



  1. Guys tend to let the confidence of a one-night stand inflate their egos, sometimes in a demeaning way.


  2. Too much praise may cause another's ego to swell, or lead them to think that they now have to live up to certain expectations that we have.


  3. I thought my encounter with Mrs. Smedley had cured me of my self-infatuation, but I see now that embers of insufferability glow within me.


  4. So it gave us a little bit of a swelled head.


  5. Keeping up a self-image can be a burden. Hanging on to an inflated, unrealistic one is a curse.


  6. When the employer is on a power trip, he thinks it gives him the right to be rude to everyone that works for him.


  7. To avoid botching a rescue job, new CEOs need to introduce a fresh take on the company without attaching any turnaround to their egos.


  8. Jeanette Winterson wrote two or three good books in the 1980s but since then her ego grew and her ability to write readable books shrunk.


  9. Clearly, Hamilton's inflated ego is merely symptomatic of a wider, endemic culture within McLaren-Mercedes.


  1. 她的吹捧令他自我膨胀到极点。

    She inflated his ego until he was at bursting point.

  2. 她的吹捧令他自我膨胀到极点。

    She inflated his ego until he was at bursting point.

  3. 所以那给了我们一点点得自我膨胀。

    So it gave us a little bit of a swelled head.

  4. 所以那给了我们一点点的自我膨胀。

    So it gave us a little bit of a swelled head.

  5. 我们需要在自我膨胀和自我泄气之间求得一个平衡。

    We need to find a balance between ego inflation and ego deflation.

  6. 我不否认我年纪还小,但我绝对不是会自我膨胀的小鬼。

    I m certainly not denying that I m young, but I m not fluff.

  7. 他因胜利而过于自我膨胀以至于不适合履行正常职务了。

    So swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty.

  8. 而正因为他们追求尽善尽美 他们觉得没有必要膨胀自我

    And because they're ambitious for a greater good, they feel no need to inflate their own egos.

