


1. 能 [néng]2. 能 [nài]能 [néng]才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。应该:你不~这样……





汉语拼音:néng nai








  1. 亦作“ 能奈 ”。本领。

    元 郑光祖 《三战吕布》第一折:“若会俺 孙元帅 ,要见明白,再不敢小覷俺无能奈。”《红楼梦》第七二回:“不是我説没能奈的话,要像这么着,我竟不能了。”奈,一本作“ 耐 ”。《老残游记》第十八回:“我没有这们大的能耐。” 丁玲 《太阳照在桑干河上》十一:“他们都狠狠的打量他们,想窥测出他们是些什么人,究竟有些什么能耐。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第八章:“这个社会别说是你,就是比你能耐大、阅历多的男子,哪个不碰得头破血流?”

  2. 有本领。

    杨朔 《北线》:“ 全喜 媳妇更能耐,炕上炕下,家里地里,样样拿得起,赛过个男人。” 端木蕻良 《乡愁》三:“呵,看见了,真能耐。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第十章:“敌人能耐,咱队长更能耐。”



  1. But America is still capable of putting two fingers up to its banker, when the mood takes it.


  2. Do what you want, how much ability you in the end?


  3. I can't have something of that kinds power floating around now can I?


  4. The lucky thing was that he knew that Britten had done all his tricks at once, had shot his bolt.


  5. A certain power of enduring boredom is therefore essential to a happy life, and is one of the things that might to be taught to the young.


  6. Was it a new circumstance for a man of first-rate abilities to be captivated by very inferior powers?


  7. How much tension can this piece of paper endure?


  8. If you were really on the ball, you would ask the customer for the names and phone numbers of his friends.


  9. Only's got more money than god, ambitious former British minister Mr Gus cyprioe_ only white have had such a great ability.


  1. 这盆能耐火。

    This dish will resist fire.

  2. 你会有这能耐!

    You capable of it!

  3. 有些植物能耐酷热。

    Some plants are tolerant of extreme heat.

  4. 我有能耐干这些。

    I am capable of that.

  5. 他一点也不能耐寒。

    He has no tolerance to cold.

  6. 当然她没这能耐。

    Of course,she can't.

  7. 既做头牌, 有何能耐?

    What's your talent as the top showgirl?

  8. 既做头牌,有何能耐?

    What's your talent as the top showgirl?

  9. 自己没有能耐, 就别惹是非。

    Raise no more devils than you canlay.

  10. 某一种玻璃很能耐热。

    A certain kind of glass can endure much heat.

  11. 自己没有能耐, 别去惹是生非。

    Raise no more devils than you can lay.

  12. 说说我的能耐有什么难的?

    Why is it so hard for you to say nice things about me?

  13. 说说我的能耐有什么难的?

    Why is it so hard for you to say nice things about me?

  14. 别求她帮忙。她没那个能耐。

    Dont ask her to help. Shes useless.

  15. 这小子出汗的能耐挺特别。

    His powers of sweating were extraordinary.

  16. 他有那种正本清源的能耐。

    He had the faculty of making order out of confusion.

  17. 我的鞋便有这能耐。

    My shoes are capable of that.

  18. 你能耐着性子看完戏吗?

    Are you able to sit through the play?

  19. 你没见识过你妈的能耐吗

    Have you not seen your mother in action?

  20. 饲养能耐乾旱的一种牛。

    Breed a race of cattle that can survive drought.

  21. 因为只有我才有那能耐。

    Because only I have the ability.

  22. 黑田得滑球具有这样得能耐。

    Kuroda, however, has that ability in his slider.

  23. 成功的人都是能耐着寂寞的人。

    Successful people are capable of loneliness.

  24. 我们需要能耐高温高压的材料。

    We want such materials as can bear high temperature and pressure.

  25. 能耐长时间工作, 增加生产效率。

    The machine can work in long time and the efficiency is improved.

  26. 能耐武汉盛夏的高温特别不易。

    It is particularly difficult to bear up against the midsummer heat in Wuhan.

  27. 你我都清楚他有多大能耐。

    We both know what he's capable of.

  28. 我们有数千种微生物有这种能耐

    We have thousands of organisms that can do this.

  29. 有能耐的话, 请置备混杂动力汽车。

    If you can, buy a hybrid car.

  30. 我们再次见识到了他们的能耐。

    Now, again we see a mix of legal and illegal activities.


  1. 问:能耐拼音怎么拼?能耐的读音是什么?能耐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:能耐的读音是néngnai,能耐翻译成英文是 ability

  2. 问:能耐受的拼音怎么拼?能耐受的的读音是什么?能耐受的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:能耐受的的读音是néng nài shòu de,能耐受的翻译成英文是 tolerant



词目: 能耐

拼音:néngnài释义:本事;技能。(多用于口语)英文:ability capability skill

近义词:本事 本领词义:一个人的本领很大

反义词:无能 无耐褒义词:表扬他人——:说明一个人在某一方面很厉害——“这个人很有能耐,这么难的题目到他手里一下就解决了……”《芦花荡》“你什么也靠给我,我什么也靠给水上的能耐。”贬义词:讽刺他人——:“你可真有能耐啊~一加一等于二你都知道……”表示说反话。

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