OK ?

  23. 花式线生产工艺研究

    Research on Technique of Fancy Yarn Production.

  24. 转杯纺生产花式纱

    Fancy yarns in rotor spinning

  25. 花式针织无袖卫生衫

    fancy knit sleeveless sweater

  26. 而花式大写就不一样。

    Swash capitals however do.

  27. 花式提花无袖卫生衫

    fancy jacquard knit sleeveless sweater

  28. 当地居民制作花式草帽出售。

    The local people made fancy straw hats for sale.

  29. 你知道这是花式滑冰吧?

    You know that this is figure skating, right?

  30. 宁波中润花式纱有限公司。

    NingBo ZhongRun Fancy Yarn Co., Ltd.


  1. 问:花式拼音怎么拼?花式的读音是什么?花式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花式的读音是huā shì,花式翻译成英文是 floral form

  2. 问:花式撞球拼音怎么拼?花式撞球的读音是什么?花式撞球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花式撞球的读音是Huāshìzhuàngqiú,花式撞球翻译成英文是 Side Pocket

  3. 问:花式骑术拼音怎么拼?花式骑术的读音是什么?花式骑术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花式骑术的读音是huā shì qí shù,花式骑术翻译成英文是 dressage

  4. 问:花式相同的拼音怎么拼?花式相同的的读音是什么?花式相同的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花式相同的的读音是huā shì xiāng tóng de,花式相同的翻译成英文是 similiflorous

  5. 问:花式单板滑水拼音怎么拼?花式单板滑水的读音是什么?花式单板滑水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花式单板滑水的读音是huā shì dān bǎn huá shuǐ,花式单板滑水翻译成英文是 wakeboarding

  6. 问:花式骑术测验拼音怎么拼?花式骑术测验的读音是什么?花式骑术测验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花式骑术测验的读音是huā shì qí shù cè yàn,花式骑术测验翻译成英文是 dressage test

  7. 问:花式骑术赛场拼音怎么拼?花式骑术赛场的读音是什么?花式骑术赛场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花式骑术赛场的读音是huā shì qí shù sài chǎng,花式骑术赛场翻译成英文是 arena for dressage competition

  8. 问:花式骑术马鞍拼音怎么拼?花式骑术马鞍的读音是什么?花式骑术马鞍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花式骑术马鞍的读音是huā shì qí shù mǎ ān,花式骑术马鞍翻译成英文是 dressage saddle

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