









汉语拼音:zǎo diǎn shuì



  1. I got up at the time, you just to say: "do not tired" , go to bed early.


  2. you go to bed early at night, would not be so sleepy.


  3. No wonder you look sleepy. I asked you to go to bed earlier last night, but you just wouldn't listen to me.


  4. Jason: No, I'm going to bed early tonight.


  5. After dinner, out of a turn, come back have to shower, and then my father urged me to go to bed early, to greet the new day.


  6. You should have gone to bed earlier last night.


  7. I stayed up in time. You just to say "don't too tired. Go to sleep early. . . " The telephone. Will sweet smile. . . But darling to sleep.


  8. You should go to bed early in a few nights.


  9. Since there will be a lot of hard work to do tomorrow, make sure you go to bed early tonight.


  1. 我打算早点睡。

    I planned an early night.

  2. 好累,今天要早点睡。

    Tired. Crashing early tonight.

  3. 我想我要早点睡,好好睡一觉。

    I think I'll have an early night and get a good sleep.

  4. 垂头熊,早点睡吧,一把年纪。

    Little bear, you're old, go home and sleep.

  5. 今儿早点睡,明儿好早起赶火车。

    Let's turn in early, so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.

  6. 你晚上早点睡,就不会这么困了。

    you go to bed early at night, would not be so sleepy.

  7. 我知道,我想我要早点睡,好好睡一个觉。

    I know, I think I will a early night and get a good sleep.

  8. 过了这样累人的一天我们应当早点睡了。

    We should have an early night after such a tiring day.

  9. 老师天都黑了,您乖乖的,早点睡吧,晚安!

    Days teachers are black, you Guaiguai, Zaodian Shui bar, good night!

  10. 我需要早点睡了, 身体上而言, 感觉不是太舒服。

    I have to go to bed soon, physically, It made me uncomfortable.

  11. 早点去睡能给你充分得休息, 以及早起得可能。

    Going to bed early will give you ample rest and will help you rise early.

  12. 早点去睡能给你充分的休息,以及早起的可能。

    Going to bed early will give you ample rest and will help you rise early.

  13. 明天,你要早点上床睡

    Tomorrow,you are going to have an early night.

  14. 明天,你要早点上床睡。

    Tomorrow, you are going to have an early night.

  15. 你该早点好好地睡一觉, 明天照相时才会神采奕奕的。

    Come now, don't get into a tantrum. You must beauty sleep for the photographer tomorrow.

  16. 所以你得早点上床,好好睡一觉。

    So you need to go to bed early and get a good night's sleep.

  17. 该走了!想睡个觉,早点起床练瑜珈!你们要鼓励我喔,好不好

    Must be off. Get some sleep. Want to get up early and do Yoga! Help motivate me would you?

  18. 褐发女郎回家后倒头就睡, 以便第二天早点起身。

    The Brunette went Home and straight to bed so she could get an early start the next morning.

  19. 我睡了,你去现在早点休息!

    I sleep, you go to bed earlier now!

  20. 今天晚上我要早点睡觉,好好的睡上一夜。

    I'm going to turn in early tonight and get a good night's sleep.

  21. 你要知道,今天早上我睡过头了,没吃上早点。

    You see, I overslept this morning and missed my breakfast.

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