


1. 别 [bié]2. 别 [biè]别 [bié]分离:~离。~情。~绪(离别时离别后的情感)。分~。告~。久~重逢。分门~类。差别:霄壤之~。分类:类~。性~。职~。级~。派~。另外的:~人。~号。~字。~墅。~论。~开生面。卡住,插……









汉语拼音:bié chū xīn cái







  1. Some of them are not as new as their labels suggest, and in any case what exactly constitutes a smart city is hard to define.


  1. 别出我洋相。

    Spare my blushes.

  2. 她挥手要我别出声。

    She waved me quiet.

  3. 别出你自己的洋相

    Don't embarrass yourself.

  4. 今天很重要, 别出茬子。

    It's very important you don't stink today.

  5. 他打手势叫我别出声。

    He motioned to me to be silent.

  6. 我低声告诉他别出声。

    I whispered him not to make any noise.

  7. 确保别出汗,洒汤或者流口水

    making sure not to sweat, spill or dribble.

  8. 你们都站在这儿别动, 也别出声。

    You all stand here at pause and silent.

  9. 玛丽把手指放在唇边示意别出声。

    Mary put a finger to her lips to signal silence.

  10. 她刚要开口, 我就皱皱眉示意她别出声。

    As she was about to speak, I frowned her down.

  11. 兰心大戏院怀旧感的设计别出新裁。

    Lyceum Theatre is distinguished for its nostalgictype design.

  12. 当我走近时, 其中一位将手指放在嘴唇上, 示意我别出声。

    As I approached, one of them put his finger to his lips.

  13. 别首先出王牌。

    Do not lead trumps.

  14. 永远别想出去。

    You can never get out.

  15. 永远别想出去。

    You can never get out.

  16. 这次别再出错了!

    let's get it right this time!

  17. 别弄出这种噪音了。

    Stop making such a noise.

  18. 别摆出那副臭脸。

    Ugh!Don't give me that look.

  19. 别摆出那副臭脸。

    Ugh! Don't give me that look.

  20. 别摆出一副严父的架势。

    Don't come the stern father.

  21. 别摆出警察的样子来,明白?

    Don't act like a cop, okay?

  22. 你们离开时尽量别弄出声。

    Try not to make any noise as your leave.

  23. 除了这些显而易见得情况以外, 我推断不出别得什么。

    Beyond the obviousfacts, I can deduce nothing else.

  24. 注意你的举止, 别闹出笑话来。

    Behave yourself dont make a fool of yourself.

  25. 我很乐意, 不过别弄出声响来。

    I shall be delighted, but do not make any noise.

  26. 贝,别搬出你种族歧视的外婆做借口

    Bay. This has nothing to do with your racist grandmother.

  27. 别摆出这副带有成见的表情好吗。

    Don't give me the judgmental eyebrow.

  28. 在公共汽车上别探出窗外,太危险了。

    Don lean out of the window of the bus. It's dangerous.

  29. 餐桌被我不小心烧了个洞, 我再想想, 也没出别得状况。

    I burned a hole in the table. And let me see, I guess that's all.

  30. 菲尔,把你的牛奶喝完了,否则你别想出去玩。

    Phil, drink your milk up, or you wont go out and play.

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