


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……




数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……


不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……



汉语拼音:bù huáng duō ràng






  1. It is still a useful military motif: recall the playing cards used to represent Saddam Hussein and his most-wanted cohorts.


  2. NBA players appear to be the kings of nap, although professional hockey players seem right behind.


  3. The shale boom has already minted a half-dozen new billionaires comparable to the riches brought by the Internet.


  4. in terms of competitiveness , hong kong s tax system compares favourably with other tax jurisdictions.


  1. 节奏程序都要把握得准确,比跳探戈不遑多让。

    In other words, when airing a quilt, you have to be more accurate than dancing a tango.

  2. 实际上你是这里为数不多的让我感觉舒服的人。

    You're actually one of the few people here that I feel comfortable around.

  3. 我认为这辆车能差不多正好让我们开到伦 敦。

    I think the car will just about hold up till we reach London.

  4. 硬不让多莉演这出戏,这太不像话了。

    What a shame it was to tear dolly away from the play.

  5. 不就是昨晚喝多了嘛, 还真不让进门了?

    My wife does not let me in for yesterday over drinking.

  6. 辞事,让工钱,在祥子看就差不多等于自杀。

    In his eyes, giving up his job and forfeiting his wages amounted practically to suicide.

  7. 我怎样才能不让托尼在我身上花那么多钱呢?

    How can I stop Tony spending so much money on me

  8. 在选择假期的问题上不让他有很多发言权。

    He wasn't allowed much say in choosing his holiday.

  9. 我们时间不多。这也是我让你立即过来的原因。

    We don't have much time. that's why I asked you to come right away.

  10. 他话不多,很幽默,却又不形于色,让人很欣赏。

    He was a man of few words with a delightful dry sense of humour.

  11. 克里斯让我在这点上不要说太多,我就不多说。

    Chris asked me not to go on too long about this, and I won't.

  12. 维多利亚时代几乎不让女性表达自己的性兴趣。

    Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.

  13. 维多利亚时代几乎不让女性表达自己得性兴趣。

    Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.

  14. 我们应该更好得控球, 不让对手有如此多得机会。

    We should have kept the ball better and not let them have so many chances.

  15. 很多孩子不会用针,因为父母几乎不让他们做针线活。

    Many children can't use needles because parents seldom let them do needlework.

  16. 而且差不多都座无虚席, 茶客满棚, 生意好得不敢让人相信。

    And theyall almost totally packed. Business is unbelievably good.

  17. 尽管如此,能让您开口一笑的文学评论书籍实在不多。

    Still, not many books of literary criticism make you laugh.

  18. 目前的工作对我的专业知识要求不多,我希望能去一个让我更多使用专业知识的地方。

    My current job does not require much of my expertise, and I hope I can go to a place where I can put my expertise to full use.

  19. 我认为已经差不多是时候让他兑现那个承诺了。

    I would say it'salmost time to hold him to that promise.

  20. 咱俩寒暄得也差不多了能让我说说是件什么事吧?

    Now that we're done with our traditional greeting, can I tell you what I want?

  21. 在花大钞你会不会让多想一想该不该花这个钱?

    Would large bill be enough to make you rethink a purchase ?

  22. 他们能查获毒品交易的收入但是却留不住。这多让人灰心?

    They can seize drug proceeds but can't hold them. How frustrating is that?

  23. 钱数多不说,又全是现金,真让人难以置信。

    So vast a sum, all in actual cash, seemed next to incredible.

  24. 不, 让聪明人转变得多费些时间。

    No. It takes longer to get smart guys up to speed.

  25. 想不想让旅行多一些乐趣呢?

    Want to get some fun while travelling

  26. 不能让这么多人挤进教室。

    You can't crush so many people into the classroom.

  27. 太多的数据库并不能让你的元标签发挥功效。

    Too many data bases out there never implement a meta tag strategy.

  28. 多年来, 烟草公司反复争辩说, 烟草不会让人上瘾。

    For years tobacco companies have contended that tobacco is nonaddictive.

  29. 多年来,烟草公司反复争辩说,烟草不会让人上瘾。

    For years tobacco companies have contended that tobacco is nonaddictive.

  30. 但知识多并不会让你成为科学家。

    But knowing a lot of stuff doesn't make you a scientist.


  1. 问:不遑多让拼音怎么拼?不遑多让的读音是什么?不遑多让翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不遑多让的读音是bùhuángduōràng,不遑多让翻译成英文是 no worse than; as good as




“不遑多让”后世解释多表示: 不比……差。


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