







汉语拼音:zhì dào








  1. 造诣。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·尚博》:“若夫翰迹韵略之宏促,属辞比事之疏密,源流至到之修短,藴藉汲引之深浅,其悬絶也,虽天外毫内,不足以喻其辽邈;其相倾也,虽三光熠耀,不足以方其巨细。”

  2. 指程度达到极点。

    《新唐书·韦伦传》:“帝后欲復用 杞 ( 卢杞 )为刺史, 伦 苦諫,言恳至到,帝纳之。” 宋 邵博 《闻见后录》卷二八:“ 杨惠之 与 吴道子 同师 张僧繇 学画, 惠之 见 道子 笔法已至到,不服居其次,乃去学塑,亦为古今第一。” 明 李贽 《答周二鲁书》:“僕实知此二老者,今天下之第一流也,后世之第一流也,用世处世,经世出世,俱已至到。”

  3. 到。至、到义同。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·哀吊》:“君子令终定謚,事极理哀,故宾之慰主,以至到为言也。” 欧阳予倩 《忠王李秀成》第三幕:“至到如今,城里的米一天天少,饿死的一天天多,兵士们没有饭吃,有许多连刀枪都拿不起来了。”



  1. Sayako had already been seen as an icon of modernity for single Japanese women, as she waited until age 36 to settle down.


  2. Until this study, it was believed that cholesterol's main membrane protein influence was on membrane fluidity and curvature.


  3. Until then, the most recent traces of such a creature had been in rocks dating from the last days of the dinosaurs, 65m years ago.


  4. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, reduce the marinade to a syrupy consistency.


  5. First of all, I put the watch on training mode, and I also strapped on the Garmin Heart Rate Monitor.


  6. The regime's logistics are very stretched. Their ability to move ammunition to miles is becoming constraining.


  7. As of Wednesday it had attracted a top bid of 41 dollars.


  8. The story of Caroline Mathilde is by far the richest, but it means that her brothers are lost from sight for chapters on end.


  9. Move the card down the page until you reach the line marked *.


  1. 至到如今,还是没有突破。

    Till date, there is still no breakthrough.

  2. 至到现在,仍是一笔糊涂账。

    To the present, remains a Zhang.

  3. 玫瑰会每年送到你的门前,至到。

    The roses will come every year, and they will only stop.

  4. 至到我提到了这个真正原因之前,我不会结束谈话。

    I don't end the visit until I have addressed that reason.

  5. 至到它到达安定得长量才不一再随时间降矮而补充。

    Until it reaches a steady length is no longer increases over time.

  6. 至到它到达安定的长量才不一再随时间降矮而补充。

    Until it reaches a steady length is no longer increases over time.

  7. 最近多至5到6次。

    Up to five to six times lately.

  8. 石油成至现在的9复杂鱼炸至金黄到腰部出热火。

    oil into a hot fire till the 7 complex nowadays deep fry golden fish out into the loin.

  9. 及至亚伯兰到了埃及,埃及人看见那妇人极其美貌。

    When Abram came to Egypt, the Egyptians saw that she was a very beautiful woman.

  10. 及至亚伯兰到了埃及,埃及人看见那妇人极其美丽。

    And it came about when Abram came to Egypt, the Egyptians saw that the woman was very beautiful.

  11. 这暗示着道指将跌至7000点到8000点。

    That implies a Dow falling to 7000 or 8000.

  12. 我可决不至於下贱到骗人的地步

    I would never stoop to cheating.

  13. 星期一至星期五可到我校免费参观。

    Mondays to Fridays to be free to visit our school.

  14. 去到远至渥太华

    Go as far as Ottawa

  15. 每个人都工作,上至总统下到扫地的男孩。

    Everyone works, from the President down to the boy who sweeps the floor.

  16. 我们一起喝谈到38 到深夜至。

    We drank together and talked 38 till far into the night.

  17. 候选形状的清单 也飙升到10至500个。

    The list of candidate shapes has soared to about 10 to the 498.

  18. 成龙大哥的电影都棒到极至了。

    Brother jackie's films are fantasies.

  19. 他伤心地认识到他至死将无儿无女。

    He sadly recognized he would die childless.

  20. 这封书信讲到了至尊得, 最大得原则。

    The epistle deals therefore with the sovereign and universal principles.

  21. 茶树一般修剪到70至80厘米这样便于采摘得高度。

    The bush is generally kept trimmed to a convenient picking height of 70 to 78 centimetres.

  22. 茶树一般修剪到70至80厘米这样便于采摘的高度。

    The bush is generally kept trimmed to a convenient picking height of 70 to 80 centimetres.

  23. 一些马蹄铁形蝙蝠能探测到细微至0。0001千赫的差别。

    Some Horseshoe bats can detect differences as slight as 0. 0001 KHz.

  24. 焊接的独特性质与机器人的自动化, 智能化发挥到极至。

    The unique nature of welding automation and robotics, intelligent play to the extreme.

  25. 用户设定温度,机器就保持器件上电到升温至这个温度。

    The user sets a temperature the machine then keeps the element on until this temperature has been achieved.

  26. 现在的你已敏锐的认识到一至两个月后, 兴趣会减退。

    However keen youre feeling right now, recognize that your interest might wane after a month or two.

  27. 在生长到约六至八周时幼鞍纹海豹开始脱掉它们的白毛。

    Baby Harp Seals begin to lose their white fur at around six to eight weeks of age.

  28. 大至盔甲,小到番茄,无所不切。

    A sword that can cut through armor, and still slice a tomato.

  29. 预期候选者将在2001年10月至12月间到任。

    Candidates are expected to come on board between October and December2001.

  30. 生产部负责过敏源去除,降低,消除至不存在或到可接受水平。

    Production Dept. should try their best to reduce the allergen to the acceptable level or to eradicate it.




晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·尚博》:“若夫翰迹韵略之宏促,属辞比事之疏密,源流至到之修短,蕴藉汲引之深浅,其悬绝也,虽天外毫内,不足以喻其辽邈;其相倾也,虽三光熠耀,不足以方其巨细。”

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