


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……




1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]处 [chǔ]居住:穴居野~。存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。决定,决断:~理。对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。止,隐退:~暑。处 [chù]地方:……



汉语拼音:hǎo qù chǔ



  1. A fling with a single mom turns on the light bulb over his head: maybe a good place to meet women would be single-parent support groups.


  2. It was the perfect setting for the blotting out of a too inquisitive foreign devil.


  3. The 20-year-old hazelnut clarity, calm on the ship, except for a few small fish, and reflection of the mountains around the meditation.


  4. This was as good a place as any, for all the young couples would stop when they reached this point, to sit on the benches round the pond.


  5. Bottom line: the public markets are no place for a young company that's trying to figure out its business model.


  6. Bronzed by the sun. Full of vigor after a few days in the open country. Wonderful place to unwind. Come with me and get relaxed next year.


  7. One of the famous places in town, with lots happenings all over the place and nearby, offering a good spot for surfing!


  8. "New York is such a packed environment, rooftops have always been a natural refuge, " says founder Mark Elijah Rosenberg.


  9. Cedar Stock was the place to go for a touch of mainstream civilization after spending weeks in the backcountry.


  1. 告诉你避暑好去处!

    A Good Place for Summer Holidays!

  2. 休闲有什么好去处?

    What can I do with my leisure time?

  3. 是的。那里是夜生活的好去处。

    AYes.It's a good nightlife.

  4. 是得。那里是夜生活得好去处。

    AYes. It's a good nightlife.

  5. 这是冲浪运动的好去处。

    It's a great place to go surfing.

  6. 买纪念品的最好去处是哪?

    Where is a good place to buy souvenirs?

  7. 海峡群岛是度假的好去处。

    The channel island is favorite holiday destination.

  8. 茶馆是消磨夜晚的好去处。

    The teahouse is a great place to wile away an evening.

  9. 那座山是攀登的好去处。

    That hill would be a good climb.

  10. 第五街是逛街的好去处。

    Fifth Avenue is a good place for window shopping.

  11. 第五大道是逛街的好去处。

    Fifth Avenue is a good place for windowshopping.

  12. 这是观光和购物的好去处。

    This is an ideal place for sightseeing and shopping.

  13. 五个品尝地方风味的好去处

    Five good place to taste the good taste

  14. 香江百货是购物的好去处。

    Xiangjiang general store is a good place for shopping.

  15. 这是个度假休养的好去处。

    It is an admirable place to come to for a holiday and rest.

  16. 这儿是观光和购物的好去处。

    This is an ideal place for sightseeing and shopping.

  17. 北戴河是个避暑的好去处。

    Beidaihe is a nice summer resort.

  18. 大连被誉为理想的度假好去处。

    Dalian is considered as an ideal place for vacationers.

  19. 另一个好去处就是葡萄酒庄园。

    For another royally good experience, head to the wine gardens.

  20. 新英格兰欣赏秋叶的好去处。

    Enjoy the Fall Foliage, and a Cranberry Bog in New England.

  21. 这是青年男女运动街舞的好去处

    The best place for the young to practice street dancing

  22. 如果你喜欢旅游, 扬州是个好去处。

    If yo like traveling, Yangzou is a place to go.

  23. 真是个周末游览和购物的好去处。

    An ideal place for a weekend visit and shopping trip.

  24. 真是个周末游览和购物得好去处。

    An ideal place for a weekend visit and shopping trip.

  25. 是游人秋游, 赏叶, 观果的好去处。

    Visitors, autumn outing, foliage, ornamental fruit of a good place.

  26. 低价股一直是诈骗犯们行骗的好去处。

    Penny stocks have long been a haven for fraudsters.

  27. 靖江王陵墓是骑自行车游览的好去处。

    The Jingjiang Ming Tombs are a good place to bicycle to.

  28. 靖江王陵墓是骑自行车游览得好去处。

    The Jingjiang Ming Tombs are a good place to bicycle to.

  29. 在宅邸外,它是这个世界上最好去处。

    Next to the mansion, it's the best hangout on the planet.

  30. 风景很好,是旅游和拍摄照片的好去处。

    Good scenery, and tourism is a good place to take a picture.

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