


1. 副 [fù]2. 副 [pì]副 [fù]第二位的,辅助的,区别于“正”、“主”:~职。~手。~官。~使。附带的,次要的:~业。~品。~食。~刊。~歌。~产品。~作用。相配,相称(chèn ):名实相~。其实难~。量词(a.一组或一套……







汉语拼音:fù biāo tí







  1. 见“ 副题 ”。



  1. I mention it now because Frank's subtitle reminded me of that comment and how much it meant to me.

  2. Orphan An undesirable effect of page make-up in which the first line of a paragraph, or a subhead, appears at the foot of a page, See Widow.

  3. Solution: Make your page easy to read by breaking the text into smaller, more manageable pieces. Also, use sub-headings and bullet points.

  4. He produced a documentary called "Going Blind, " with the telling subtitle "Coming Out of the Dark About Vision Loss. "

  5. He was, as he says proudly in his subtitle to I'm Feeling Lucky, Google employee number 59.

  6. If you are going to use a tagline, you could also consider adding it to the title tag of your website.

  7. The title and description are the same as the ones we used for title and subtitle when generating the chart.

  8. The subtitle of Jacques's book refers to "the end of the western world" , but he is not claiming the west is going to collapse or disappear.

  9. A good document has headings and subheadings, because headings make it easier to determine the topic of a page.


  1. 标题附类及副标题

    heading subdivision

  2. 博客的名字和副标题。

    Title and subtitle of your blog.

  3. 文章中的副标题或子标题。

    The subtitles or subheadings within the post.

  4. 也就是这个副标题拥抱变化。

    Hence the subtitle, Embrace Change.

  5. 文章中得副标题或子标题。

    The subtitles or subheadings within the post.

  6. 恩,这里不是有一个副标题吗

    Hey, wasn't there a subtitle

  7. 我非常喜欢这个副标题激情的思索。

    I very much appreciate the subtitle, Thought as Passion.

  8. 为图表副标题, 标签和图例指定字体。

    Specifies font for chart subtitle, labels, and legend.

  9. 因此,标题和副标题最好只有一行文字。

    Therefore use single lines of text for your headings and sub headings.

  10. 不浏览标题的访问者,会注意副标题。

    Visitors who read beyond the headline, scan subheadings.

  11. 副标题开头的短语应该尽量词性相同。

    Try to start most subheadings with the same part of speech, such as a verb or a noun.

  12. 头设计公开标题与副标题属性给用户。

    Header Designer exposes Heading and SubHeading properties to the user.

  13. 标题。细目主题,论文或提纲下面的副标题

    A subdivision of a theme, a thesis, or an outline.

  14. 利用副标题来使你的综述有序和连贯。

    Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to your review.

  15. 工作需求是按副标题的字母顺序排列的。

    They jobs are listed in alphabetical order under the subheadings.

  16. 略读副标题、照片说明和所提供的概要。

    Skim subheads, photo captions and any available summaries.

  17. 同样地, 元素为整个提要指定一个副标题。

    Likewise, the element specifies a subtitle for the overall feed.

  18. 阅读每个章节或每个副标题后面提出的问题

    Read questions at the end of the chapters or after each subheading

  19. 放弃你得控制欲!这句话可以成为副标题。

    This could be subtopicgive up control!

  20. 放弃你的控制欲!这句话可以成为副标题。

    This could be subtopicgive up control!

  21. 遇到感兴趣得内容, 用户仅会多看一眼副标题。

    Users only look at a sub headline if it interests them.

  22. 遇到感兴趣的内容, 用户仅会多看一眼副标题。

    Users only look at a sub headline if it interests them.

  23. 法的副标题与正文法的生效日用词不一致。

    The subheading of law is inconsistent with the terms of effective date in the main body of law.

  24. 并且我也有一个稍显聪明一些的副标题。

    And I also have a little bit of a sort of smartass subtitle to this.

  25. 他写我在法官席的岁月,副标题一个法官的自传。

    He wrote My Years on the Bench, subtitled Autobiography of a Judge.

  26. 副标题为律师的第二册也将获得广泛关注。

    Volume Two, subtitled'The Lawyers', will also attract considerable attention.

  27. 最重要词语置于页面, 标题, 副标题, 和链接得前端。

    Place the most important words at the beginning of page titles, headlines, subheadings, and links.

  28. 最重要词语置于页面、标题、副标题,和链接的前端。

    Place the most important words at the beginning of page titles, headlines, subheadings, and links.

  29. 你首先通过阅读标题和副标题来纵览以下整个报道。

    You first do a survey of the report by reading only the title and the subtitles.

  30. 关于在案文中保留副标题的问题,见上文尾注14。

    As regards the retention of subheadings in the text, see endnote14 above.


  1. 问:副标题拼音怎么拼?副标题的读音是什么?副标题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:副标题的读音是fùbiāotí,副标题翻译成英文是 subheading; subtitle; subhead




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