




配合秤杆称(chēng )轻重的金属块:秤~(秤砣)。敲打物件的器具:~子。铁~。用锤敲打:~打。~炼(a.磨炼;b.刻苦钻研,反复琢磨使技艺等精炼、纯熟)。千~百炼。古代的一种兵器,柄的上头有一个金属圆球:铜~。古代重量单位,一锤等于八铢……



汉语拼音:tiě chuí






  1. The assailant swung and missed, then threw the hammer at Fang as he fled, grazing him on the back.


  2. Surprise in the eyes of the people, the master took out his pocket a small hammer to tap the ball towards iron, iron ball did not move.


  3. somewhere down its course the land had twisted beneath that colossal hammer-blow and the way to the sea was no longer open.


  4. He was known as "The Hammer" for his tough approach to marshalling votes and his strident advocacy for conservative positions.


  5. But the Hammers are hoping to pip Spurs in their tussle for the tenancy of the Olympic stadium after the games in London next year.


  6. He could work for hours without missing a beat. People said he worked so fast that his hammer moved like lightening.


  7. Hammer tanks are the back bone of any tier 2 army and are staples of a soviet late game armored assault.


  8. Fauchelevent, hardly able to draw his breath for trembling, seized his cold chisel and his hammer, and pried up the coffin lid.


  9. It was my first house project, and I did it with a hammer, nails, and a double handful of blind optimism.


  1. 用铁锤锻打

    To forge with a tilt hammer.

  2. 什么样铁链?什么样铁锤?

    What the hammer? What the chain?

  3. 撞锤打桩的铁锤

    The iron block of a pile driver.

  4. 工人把铁锤平了。

    The worker hammered the iron flat.

  5. 他用铁锤打碎镜子。

    He shivered the mirror with a hammer.

  6. 我们用铁锤锤打金属。

    We hammer metal with a hammer.

  7. 铁锤一落,火星四溅。

    Down came the hammer and out flew the spark.

  8. 他用铁锤把石头砸碎。

    He crushed the rock to small pieces with a hammer.

  9. 铁锤可以是致命的武器。

    A hammer can be a lethal weapon.

  10. 给了你一个工具,铁锤。

    You've been given one tool, a hammer.

  11. 用套柄铁锤压成的槽

    A groove made by such a hammer.

  12. 严禁用撬棍, 铁锤乱撬乱砸。

    It is strictly forbidden to pry or hammer at random with crowbars or hammers.

  13. 我们需要一些橡胶水泥和铁锤。

    We need some rubber cement and hammer.

  14. 铁锤沉重地砸在了木头上。

    The hammer thumped against the wood.

  15. 他用大铁锤砸我丈夫的头。

    He was hitting my husband in the head with a hammer.

  16. 他对小偷挥动铁锤般的拳头。

    He waved a hammer a fist to the thief.

  17. 那还不如用大铁锤打铁砧。

    It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge hammer.

  18. 他开始用铁锤敲打门上的锁。

    He began to hammer the lock on the door.

  19. 铁锤是长方形得, 象古时得钟锤。

    The knocker is oblong in shape, and of the kind our ancestors called jaquemart.

  20. 铁锤是长方形得, 像古时得钟锤。

    The knocker is oblong in shape, and of the kind our ancestors called jaquemart.

  21. 铁锤是长方形的,像古时的钟锤。

    The knocker is oblong in shape, and of the kind our ancestors called jaquemart.

  22. 铁锤是长方形的,象 古时 的钟锤。

    The knocker is oblong in shape, and of the kind our ancestors called jaquemart.

  23. 这把铁锤我已经使用了十年了。

    I've been using the iron hammer for ten years.

  24. 这把铁锤我已经使用了十年了。

    I've been using the iron hammer for ten years.

  25. 他不小心用铁锤敲着了拇指。

    THUMB He accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer.

  26. 铁匠用于压槽或辗铁的铁锤

    a hammer used by a blacksmith for grooving or spreading iron

  27. 他们在珍珠港用铁锤猛敲我们

    You know, at Pearl, they hit us with a sledgehammer.

  28. 他用铁锤使劲地猛击那块岩石。

    He struck the rock a mighty blow with a hammer.

  29. 铁锤打在石头上,迸出不少火星。

    Sparks flew up when the hammer struck the rock.

  30. 当你是铁钻时,忍受当你是铁锤时,锻炼。

    When you are the anvil, bear when you are the hammer, strike.


  1. 问:铁锤拼音怎么拼?铁锤的读音是什么?铁锤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铁锤的读音是tiěchuí,铁锤翻译成英文是 A hammer; a tool used to strike; it has a handl...



铁锤,3D动画片《生肖传奇》三部曲中十二圣兽之一,是一头牛。在《十二生肖闯江湖》中,他天天在村子里打铁,做出一件件极品兵器。后来他遇到如月(兔)、路路通(狗)和龙震天(龙)一起上路,前往泰山选拔圣兽。最后,他的对手超强猪拿了他的所有兵器,但超强猪举起一个武器,铁锤就立刻夺过来,把全部兵器都改造成了农具 ,超强猪离开擂台,铁锤就成为了圣兽。在《十二生肖总动员》中,他天天在火焰山打铁,力气大得惊人,还有一件非常重的武器——玄天锤。他要把小海的力气练大,协助小海打败年兽,为天下百姓造福。

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