


1. 漂 [piāo]2. 漂 [piǎo]3. 漂 [piào]漂 [piāo]浮在液体上不动或顺着风向、流向而移动:~浮。~流。~没(mò)。~移。~泊(喻职业生活不固定,东奔西走。亦作“飘泊”)。~零。~沦。~游。~萍。漂 [piǎo……





汉语拼音:piāo dàng









  1. 在水上浮动。

    唐 李商隐 《河清与赵氏昆季宴集得拟杜工部》诗:“此中真得地,漂荡钓鱼船。” 明 刘基 《解语花》词:“罗幕掩数行清泪,一任他化作浮萍,漂荡随流水。”

  2. 冲刷,冲。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·江水一》:“有 亮 所造八阵图,东跨故垒,皆纍细石为之……今夏水漂荡,岁月消损,高处可二三尺,下处磨灭殆尽。” 宋 无名氏 《异闻总录》卷三:“两扇忽闢,大水漂荡,盗皆溺死。” 明 唐顺之 《与白伯伦仪部书》之二:“矢石驰驱,风波漂荡,岂是人情所乐。” 清 刘大櫆 《张豹林墓志铭》:“先高祖厝在浅土,猝为山水所漂荡。”

  3. 冲没,淹没。

    《南史·齐纪下·废帝东昏侯》:“八月乙巳,蠲遇水资财漂荡者,今年调税。” 宋 苏轼 《徐州祈雨青词》:“ 河 失故道,遗患及於东方; 徐 居下流,受害甲於他郡,田庐漂荡,父子流离。” 清 任泰学 《质疑·周易》:“水流沙际,不免有漂荡之患。”

  4. 漂泊;流浪。

    唐 杜甫 《偶题》诗:“缘情慰漂荡,抱疾屡迁移。” 宋 王安石 《寄友人》诗之三:“一别三年至一方,此身漂荡只殊乡。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·生离》:“丈夫漂荡今如此,却话 巴 山夜雨时。” 清 孙枝蔚 《赠汪舟次》诗:“维余漂荡人,髮素血将枯。”

  5. 犹荡漾。形容景物美好。

    唐 李商隐 《江东》诗:“今日春光太漂荡, 谢 家轻絮 沉 郎钱。”

  6. 飘飞;飘扬。

    唐 李商隐 《流莺》诗:“流鶯漂荡復参差,渡陌临流不自持。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·私祭》:“你看鶯乱飞,草正芳,恰好应清明雨漂荡。” 巴金 《发的故事》:“他的叹声不能够冲破屋顶,又折了回来,怨愤地在房里四处漂荡。”



  1. I did not know when I stared to wander. It seemed as if my velamen had been pulled out and floated down along a branch of the river.


  2. His appointment was in my judgement a great mistake and under him the Army drifted about like a ship without a rudder.


  3. Peter likes nothing better than going to the coast and messing about in his boat.


  4. Clouds float in the sky and a creek flows past the town.


  5. Rhyme, like a lonely heart of boats, drifting across the vast deep into the night, while moving, loss of clear in my mind, heart and lakes.


  6. Sometimes I imagine that I'm in a fishing boat, thousands of miles away from the life I know, slowly drifting across a lake.


  7. One hour later, to their surprise, the yak feather boat is still rowing in the lake.


  8. The exact cause of the 1969 fire was unconfirmed, but "people believe sparks from a passing train ignited an oil slick" in the river.


  9. a bell flung the blossoms' smells along the throbbing avenue.


  1. 彩旗在风中漂荡。

    Coloured flags flap in the wind.

  2. 那只皮球在水面上漂荡。

    The ball drifted on the water.

  3. 漂荡下来的积雪把我们的门。

    The drifting snow has blocked our door.

  4. 看那艘随波漂荡的船。

    Look at that boat dancing on the waves.

  5. 云彩在蓝天漂荡, 小溪流过小镇。

    Clouds float in the sky and a creek flows past the town.

  6. 一条小渔船正慢慢向前漂荡。

    A tiny boat was drifting slowly along.

  7. 那些水草都随着水波四处地漂荡。

    These water plants float at the mercy of the waves on the water.

  8. 那些水草都随着水波四处地漂荡。

    These water plants float at the mercy of the waves on the water.

  9. 漂荡下来得积雪把我们得门堵塞住了。

    The drifting snow has blocked our door.

  10. 漂荡下来的积雪把我们的门堵塞住了。

    The drifting snow has blocked our door.

  11. 我必须再度出航, 前往吉普赛式的漂荡。

    I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life.

  12. 我破碎的翅膀仍然能够随风漂荡到彼方

    Wings how far should I go drifting in the wind

  13. 数百万年来, 它遂洋流勇动, 漫无目的地漂荡。

    For millions of years it drifted aimlessly with the currents.

  14. 当灵魂随风漂荡时, 它的心会倍感甜蜜而坚强。

    When the soul drifts about with the wind, its heart can feels happy and is strong.

  15. 蒲公英得种子随风漂荡, 也不知将会飞向何方。

    Dandelion seeds drift about at the mercy of the wind, nobody knows where they are going.

  16. 蒲公英的种子随风漂荡,也不知将会飞向何方。

    Dandelion seeds drift about at the mercy of the wind, nobody knows where they are going.

  17. 彼得最喜欢去海边,毫无目的地让船在海中漂荡。

    Peter likes nothing better than going to the coast and messing about in his boat.

  18. 毫无疑问他不定坐了个什么小船儿在海上漂荡过。

    No doubt he has been to sea in some tub or other.

  19. 望远镜中看到一只船在风中漂荡, 倒挂着英国国旗。

    A vessel was sighted with the glass, drifting with the wind, and showing her flag with the union down.

  20. 谁也没想到一个小时过去的时候牛皮船仍然在湖中漂荡。

    One hour later, to their surprise, the yak feather boat is still rowing in the lake.


  1. 问:漂荡拼音怎么拼?漂荡的读音是什么?漂荡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漂荡的读音是piāodàng,漂荡翻译成英文是 To drift on the water.; Lead a wanderer's life...


飘荡(piāo dàng) ,英文drift;wave。为动词,视不同的情况有多种释义,在我国古诗词中常用到此词,用来抒发满腔报国热情确不得志的感慨。

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