


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……




1. 般 [bān]般 [bān]样,种,类:这~。那~。百~。~配。暴风雨~的掌声。古同“班”,散布,分布。同“搬”。……



汉语拼音:bù yī bān



  1. She will only say that Andrew was a "very considerate boyfriend" and a "very special man" in her life.


  2. Tom: I don't know. But I guess that the word must be very unusual.


  3. Strawberry flavor reminds me of the image, a few months ago at the moment with how unusual.


  4. A few months ago I pulled this great-looking guy in a bar in Surrey and agreed to go back to his for a night of full-on kinkiness.


  5. The boy began to quake with dread . . . this was no ordinary lecture for being bad!


  6. indeed, in her presence he becomes not just a different person but the person he most wants to be.


  7. If the female skin is not yellow in general, there can be a function of the body is declining.


  8. Kathy, the hostess, always puts on quite a party for her employees and their families.


  9. Now, you had a lot of power, and you got to beat people up -- you got a lot of prestige, a lot of respect.


  1. 很不一般。

    It's not normal.

  2. 确实不一般。

    Really did have something special.

  3. 这真不一般啊。

    This is quite something.

  4. 这真不一般啊。

    This is quite something.

  5. 因稀有而显得不一般。

    extraordinariness as a consequence of being rare and uncommon.

  6. 这对我来说可不一般?

    Et ca me fait quelque chose.

  7. 这两只衣袖不一般长。

    The sleeves are unequal in length.

  8. 他处理球的能力不一般。

    He was able to handle the ball.

  9. 但那些插图可是不一般阿。

    But the drawings are different.

  10. 就是, 那个龙卷风还真不一般。

    Ali Yeah, that tornado was something.

  11. 他很不一般,工作非常出色。

    He is quite out of the ordinary, and his work is exceptional.

  12. 这项设计是非常不一般的

    The design is quite extraordinary.

  13. 非凡的人不一般的或极棒的人。

    One that is extraordinary or remarkable.

  14. 她戴的那顶帽子可不一般。

    She was wearing no ordinary hat, ie Her hat was very unusual.

  15. 雅库茨克的遥远也很不一般。

    Yakutsks remoteness is also extraordinary.

  16. 雅库茨克得遥远也很不一般。

    Yakutsks remoteness is also extraordinary.

  17. 你真是个不一般的女人, 琳达。

    You are quite a woman, Linda.

  18. 这两幅画挂得不一般高, 这幅比那幅高。

    The two picture is not quite level that one is higher than the other.

  19. 就拿傣族来说吧,其抬鼓就很不一般。

    Take the Dai nationality for example. Their taigu is terrific.

  20. 底层的饼层也不一般, 松脆且带有麦香。

    The bottom cake also boasts its own crisp and wheat fragrance.

  21. 只是我现在所面对的观众都是不一般的人。

    It's just that I'm in front of a very privileged audience.

  22. 染结花边的织物使产生一种不一般的模式。

    Dye after knotting the fabric to produce an irregular pattern.

  23. 汤姆不知道。但是我想这个词一定挺不一般的。

    Tom I dont know. But I guess that the word must be very unusual.

  24. 现在让我用一段不一般地视频做个结尾。

    Now I'm going to close with a video that is kind of unusual.

  25. 蒂托的隐瞒才能已经发展到了不一般的程度。

    Tito's talent for concealment was being fast developed into something, less neutral.

  26. 每个有学问的人庆幸着自己与其他人的不一般

    Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being in his unlikeness to other men.

  27. 就光看这一圈调料的阵仗,就知道味道不一般!

    Looking at so many dishes, we knew the flavor is not ordinary.

  28. 我们并不一般地反对讽刺, 但是必须废除讽刺的乱用。

    We are not opposed to satire in general what we must abolish is the abuse of satire.

  29. 土卫六很不一般, 因为它被厚厚的大气层所覆盖。

    Titan is unusual, because it is covered by a thick atmosphere.

  30. 门多萨抄本是一部不一般的文献,有着奇特的历史。

    The Codex Mendoza is an extraordinary document with a strange history.

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