







汉语拼音:yù yǎn







  1. 指电影、戏剧、时装表演等正式演出前的试演。

    柳亚子 《怀念阿英先生》:“有一次,《孔夫子》电影预演,他约我去参观,我以为这一次总可以见面畅谈了。”《新民晚报》1991.2.22:“昨天下午,十一位模特儿在锦江小礼堂登台预演,展示 上海 时装最新款式。”

  2. 比喻在某项行动大规模开展之前所进行的试验性行动。

    周保中 《忆东北抗日游击战争》一:“这些队伍虽然人数不多,而且用得多的是原始武器,存在的时间也不长,但它对于后来的群众革命武装斗争,却是一个有价值的预演。”

  3. 预先演示。

    胡也频 《光明在我们的前面》:“那高涨的革命情绪,那预演着将来的斗争胜利的序幕,又使他欢喜起来了。”



  1. New information is stored in short-term memory, where it is "rehearsed" until ready to be stored in long-term memory.


  2. Latin America comes out of the exercise relatively well: the yields of its main crops are expected to fall by only a few percent.


  3. Previews: You will end up making money, but get ready to feel the pain of a huge level gap.


  4. On this view, this summer's fight over raising the debt ceiling was just a preview of a reckoning to come.


  5. Because costars did not make arrangements beforehand, we burst out laughing in ad lib of a partner, and made NG a lot.


  6. recent criticisms of his policy decisions were a preview of that support falling.


  7. is usually celebrated between the immediate families of spouses in the late afternoon the day before the wedding.


  8. A two-hour film demands an enormous amount of shots, and in each shot it is not a question of rehearsing the entire film.


  9. Until this week, I had subscribed to the notion he would return in March and play a Florida tuneup or two before heading to Augusta, Ga.


  1. 练习性预演

    Dry Run

  2. 强迫性预演

    obsessive rehearsal.

  3. 结构化预演

    structured walkthrough.

  4. 颁奖仪式预演

    medal ceremony rehearsal

  5. 珠峰预演活动

    torch relay rehearsal at Mount Qomolangma

  6. 预演一出戏

    Put a play into rehearsal

  7. 在公开预演中

    at a public rehearsal

  8. 我们没有举行预演。

    We have no rehearsal.

  9. 解释, 说明预演, 排演

    Recognize explain continue attend rehearse earn

  10. 实际上,刚才只是预演

    That was just the preproposal,actually.

  11. 实际上,刚才只是预演。

    That was just the pre proposal, actually.

  12. 所有流程都预演过

    Everything has to be rehearsed.

  13. 论教学的思维预演

    On Preview of the Thinking in Teaching

  14. 我需要预演我的演讲。

    I need to go over my speech.

  15. 他被邀请参加预演。

    He was invited to sit in on a rehearsal.

  16. 预演预先的训练。演习

    A preliminary exercise.

  17. 秋季服饰的秘密预演

    A sneak preview of the new fashions for autumn

  18. 我知道今晚有宴会预演。

    I hear there's a rehearsal dinner tonight.

  19. 剧院里贴的预演次数的通告

    a notice of rehearsal times posted in a theater

  20. 俱乐部内部的预演赛在。

    The preview contest among the club is to be held between June and July.

  21. 他去看一场戏剧的预演了。

    He had gone to see the preview of a play.

  22. 我无法强调这种预演有多么重要。

    I cannot stress how important that is.

  23. 这个音乐家在预演中休息五分钟。

    The musicians took five during the rehearsal.

  24. 在预演时我让我的脚可以弯曲。

    I twisted my ankle in talent rehearsal.

  25. 这个简短的预演投入了大量的工作。

    A lot of work has been put into the short preview.

  26. 这个简短的预演投入了大量的工作。

    A lot of work has been put into the short preview.

  27. 罗马制度是我们自己制度粗劣的预演。

    The Roman system was a crude anticipation of our own.

  28. 在预演开始之前背熟她的台词。

    Had her lines cold before rehearsals started.

  29. 这场话剧正预演,下个月公演。

    The drama is being previewed and is going to open to public next month.

  30. 韦斯和我要做下重建的预演

    Wes and I have a walkthrough of the redevelopment.


  1. 问:预演拼音怎么拼?预演的读音是什么?预演翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预演的读音是yùyǎn,预演翻译成英文是 preview; warm-up

  2. 问:预演日拼音怎么拼?预演日的读音是什么?预演日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预演日的读音是yù yǎn rì,预演日翻译成英文是 Rehearsal Day

  3. 问:预演地区拼音怎么拼?预演地区的读音是什么?预演地区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预演地区的读音是yù yǎn dì qū,预演地区翻译成英文是 Rehearsal Area

  4. 问:预演阶段拼音怎么拼?预演阶段的读音是什么?预演阶段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预演阶段的读音是yù yǎn jiē duàn,预演阶段翻译成英文是 Rehearsal Phrase

  5. 问:预演算计算机拼音怎么拼?预演算计算机的读音是什么?预演算计算机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预演算计算机的读音是,预演算计算机翻译成英文是 precomputor



预演(拼音yùyǎn,英语preview of a performance)指公开演出前的预备性演习,或指影片作商业性上映前的小范围内的放映。

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