




1. 都 [dū]2. 都 [dōu]都 [dū]大都市:~市。~会。通~大邑。一国的最高行政机关所在的地方,京城:首~。国~。京~。建~。美好:“雍容闲雅,甚~”。~丽。~雅。总:~为一集。居:“~卿相之位”。古代称头目、首领。姓。都 [……



汉语拼音:tiān dū










  1. 天空。

    《淮南子·泰族训》:“又况登 泰山 ,履石封,以望八荒,视天都若盖,江河若带,又况万物在其间者乎?”

  2. 帝王的都城。

    唐 王维 《终南山》诗:“ 太乙 近天都,连山到海隅;白云迴望合,青靄入看无。” 明 唐顺之 《请皇太子受朝疏》:“衣冠咸萃於天都,欢欣交通於万国。”

  3. 星名。属于南方七星中的星宿。


  4. 安徽 黄山 高峰名。

    明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·游黄山日记》:“疎木茸茸中,仰见羣峯盘结, 天都 独巍然上挺……上至平冈,则 莲花 、 云门 诸峯,争奇竞秀,若为 天都 拥卫者。” 清 王士禛 《送孙无言归黄山》诗之三:“更问 黄山 奇絶处, 天都 瀑布胜 匡庐 。”参阅 清 顾祖禹 《读史方舆纪要·江南十·黄山》。



  1. "I don't think there has ever been a player in history that can do what he manages to do every three days, " he said.


  2. On 25 July, Mussolini went for an audience with the king just as he had done every Sunday since coming to power.


  3. The bartender said, 'Sorry, but we've been out of electricity all day ever since some idiot crop-duster hit a power line down the road. '


  4. No, she hasn't been around all day. She said she had something important to do today?


  5. She felt confident that she didn't need it since she already knew what the next day had in store for her.


  6. If you had . . . they would have told you that you've been walking around with you fly down all day !


  7. I don't know what's with her today; she's been smiling all day. Must have been a good date!


  8. Foreign have a Thanksgiving, but let's China is no, that was just as well, why don't we each day as Thanksgiving to it.


  9. Hamster very cute, small size, easy to take care of, than a cat or rabbit cheap, almost all day in bed.


  1. 哪天都可以。

    Any day will be fine.

  2. 外边天都黑了。

    It is already dark out.

  3. 而是全天都高峰。

    There's just a rush day.

  4. 起来吧,天都亮了。

    Time to get up – it's already light.

  5. 雨好几天都没停。

    It hasn't stopped raining for days.

  6. 兰州天都物业管理有限公司

    Lanzhou Tiandu Real Estate Management Co Ltd

  7. 今明两天都可以来。

    Come today or tomorrow, as you wish.

  8. 今明两天都可以来。

    Come today or tomorrow, as you wish.

  9. 深圳得天都这么热吗?

    Are summers always this hot in Shenzhen?

  10. 深圳的天都这么热吗?

    Are summers always this hot in Shenzhen?

  11. 除了星期三,哪天都行。

    Any day except Wednesday will be fine.

  12. 我很多天都没去上班

    I lost a lot of days at work.

  13. 好多天都没有风的消息了!

    A news for all having no breeze!

  14. 这里一连好几天都是雨天。

    There are a succession of rainy days here.

  15. 每年这个时候, 天都很晴朗。

    The skies are very clear this time of year.

  16. 我一连三天都睡过了头。

    I have overslept three days in a row.

  17. 除了星期四,我哪天都能来。

    I could come any day but Thursday.

  18. 我好几天都睡不着觉了

    I haven't slept in days.

  19. 我好几天都睡不着觉了。

    I haven't slept in days.

  20. 好几天都默想着受到的侮辱

    Brooded over the insult for several days.

  21. 今天阴雨天,这几天都挺冷。

    It's cloudy and rainy today, it has been very cold these days.

  22. 他们走啊, 走啊, 直到天都快黑了,

    They began to walk on and on and on and on. Toward evening, www. Betterchinese.

  23. 也许有的时候,他觉得天都塌了。

    But at some point, he must have given up all hope.

  24. 我妈这几天都神神秘秘的。

    My mom's been kind of secretive the last couple days.

  25. 我有好多天都没见到爸爸了。

    I haven't seen my dad in a couple of days.

  26. 如果我想的话,我哪天都会受到邀请。

    I could get invited to that party any day if I wanted to.

  27. 天都知道你让我的人生充满色彩?

    God knows you just made my day.

  28. 天都峰是黄山最陡峭的山峰。

    Heavenly Capital, you know, is the most precipitous peak of Mount Huangshan.

  29. 那就看你了,我两天都有空。

    Yeah, but it's up to you. I got both available.

  30. 您很多天都没有数钱了?是吧?

    You haven't counted your money for days, hmm?



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