


驮,背(bèi ):~米。~疚。~重。如释重~。~荆请罪。担任:担~。~责。~累(lěi )。~罪。~荷。忍辱~重。身~重任。仗恃,依靠:~隅顽抗。自~(自以为了不起)。遭受:~伤。~屈。具有,享有:久~盛誉。欠(钱):~债。小于零的(数)……





汉语拼音:fù miàn








  1. It has no negative function of the traditional wall type switch board with fluorescence in human body and the environment.


  2. Much to my surprise there were many negative comments about this restaurant from people just slamming them about every little thing.


  3. I wasn't happy with the fifth one at all, and I literally spent 10 years trying to eat all the negatives , and I couldn't do it. . .


  4. To be sure, a clean and clear economic decoupling remains something of a fantasy given the pervasive forces of globalisation.


  5. He said the visit would have a negative impact on bilateral relations between China and Libya .


  6. "We wanted to put it out there that it is not all negative in this part of the world, " Mr Okere says.


  7. Ms. Park said she used to look down on North Koreans. "I associated them with something poor, dark and negative, " she said.


  8. That statement is typical of what appears to be a widely held attitude in Washington that trade is bad for the U. S. economy.


  9. If you forced me to give a negative, then I would have to say that the food got monotonous after two weeks.


  1. 负面的情感

    Negative Emotions

  2. 负面的性格

    Negative Personalities

  3. 他受到了负面影响。

    He was negatively affected.

  4. 关键是拦截负面想法。

    The key is intercepting negative thoughts.

  5. 先陈述正面, 再陈述负面。

    State the positives first and the negatives second.

  6. 是正面还是负面的力量。

    is a force for good or ill.

  7. 负面的后果分两方面。

    As for the negative result, there are two aspects.

  8. 英词汉记的负面效应

    Negative Effect of Memorizing English Vocabulary in Chinese

  9. 他们的批评并不是负面的。

    Their criticism was not negative.

  10. 如何减少农药的负面作用

    How to reduce pesticide problems

  11. 技术性贸易壁垒的负面效应研究

    Research on the Adverse Effects of TBT

  12. 负面的言论甚至更不值一提。

    Negative views matter even less.

  13. 也不会有任何负面影响

    where having ears that don't work doesn't matter.

  14. 对负面的咆哮方式说抱歉。

    Sorry about the negative rant.

  15. 临床护理思维定势负面探讨

    Discussion on the Negative Respect of Clinical Nursing Thinking Set

  16. 做一否定的负面分析。

    Decide on the key advantages of using your ideas and collect data both qualitative and quantitative that support your plan.

  17. 对他们的行为产生负面影响。

    Affecting their behaviour negatively.

  18. 当然, 并非人人都持负面看法。

    Of course, not everyone is negative.

  19. 我们所遭受的一切负面的影响。

    all the negative impacts we're seeing.

  20. 您必须能够处理负面的评论。

    You need to be able to handle negative comments.

  21. 媒体对单身母亲的负面描述

    the negative representation of single mothers in the media

  22. 这种负面影响基本上是双重得。

    The negative effect is basically twofold.

  23. 这种负面影响基本上是双重的。

    The negative effect is basically twofold.

  24. 但是它们也有其负面性。

    But they will have a dark side.

  25. 其次,减少客串现象的负面影响。

    Phenomenon reduce the negative influence of it.

  26. 我会因此造成负面的羯磨吗?

    Do I create negative karma because of this

  27. 别人一般对我都是负面评价

    I don't get a lot of positive feedback.

  28. 这对你们双方都有负面影响。

    This affects both of you negatively.

  29. 是个负面的字眼,带有负面的含意。

    Tattling is a negative word with negative connotations.

  30. 是个负面得字眼,带有负面得含意。

    Tattling is a negative word with negative connotations.


  1. 问:负面拼音怎么拼?负面的读音是什么?负面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:负面的读音是fùmiàn,负面翻译成英文是 A negative, bad aspect.

  2. 问:负面效应拼音怎么拼?负面效应的读音是什么?负面效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:负面效应的读音是fùmiànxiàoyìng,负面效应翻译成英文是 negative effect

  3. 问:负面契约拼音怎么拼?负面契约的读音是什么?负面契约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:负面契约的读音是Fùmiànqìyuē,负面契约翻译成英文是 negative covenant, also known as 否定契约, 反面保...

  4. 问:负面影响拼音怎么拼?负面影响的读音是什么?负面影响翻译成英文是什么?

    答:负面影响的读音是fù miàn yǐng xiǎng,负面影响翻译成英文是 averse affect

  5. 问:负面外部效应拼音怎么拼?负面外部效应的读音是什么?负面外部效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:负面外部效应的读音是fù miàn wài bú xiào yìng,负面外部效应翻译成英文是 negative externalities



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