






1. 能 [néng]2. 能 [nài]能 [néng]才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。应该:你不~这样……


1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:wú rén néng jí









  1. The precise yet endlessly suggestive works that result from his unrivalled draughtsmanship are just as compelling as his paintings.


  2. In the human side of the highest positive defensive troops, powerful defense capabilities, and damage is not to be overlooked either.


  3. Bessie Smith was an incomparable singer in her days .


  4. Today Westlife is still one of the most celebrated stars, and remains next to no one else.


  5. After five years of basking in my fame and unrivalled reputation as the "naughtiest girl" at school, the time came for O-levels.


  6. The poll shows that half men really hold their mothers as a model figure in terms of femininity and indisputable authority.


  7. Your feelings are always in full display, and once you lose patience , your violence would have no equal.


  8. But with his right he could strike a ball hard and with swerve like nobody else in his era.


  9. Yet as a single-volume account of mankind's biggest mistake, Mr Brown's book is hard to beat.


  1. 他在绘画方面无人能及。

    In the art of painting he stands alone.

  2. 她的带球技巧无人能及。

    Her dribbling skills look second to none.

  3. 听他们的歌吧, 他们的摇滚无人能及。

    Listen to them they are rock roll at its best.

  4. 听他们的歌吧,他们的摇滚无人能及。

    Listen to them they are rock roll at its best.

  5. 谈到讨价还价, 黛娜可说是无人能及。

    When it comes to bargain, Dana is second to none.

  6. 在教会法知识方面, 他几乎无人能及。

    Few people could equal him in his knowledge of church law.

  7. 在教会法知识方面,他几乎无人能及。

    Few people could equal him in his knowledge of church law.

  8. 你对拉塔武器的运用应该是无人能及。

    Your skill with a latajang should be unsurpassed.

  9. 而他今天才意识到她的手段无人能及。

    But now he realized she was capable of so much more.

  10. 你确实爱冲动买东西, 这点真是无人能及。

    You are indeed the king of the impulse buy.

  11. 你确实爱冲动买东西,这点真是无人能及。

    You are indeed the king of the impulse buy.

  12. 你总是喜形于色,一旦你失去耐心,你的暴力无人能及。

    Your feelings are always in full display, and once you lose patience, your violence would have no equal.

  13. 首先是他在具体得和抽象得细节上得思考无人能及。

    The first is him at concrete and abstract details and no one can consider.

  14. 首先是他在具体的和抽象的细节上的思考无人能及。

    The first is him at concrete and abstract details and no one can consider.

  15. 他的敏捷无人能及, 而他隐匿的技巧只比不上极少数人。

    His agility is matched by none, and his stealth is inferior only to few.

  16. 朱可夫元帅为伟大卫国战争胜利做出的贡献无人能及。

    Marshal Zhukovs contribution to the Great Patriotic War is unparalleled to anyone.

  17. 肯恩主宰比赛得能力在联盟史上可说是无人能及得!

    No superstar in history has made more of an immediate impact than Kane.

  18. 但他的右脚却能够踢出势大力沉的旋转,当今无人能及。

    Every little bump in the road I try to swerve.

  19. 在最佳状态下, 帕瓦罗蒂迸发出来的绝美演唱无人能及。

    No one matched Pavarotti at his best for sheer, prodigal outpouring of vocal beauty.

  20. 我们把这个位置留给迭戈,他的能力是独一无二无人能及的。

    We leave sideways to Maradona, that is of another planet.

  21. 肯恩主宰比赛的能力在联盟史上可说是无人能及的!

    No superstar in history has made more of an immediate impact than Kane.

  22. 美国国家航空和航天局及名为航空环境的设计小组预计能在2003年使一艘轻质无人太阳能飞在太空中飞行六个月。

    By 2003, NASA and design group Aero-Vironment think they will have a way to keep a lightweight, unmanned solar-powered plane in the air for six months.

  23. 无人能敌。

    Her skills were unmatched.

  24. 无人能永生

    No one can live forever.

  25. 无人能比得上他。

    No one can be comparable to him.

  26. 无人能拉回时钟。

    One cannot pull the clock back.

  27. 如此深奥, 无人能解。

    It's so profound and nobody could ever understand.

  28. 如此深奥,无人能解。

    It's so profound and nobody could ever understand .

  29. 她的一跳, 无人能超越。

    Nobody could overcome her jump.

  30. 她的一跳,无人能超越。

    Nobody could overcome her jump.

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