







汉语拼音:fèi tuó



意为“知识”。古 印度 婆罗门教的早期文献,包括《黎俱》、《夜柔》、《娑摩》和《阿闼婆》四部本集及《森林书》、《奥义书》、《法经》等。“吠陀”用古梵文写成,是 印度 宗教、哲学及文学之基础。



  1. [梵Veda]意为“知识”。古 印度 婆罗门教的早期文献,包括《黎俱》、《夜柔》、《娑摩》和《阿闼婆》四部本集及《森林书》、《奥义书》、《法经》等。“吠陀”用古梵文写成,是 印度 宗教、哲学及文学之基础。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·印度总述》:“其婆罗门学四吠陀论:一曰寿,谓养生缮性。二曰祠,谓享祭祈祷。三曰平,谓礼仪、占卜、兵法、军阵。四曰术,谓异能、伎数、禁咒、医方。”



  1. Potent antioxidant used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine to influence and support the body's natural inflammatory response.


  2. Our work with Ayurveda helped this women understand how the asanas she had been practicing had aggravated the subtle energies of her body.


  3. At the beginning of every cycle of creation, God himself "remembers" the order of the Vedic words and propagates them through the rishis.


  4. In such a simple and crude manner did the theatre originate in India nearly 4000 years back in the tribal Aryans of Rig Vedic times.


  5. To begin with, dampen the face brush with a little water and dip into the Ayurvedic clay.


  6. Make sure to cover each region of the body five to six times in a circular motion with the mud and brush.


  7. Our front door would be locked, the meeting room in darkness, the watchword a Vedic mantra, our talk in whispers.


  8. Dampen the brush with a little water and dip into the mud or sprinkle the mud upon it.


  9. More hymns in the Rig Veda are dedicated to him than any other god by a sizable amount.


  1. 吠陀圣歌传统

    The Tradition of Vedic Chanting

  2. 吠陀火神, 人类保护神

    The Vedic god of fire and guardian of humanity.

  3. 吠陀火神,人类保护神

    The Vedic god of fire and guardian of humanity.

  4. 吠陀梵文用于写吠陀的一种早期梵文

    The early Sanskrit in which the Vedas are written.

  5. 印度吠陀时代妇女的地位探略

    The Position of Indian Women in the Vedic Age

  6. 印度阿育吠陀医学的哲学思想

    The thought of philosophy of ayurvedic medicines

  7. 禅定派来自印度吠陀的传统。

    Transcendental Meditation arose from the Vedic tradition in India.

  8. 禅定派来自印度吠陀得传统。

    Transcendental Meditation arose from the Vedic tradition in India.

  9. 阿育是生命的意思,吠陀是知识的意思。

    Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge.

  10. 阿育吠陀让瑜伽练习散发光芒。

    Ayurveda can shed light on the practice of yoga.

  11. 吠陀文献引用了整个辽阔的文稿。

    Vedic literature refers to the whole of this vast group of literature.

  12. 传说中的吠陀文明是高度发达的文明。

    Legend has it that the Vedic civilisation was highly advanced.

  13. 阿达婆吠陀意思是明智和古老的吠陀。

    Atharvaveda means the Veda of the wise and the old.

  14. 印度河流域文明与吠陀时期的女神

    Evolution of Goddesses from the Time of Indus Civilization to Vedic Age

  15. 因陀罗吠陀中的一个主神, 掌管雷雨

    A principal Vedic deity associated with rain and thunder.

  16. 在吠陀时代, 因陀罗是众神的统治者。

    In Vedic times, Indra was the supreme ruler of the gods.

  17. 古代印度吠陀时代所信奉的创世之神。

    Creator figure in the Vedic period of India.

  18. 所有的经济团体都在利用阿育吠陀系统。

    All economic groups make use of the Ayurvedic system.

  19. 吠陀可以回溯到公元前三千年到公元前一千年之间。

    The Vedas are dated around 3000 B.C. to 1000 B.C.

  20. 属于,关于吠陀经或写吠陀的一种早期梵文。

    of or relating the the Vedas or to the ancient Sanskrit in which they were written.

  21. 姜黄和罗勒都是常用的阿育吠陀草药。

    Turmeric and sweet basil are commonly used Ayurvedic herbs.

  22. 吠陀颂歌是根据吠陀经中给出的语调唱诵的。

    Vedic Mantras are chanted according to the intonation given in the Vedas.

  23. 所以,人们认为梨俱吠陀不可能是谈论印度。

    So, what happened is that people thought therefore the Rg Veda cannot be talking about India.

  24. 通常认为梨俱吠陀最终是在公元前1000年完成。

    The date commonly given for the final recension of the Rigveda is 1000 BC.

  25. 利俱吠陀也有一首独一无二献身于他的诗。

    A hymn is also dedicated to him alone in Rig Veda.

  26. 自从吠陀时期开始, 印度人已经要准备地背诵吠陀经。

    Since Vedic times, Indians had been required to correctly recite, the Vedas.

  27. 从而,古典的吠陀梵语就被认为是较早期的吠陀语言。

    Classical Sanskrit can therefore be considered a seamless evolution of the earlier Vedic language.

  28. 甚至更早时, 吠陀古经文献中就有同类故事。

    Even earlier, the same types of stories were present in Vedic literature.

  29. 它是丰富的,充满异国情调的本质阿育吠陀生命科学。

    It is the rich, exotic essence of Ayurveda; the science of life.

  30. 梵语古典文学是在吠陀和史诗的基础上发展起来的。

    The classic Sanskrit literature flourished on the basis of the Vedic and Epic literature.


  1. 问:吠陀拼音怎么拼?吠陀的读音是什么?吠陀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吠陀的读音是,吠陀翻译成英文是 Vedas

  2. 问:吠陀的拼音怎么拼?吠陀的的读音是什么?吠陀的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吠陀的的读音是,吠陀的翻译成英文是 vedic

  3. 问:吠陀哲学拼音怎么拼?吠陀哲学的读音是什么?吠陀哲学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吠陀哲学的读音是,吠陀哲学翻译成英文是 vedanta

  4. 问:吠陀文化拼音怎么拼?吠陀文化的读音是什么?吠陀文化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吠陀文化的读音是,吠陀文化翻译成英文是 Vedic period

  5. 问:吠陀梵语拼音怎么拼?吠陀梵语的读音是什么?吠陀梵语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吠陀梵语的读音是fèi tuó fàn yǔ,吠陀梵语翻译成英文是 Vedic

  6. 问:吠陀重音拼音怎么拼?吠陀重音的读音是什么?吠陀重音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吠陀重音的读音是,吠陀重音翻译成英文是 Vedic accent





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