




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……





汉语拼音:shè jí dào



  1. As you point out in the book, the statistical differences between American and Dutch teens when it comes to sex is pretty staggering.


  2. But the President was no Wilson or Franklin Roosevelt when it came to bending Congress to his will.


  3. The topology shown in Figure 1 provides the best stability and reduces the operational risk involved in case of a data center outage.


  4. As you shall see, these logos involve the creative arrangement and modification of words to enhance the name of the company they represent.


  5. Having covered the coding-free implementation of a simple Variable Persister, let's take a look at the mechanics of this function.


  6. ANNA LACY: And of course won't you get a bit older and you might want to start family, there are a few issues around that aren't there?


  7. Piracy has been a serious social problem in a global sense. It has much to do with the equilibrium of legal rights.


  8. to get a new guest from the lobby to his cleaned room involves the front office , the uniformed services , and the housekeeping department.


  9. It's not simply a redirection of economic power but a question of how that power will be used to shape the global economic order.


  1. 这涉及到如何网络营销

    How does that relate to Internet marketing

  2. 这会涉及到引力波。

    It involves gravitational waves.

  3. 並且涉及到系統性的風險

    And it has implications for systemic risk.

  4. 既然涉及到左肾动脉

    Why aren't we taking out the kidney.

  5. 这涉及到许多消费产品。

    That covers many consumer products.

  6. 他离题涉及到文学领域。

    He divagated into the field of literature.

  7. 涉及到神经系统的手术。

    any surgery that involves the nervous system.

  8. 涉及到神经系统得手术。

    any surgery that involves the nervous system.

  9. 没涉及到男朋友或者感情

    No talk about boyfriends or feelings.

  10. 这些问题只是涉及到表面。

    These problems just scratch the surface.

  11. 这事涉及到你的利益。

    The matter touches your interests.

  12. 这事涉及到你得利益。

    The matter touches your interests.

  13. 涉及到前面所讲的数字

    Refer to the foregoing figures.

  14. 涉及到而变得不合情理。

    Become illogical when it comes to sth.

  15. 这本书涉及到许多问题。

    The book touched on a wide range of problems.

  16. 这就涉及到大量的信息。

    and that involves massive amounts of information.

  17. 你的书涉及到浪漫主义吗

    Is Romanticism in the scope of your book.

  18. 十进小数涉及到110或数字10。

    A decimal pertains to tenths or to the number ten.

  19. 这个问题书里面没涉及到。

    The book does not touch on this question.

  20. 这个问题书里面没涉及到。

    The book does not touch on this question.

  21. 十进小数涉及到1/ 10或数字10。

    A decimal pertains to tenths or to the number ten.

  22. 这个问题所涉及到的困难。

    The difficulties in which the question is involved.

  23. 它涉及到胸腺,位于胸腔里。

    It is related to the thymus, located in the chest.

  24. 我们的谈话涉及到许多题目。

    Our conversation touched on many subjects.

  25. 冷量生产涉及到液化气的生产。

    The production of cold involves the production of liquefied gases.

  26. 但是我不会涉及到微积分。

    No calculus, I'll cut out that.

  27. 用药问题也涉及到伦理道德问题。

    Taking drygs is also a moral and ethical problem.

  28. 他的演讲涉及到很多论题。

    His lecture ranged over a variety of topics.

  29. 这课涉及到重实效的学习。

    The course involves the study of pragmatics.

  30. 这课涉及到重实效得学习。

    The course involves the study of pragmatics.

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